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greater value to the practitioner for use not only in the Court of Chancery but also in cases falling under the equitable jurisdiction of the County Courts. Thirdly, we have referred to the salient Rules of Evidence adopted in the Anglo-Indian Courts, adding the chief part of the Indian Evidence Act in the Appendix. This we have done for the following reasons: that it may be found useful in England to those studying for the Indian Bar or the Indian Civil Service; and in India, to the practitioner, as supplementary to works treating exclusively of Indian Evidence. It also appears to us that the time cannot be far distant when the existing English Law of Evidence will be consolidated into a statute, and that it may be then found desirable to alter certain rules and perhaps to adopt the substance of some of the clauses of this Act of the Indian Legislature.

In conclusion, we desire to acknowledge the assistance which we have derived from the text books on various branches of the law; to particularize them would be invidious, to enumerate them all would be for obvious reasons unnecessary.




February, 1868.

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