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formed." The whole of Captain Hutton's figures are most crude and imperfect. I believe that he has missed the turning-in of the first pair of limbs, of the claws of which the jaws are the homologues, and that in (l. c. pl. xvii.) fig. 13 the pair of appendages marked a correspond with those marked f in fig. 15 (i. e. with the jaws), and not with those marked a in that figure (which become the oral papilla).

I have no doubt at all that he has been here misled by imperfect observation, as in the case of the generative organs. Ì examined the embryos of P. nova-zealandiæ, and observed some nearly 7 millims. in length, in which the first pair of appendages was not yet turned inwards. Hence I saw the same condition to exist as that which occurs in the Cape species.

In some minor points I think Captain Hutton must be further misled. He fails to see the dorsal heart in Peripatus, and describes as the blood-vascular system the two wellknown linear lateral bodies which are of doubtful function and homology, and which have before been supposed to be possibly connected with the vascular system (Claus, 'Zoologie," p. 387), but which I considered to be mere fat-bodies.

He further describes salivary glands. I have not seen such structures in Peripatus capensis, and do not see how I could have missed them in the other species, since I dissected P. nova-zealandic with considerable care. In regard to Captain Hutton's general remarks, it may be noted that he does not seem to see the importance of the determination of foot-jaws as existing in Peripatus, though it is the presence of these structures which forms the real distinction between Arthropods and Annelids. The real points of interest which Captain Hutton has determined appear to me

to be :

1st. The observation of the offensive use of the viscid fluid of Peripatus for catching prey and obtaining food. Were the ducts otherwise placed as to their opening, we might here almost find a step towards the development of the spider's web; for the ejected slime forms a web (Phil. Trans. 1. c. p. 760); and I believe Peripatus to be ancestral to spiders together with other tracheates.

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2nd. The probable shedding of the skin by Peripatus. What points most certainly to this is the presence of the reserve horny jaws and claws within the active ones. I observed, however, in the case of both jaws and claws in both P. capensis and P. nova-zealandia, three sets one within the other; and Captain Hutton's figure (l. c. fig. 2) seems to indicate such a condition, although he mentions only two.

3rd. That the animal breeds all the year round. I was astonished to find it breeding in mid-winter (July).

4th. The observation of the mode of birth.

Captain Hutton's reference to the geographical distribution of Peripatus is extremely apposite. He might have added Australia to the list of regions in which Peripatus occurs. Its occurrence in Australia, the West Indies, Chili, New Zealand, and the Cape is additional evidence to its structure of its great antiquity. I am not without hope that its horny jaws may some day turn up in the fossil condition in strata older than the Carboniferous; for of such age must Peripatus be if it be a representative of the Protracheata.

The fact that two pairs of jaws are formed from the modification of one ambulatory member, being simply the slightly specialized pairs of foot-claws, would seem to point to the possibility that in Myriopoda and other tracheates the two pairs of maxillæ may possibly be derivable from one segment only.

My friend Prof. E. Ray Lankester has drawn my attention to a late paper by Mr. J. F. Bullar *, of Trinity College, Cambridge, in which the conclusion is arrived at that five species of parasitic Isopoda are hermaphrodite and probably selfimpregnating. And Mr. Lankester suggested to me that possibly an error in observation has here occurred similar to that fallen into by Captain Hutton in the case of Peripatus, viz. that spermatophores or portions of them have been mistaken for testes. A result so remarkable and apparently improbable as the determination of the existence of hermaphroditism amongst the Arthropoda should certainly not be admitted without the very strongest evidence. No description whatever of the finer structure of the supposed testes in the Isopoda examined by Mr. Bullar is given in the paper in question; and the figures do not give evidence of any testicular tissue. Apparently only spermatozoa have been observed in the supposed testes and what seem to be spermatophores (pl. iv. fig. 6). Of testis-cells and vesicles of evolution no mention at all is made; yet if such had been observed it is very unfortunate that in a case of such importance they should not have been described, since it is they and not spermatozoa which constitute a testis. For evidence that large masses of spermatozoa may occur in a female Arthropod in the closest relation with the ovary, I would refer to my figure of the ovary of Peripatus capensis (Phil. Trans. l. c. pl. lxxiv. fig. 1). It is possible that an external opening to the oviduct may exist in earlier stages

"The Generative Organs of Parasitic Isopoda," Journal of Anat. and Physiol. vol. xi. part 1, Oct. 1876, p. 118.

than that described by Mr. Bullar as the third, but be difficult of detection. It is difficult to see why what appear to be spermatophores, or portions of such, should be formed in a selfimpregnating animal; and the immobility of the spermatozoa observed is a fact quite as much in favour of these having been introduced for some time and tired out, as freshly developed and functionally active. Surely it is quite possible that in such a case as that of Cymothoa astroides, which Mr. Bullar cites as unable to swim, active males may exist, which have not yet been detected. The rudiments of both external and internal male organs may well exist in a female Isopod; and it is significant that the double penis is present only in the earlier stage in development of the Isopod in question. It is quite possible that Mr. Bullar has observed testis-cells and the actual development of spermatozoa in his Isopods, but has not described their occurrence. If so, it is to be hoped that he will not omit to do so in some further account of his most interesting researches, and thus set all doubt as to his conclusions at rest.

With regard to my own observations on P. nova-zealandia, I may mention some further facts. P. nova-zealandiæ differs from P. capensis in that it has 15 pairs of ambulatory members and no anal papillæ. There is further in the New-Zealand species a distinctly prolonged but short conical tail, with a slight knob-like enlargement at its extremity, which does not exist in P. capensis; further, the anus being terminal, the vulva is separated from it, and situate at a considerable interval further forward and between the last pair of members. The two orifices are close together in the Cape species. In P. nova-zealandia, and probably also in P. capensis, there is present, in addition to the jaws, a single mesially placed row of very small simply conical chitinous teeth on the roof of the mouth, running from before backwards. The antennæ are in P. nova-zealandia provided at the tips with tactile hairs. The place of commencement of the rectum appears betterdefined in P. nova-zealandia than in P. capensis; and the viscus is longitudinally plicated.

The ovarian ova of P. nova-zealandia, apparently ripe, were ovoid in form, 1 millim. in length, filled with oily particles, and with a germinal vesicle and spot. When pressure was made on the covering-glass the egg-membrane was seen to be tough and elastic, and only gave way after the egg had been distorted into various forms. When the contents finally escaped by rupture, the germinal vesicle made its way out, becoming clongated and altering its form in order to pass the aperture in the membrane; but it resumed its shape again when

free, giving evidence of its toughness and definite walling. It contained a single germinal spot.

The New-Zealand Peripatus is much smaller than the Cape species; and yet the embryos are much larger. In all the specimens examined by me the embryos were far fewer in number than ordinarily in P. capensis; yet Captain Hutton in one instance found 26 embryos in one female. The embryos, as observed by Captain Hutton, occur in successive stages of development in the oviduct, and are not all nearly equally mature as in P. capensis. The embryos have the contents of the developing intestine coloured red in P. capensis; in P. nova-zealandia the contents are white. The embryos appear in the New-Zealand species not to go through the preliminary worm-like stage, with the body spirally coiled (Phil. Trans. lxxv. fig. 1), which is present in P. capensis; they seem to have lost this earlier stage, and to skip at once to the further stage of P. capensis (Phil. Trans. l. c. pl. lxxv. fig. 4), the first indication of form being the appearance of a hilum near one pole of the ovoid egg, which hilum marks the spot where the tail and head meet in the doubled-up condition of the embryo.

VII.-On Rhopalocera from Japan and Shanghai, with Descriptions of new Species. By ARTHUR G. BUTLER, F.L.S. &c.

MR. MONTAGUE FENTON (of Tosengi, Takanawa, Tokei, Japan) has recently forwarded to the British Museum a small box of Diurnal Lepidoptera, comprising the following species.

Canonympha annulifer, n. sp.

Nearly allied to C. geticus, but larger, longer in the wing, much darker; on the underside with the plumbagineous streak, which bounds the ocelli of secondaries internally, straight on its inner edge instead of undulated. Expanse of wings 1 inch 7 lines, 1 inch 10 lines.

About 370 miles from Tokei (Yedo).

This species is probably the same as that noted by the Rev. R. P. Murray as Canonympha œdipus, Fabricius.

Neope Fentoni, n. sp.

Lasiommata epimenides Ménétriés, Reisen und Forschungen im AmurLande, ii. 1, Lepid. tab. iii. fig. 9 (1859).

In the heart of the mountains, about 370 miles from Tokei.

There can be no question that, whereas the male described and figured by Ménétriés is a Pararge allied to P. deidamia and P. dejanira, the female is a Neope not very widely separated from N. Gaschkevitschii; it is far more nearly allied to the succeeding species than to the male associated with it.

Neope callipteris, n. sp.

3. Bronzy olive-brown; external area smoky brown; outer border paler, lunated: primaries with a discal series of ochraceous spots, forking above the third median branch; the veins upon the central region densely clothed with dark brown scales, especially the submedian vein and the three median branches; two dusky streaks across the apical half of the cell: secondaries with six ochraceous spots, the first, second, fourth, and fifth oval and enclosing large, ovate, black spots, the last small, transverse, enclosing two small black spots: body bronzy brown; thorax reddish in front, greenish in the centre. Wings below altogether paler, sandy yellowish; external area dusky: primaries with two brown bars across the apical half of the cell, a lunated angulated transverse discal band of the same. colour; three pale subapical spots, the uppermost trifid, the second ocelliform; a lunulated submarginal stripe: secondaries with the basal area slightly dusky, three pale-edged dusky lines from the costal nervure across the cell; a lunated and angulated, diffused, brown, discal line bounding the ocelli internally; six ocelli, the first and fifth large, the third extremely minute, the sixth small and geminate; all black, with white pupils and yellow irides; area immediately beyond the ocelli beautifully pinky opaline; a brown-edged series of compressed angulated spots of the same colour close to the margin; edge of margin black; fringe white-varied: body below sordid whitish; legs ochreous. Expanse of wings 2 inches 7 lines.

From the same locality as the preceding species, to which it is allied.

Neptis ludmilla, Herrich-Schäffer.

This species, which was taken at the same locality with the preceding species, is new to Japan.

Vanessa hamigera, n. sp.

Allied to V. agni and V. comma.

Wings above bright orange tawny; basal area bronzy brown; outer border golden brown, flecked with black; fringe varied with white; a submarginal series of semiconnected reddish chocolate-coloured spots, immediately inside which the

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