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gation is unsatisfactory, he jumps far too rapidly to his conclusions. It is quite possible that certain fungi may occur constantly in substances of a certain chemical or molecular constitution, but this may be merely a case of effect instead of cause. Besides, as I conceive, the only safe way of ascertaining what really originates from such bodies as those which he terms micrococci, or the larger ones commonly called yeast-globules, is to isolate one or two in a closed cell so constructed that a pellicle of air, if I may so term it, surrounds the globule of fluid containing the bodies in question, into which they may send out their proper fruit-a method which was successful in the case of yeast, which consists of more than one fungus, and of the little Sclerotium, like grains of gunpowder, which is so common on onions. Any one who follows the growth of moulds on moist substances, and at differents depths, as paste of wheat or rice-flour, will see that numberless different modifications are assumed in different parts of the matrix, without, however, a perfect identification with fungi of other genera. Some of these will be seen in the figures I have given in the Intellectual Observer,' and the 'Journal of the Linnean Society,' of different forms assumed by the moulds to which that formidable disease, the fungus foot of India, owes its origin. This is quite a different order of facts, from the several conditions assumed by the conidiiferous state of some of the vesiculiferous moulds-as for example Botrytis Jones, which has been ascertained to be a conidiiferous state of Mucor mucedo, while two forms of fruit occur of the same mould in what is called Ascophora elegans; or the still more marvellous modification which some of the Mucors undergo when grown under water, as evinced by some of the Saprolegniæ, the connexion of which was indicated by Carus some fifty years ago, but which has never been fully investigated. When Hallier intimates that he has raised from cholera evacuations such a parasite as Urocystis occulta, he should have been content with stating that a form of fructification occurred resembling, but not idenical with, that fungus. Indeed, a comparison with authentic specimens of that species, published by Rabenhorst, under the generic name of Ustilago, shows that it is something very different, and yet the notion of cholera being derived from some parasite on the rice-plant rests very much on the occurrence of this form. But even supposing that some Urocystis (or Polycystis as the genus is more commonly named) was produced from cholera evacuations, there is not a particle of evidence to connect this with the rice-plant. In the enormous collections transmitted by Dr. Curtis from the southern United States, amounting to 7000 specimens, there is not a single specimen of rice with any endophytic fungus, and it is the same with collections from the East. Mr. Thwaites has made very diligent search, and employed others in collecting any fungi which may occur on rice, and has found nothing more than a small superficial fungus nearly allied to Cladosporium herbarum, sullying the glumes exactly as that cosmopolitan mould stains our cereals in damp weather. Rice is occa

sionally ergoted, but I can find no other trace of fungi on the grains. Again, when he talks of Tilletia, or the Wheat Bunt, being derived from the East-supposing wheat to be a plant of Eastern origin, there is no evidence to bear out the assertion, as it occurs on various European grasses; and there is a distinct species which preys on wheat in North Carolina, which is totally unknown in the Old World.

I might enter further into the matter, were it advisable to do so at the present moment. All I wish, however, is to give a caution against admitting his facts too implicitly, especially as somewhat similiar views respecting disease have lately reached us from America, and have become familiar from gaining admittance into a journal of such wide circulation as 'All the Year Round,' where Hallier's views are noticed as if his deductions were perfectly logical.

The functions of spiral vessels, or of vascular tissue in general, have long been a subject of much controversy, and few matters are of more consequence as regards the real history of the distribution of sap in plants. A very able paper on the subject, to which allusion was made by Dr. Hooker in his address, has been published by Mr. Herbert Spencer (than who few enter more profoundly into questions of physiology) in the Transactions of the Linnean Society. By a line of close argument and observation he shows, from experiments with coloured fluids capable of entering the tissues without impairing vitality, and that not only in

cuttings of plants, but in individuals in which the roots were uninjured, that the sap not only ascends by the vascular tissue, but that the same tissue acts in its turn as an absorbent, returning and distributing the sap which has been modified in the leaves. That this tissue acts some important part is clear from the constancy with which it is produced at a very early stage in adventitious buds, establishing a connexion between the tissues of the old and new parts. This appears also from the manner in which in true parasites a connexion is established between the vascular tissue of the matrix and its parasite, as shown by our President in his masterly treatise on Balanophoræ, and more recently by Solms-Laubach in an elaborate memoir in Pringsheim's Journal. It is curious that in organs so closely analogous to the trachea of insects a similar connexion should long since have been pointed out by Mr. Newport, in the case of certain insect parasites.

A circumstance, again, which constantly occurs in the diseases of plants confirms the views of Mr. Herbert Spencer. In diseased turnips, grapes, potatoes, &c., it is especially the vascular tissue which is first gorged with the ulmates which are so characteristic of disease.

Monsieur Casimir De Candolle, in a clever memoir on the morphology of leaves, has come to the conclusion, after studying the arrangement of their vascular tissue, that they are branches in which the side towards the axis, which he calls the posterior, is atrophied. This subject has been followed out in those organs which are considered as modifications of leaves, as, for example, stamens, in which he finds sometimes the posterior side, sometimes the anterior, atrophied. If his theory is true, this would result from the way in which they originated, and the reference they bore to contiguous organs. The subject is well worth attention, and may eventually throw considerable light on those anomalous cases in teratology which will not accommodate themselves to the usual theory of metamorphosis. Some of these cases are so puzzling and complicated, that a very clever botanist once told me, "Monstrous flowers teach us nothing,"-not meaning to abjure all assistance from them, but simply to indicate that they may be deceptive. Such flowers as double primroses, and the strange developments on the corollas of some Gloxinias, may possibly receive their explanation from a careful study of the course of the vascular tissue. As the colour on the anterior and posterior order in the latter case is reversed, the doctrine of dedoublement does not at all help us.

Hofmeister, in his 'Handbuch der Physiologischen Botanik,' has an important chapter on free-cell formation, which at the present moment is of great interest as connected with Mr. Darwin's doctrine of Pangenesis. Mr. Rainey has showed that the formation of false cells takes place in the solutions of gum and other substances; and if this is the case where no vital agency is concerned, we may well be prepared for the formation of living cells in organizable lymph, or in other properly constituted matter. The curious cell-formation of Gum Tragacanth may be an intermediate case. Be this, however, as it may, we have examples of freecell formation in the formation of nuclei, in the embryos of plants, and above all in the asci of ascomycetous fungi. In plants whose cells contain nuclei, new cells are never formed without the formation of new nuclei, the number of which exactly corresponds with that of the new cells.

It would be unpardonable to finish these somewhat desultory remarks without adverting to one of the most interesting subjects of the day, the Darwinian doctrine of Pangenesis. After the lucid manner, however, in which this doctrine was explained by Dr. Hooker in his opening address, I should be inclined to omit it altogether had I not looked at it from a somewhat different point of view, so that I should not be trespassing upon your time in going over the same ground. Others, indeed, as Owen and Herbert Spencer, have broached something of the kind, but not to such an extent; for the Darwinian theory includes atavism, reversion, and inheritance, and embraces mental peculiarities as well as physical. The whole matter is at once so complicated, and the theory so startling that the mind at first naturally shrinks from the reception of so bold a statement. Like everything, however, which comes from the pen of a writer whom I have no hesitation, so far as my own judgment goes, in considering as by far the greatest observer of our age, whatever may be thought of his theories when carried out to their extreme results, the subject demands a careful and impartial consideration. Like the doctrine of

natural selection, it is sure to modify, more or less, our modes of thought. Even supposing the theory unsound, it is to be observed, as Whewell remarks, as quoted by our author, "Hypotheses may often be of service to science when they involve a certain portion of incompleteness, and even error." Mr. Darwin says himself that he has not made Histology an especial branch of study, and I have therefore less hesitation, though "impar congressus Achilli," in expressing an individual opinion that he has laid too much stress on free-cell formation, which is rather the exception than the rule. Assuming the general truth of the theory, that molecules endowed with certain attributes are cast off by the component cells of such infinitesimal minuteness as to be capable of circulating with the fluids, and in the end to be present in the unimpregnated embryo-cell and spermatozoid, capable either of lying dormant or inactive for a time, or, when present in sufficient potency, of producing certain definite effects, it seems to me far more probable that they should be capable under favourable circumstances of exercising an influence analogous to that which is exercised by the contents of the pollen-tube or spermatozoid on the embryo sac or ovum, than that these particles should be themselves developed into cells; and under some such modification I conceive that the theory is far more likely to meet with anything like a general acceptation. Be this, however, as it may, its comprehensiveness will still remain the same. We must still take it as a compendium of an enormous mass of facts, comprised in the most marvellous manner within an extremely narrow compass.

I shall venture to offer a very few words in conclusion, which perhaps may be thought to have too theological an aspect for the present occasion.

It is obvious how open such a theory is to the charge of materialism. It is an undoubted fact, however, that mental peculiarities and endowments, together with mere habits, are handed down and subject to the same laws of reversion, atavism, and inheritance as mere structural accidents, and there must be some reason for one class of facts as well as the other; and whatever the explanation may be, the hand of God is equally visible and equally essential in all. We cannot now refer every indication of thought and reasoning beyond the pale of humanity to blind instinct, as was once the fashion, from a fear of the inferences which might be made. Should any one, however, be still afraid of any theory like that before us, I would suggest that man is represented in Scripture as differing from the other members of the animal world, by possessing a spirit as well as a reasoning mind. The distinction between ʊxǹ and vêvua, which is recognized by the Germans in their familar words seele and gist, but which we have no words in our language* to express properly, or in other terms between mere mental powers which the rest of the creation possess in greater or less degree in common with ourselves, and an immortal spirit, if rightly weighed, will perhaps lead some to look upon the matter with less fear and prejudice. Nothing can be more unfair, and I may add unwise, than to stamp at once this and cognate speculations with the charge of irreligion. Of this, however, I feel assured that the members of this Association will conclude with me in bidding this great and conscientious author God-speed, and join in expressing a hope that his health may be preserved to enrich science with the results of his great powers of mind and unwearied observation.


On the Structure of Coppinia areta.

By Professor George J. ALLMAN, M.D., F.R.S.

There is a peculiar production which grows in the form of small sponge-like masses on the stems of the larger hydroids, and is especially abundant on Plumularia falcata and Sertularia abietina from deep water.

For the first published description of it we are indebted to Sir J. G. Dalyell,

* A proof of this poverty of language is visible in the words used in our translation for ψυχικὸν and πνευματικὸν-natural and spiritual, their proper meaning in conjunction with oua, being a body with a soul, and a body with a spirit.

who, recognizing its hydroid relations, placed it in the genus Sertularia under the name of S. arcta.

It was afterwards described by Dr. Hassall, who insisted, with reason, on its claims to constitute the type of a new genus, to which he gave the name of Coppinia.

The Coppinia arcta is now familiar to every student of the Hydroida, but some of the most interesting points in its structure have been entirely overlooked, and we do not possess even a correct diagnosis of its genus.

The two principal portions which, even on a superficial inspection, are seen to enter into the composition of the hydroid have been recognized by Dalyell and others. These consist (1) of a continuous basal incrusting portion, and (2) of more or less curved cylindrical tubes, which project from the free surface of the incrusting portion. It has further been shown that these tubes contain each a hydranth provided, in some cases at least, with a verticil of tentacles surrounding the base of a short hypostome, and in such cases capable of protrusion from the tube and of retraction within it. The tubes are thus true hydrothecæ. The hydranths are conspicuous by their fine lemon-yellow colour.

The incrusting base, however, has been entirely misunderstood, and yet its structure is full of interest. The hydrothecal tubes can be traced through it to its attached surface, while vertical and transverse sections show that the rest of the crust is composed of vertical chitinous tubes rendered polygonal by mutual pressure. They adhere to one another by their sides, and each opens on the free surface of the crust by a small circular orifice, which had been already pointed out by Dalyell.

These tubes are true gonangia. Within each is a solitary gonosac which buds apparently from a blastostyle, which, however, has been more or less suppressed by the growing gonosac. A sufficiently obvious spadix may be recognized in the gonosac, and between it and the walls of the female gonosac lies a single large lemon-yellow ovum. In this ovum, during its earlier stages, may be seen a distinct germinal vesicle, in which the place of the germinal spot is occupied by numerous clear spherical bodies, which disappear in a few seconds after the ovum is liberated from the gonosac and exposed to the influence of the surrounding water.

Segmentation commences while the ovum is still within the gonosac, and the ovum becomes thereby converted into a granular plastic mass, which is now forced out through the orifice in the summit of the gonangium. It carries out with it, however, a hernial extension of the attenuated walls of the gonosac, which form for it an acrocyst, in which it remains still for some time confined. It ultimately, by the rupture of the acrocyst, escapes as a planula into the surrounding water. The planula and its development into a hydranth included in a chitinous tube have been observed by Dalyell.

Both hydrothecæ and gonangia spring from an adherent tubular and anastomosing fibre, without the intervention of a distinct hydrocaulus.

A knowledge of the structure of Coppinia arcta will enable us to give a more correct generic diagnosis than was possible as long as we were ignorant of the true nature of this curious hydroid. The following may be taken as expressing the essential characters of the genus :

Trophosome. Hydrocaulus absent; hydrothecæ tubiform, sessile upon an adherent retiform hydrorhiza, and having their proximal extremities plunged into the mass of the incrusting gonosome; hydrantlis with a single verticil of filiform tentacles.

Gonosome.-Gonophores adelocodonic; gonangia tubiform, forming by the approximation of their sides a continuous incrusting mass surrounding the bases of the hydrothecæ, which emerge from it at intervals.

On the Occurrence of Erysimum orientale under peculiar circumstances at Edinburgh. By Professor T. C. ARCHER.

This plant was found during the present year in a garden situated in the Old Town of Edinburgh. The circumstances attending its appearance were remarkable.

A few wheelbarrows full of soil were gathered from the garden generally in order to make a hot-bed, and covered with a glass frame. The heat was communicated by a flue, and shortly after the bed was formed, and before any seeds were sown in it, plants of the Erysimum orientale began to spring up in considerable numbers, apparently developed by the heat of the flue. None appeared elsewhere in the garden, although the summer was unusually warm. From whatever sources the seed came, it would seem that in this locality more heat than the summer afforded was necessary to their germination in Scotland, where this is the first recorded instance of its appearance. A specimen in flower and seed was forwarded to Professor Balfour for exhibition.

Notice of the Occurrence of Hieracium collinum (Fries) in Selkirkshire, with Remarks on some recent Additions to the Scottish Flora. By Professor BALFOUR, M.D., F.R.S.

The author gave an account of some recent additions to the Scottish flora. He stated that Hieracium collinum (Fries) had been gathered in June last on the banks of the Ettrick, between Selkirk and Philiphaugh. This plant belongs to a section of the genus Hieracium, not previously represented in Britain. The plant was evidently in a wild station. The author gave a description of the species, and exhibited specimens. He also noticed the occurrence of Medicago denticulata at Dumfries and Melrose. This plant had not been recorded previously as a Scotch plant. Among other new Scotch plants exhibited were Polycarpon tetraphyllum, from the neighbourhood of Melrose, and a peculiar form of Luzula from the vicinity of Peebles. He stated that Xanthium spinosum was becoming naturalized in many places.

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Remarks on the Properties of Atropa rhomboidea (Hooker), in Connexion with its Botanical Character. By Professor BALFOUR, M.D., F.R.S. The author exhibited fresh specimens of a plant which had been cultivated for many years in the Royal Botanic Garden, Edinburgh, under the name of Atropa rhomboidea (Hook.). It was discovered by Gillies at Buenos Ayres, and is figured in Hooker's Botanical Miscellany,' vol. i. The plant is herbaceous, leaves pubescent, rhomboidally oval, blunt; peduncles 1-flowered, cernuous; æstivation of the corolla induplicate; anthers subexserted; embryo spirally curved. The stamens are higher up in the tube of the corolla than in Atropa Belladonna, and the inside of the tube of the corolla and the middle of the style have a belt of woolly hair. The flowers are small, of a greenish-yellow hue. The plant does not appear to be truly Atropaceous. It wants the inbricate æstivation of that order. Moreover, it was found that the juice of the plant had no power of causing dilatation of the pupil, which may be said to be characteristic of Atropas. In these circumstances the author was disposed to think that further examination of the plant was neces


On the Geographical Distribution of the British Genera of the Sessile-eyed Crustacea. By C. SPENCE BATE and Professor WESTWOOD.

On the Crested or Top-Knotted Turkey. By A. D. BARTLETT.

Specimens of the true Allium carinatum, L., were laid on the table by the Rev. M. J. Berkeley, which were gathered by the late Rev. W. S. Hampson, amongst rushes and coarse grass, in a lane in the neighbourhood of Stubton, in the county of Lincoln, where it was found in great abundance. The plant, which is figured under that name in English Botany,' is a mere variety of Allium oleraceum.

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Specimens of Fungi, prepared by Mr. English, of Epping, were exhibited by the Rev. M. J. BERKELEY, which were greatly admired from the perfect manner

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