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fied with the enjoyment of the advantages and successes obtained by such self-sacrificing devotion, but to take care that, by maintaining these noble services in sufficient numbers, the tasks which for our benefit may be from time to time imposed upon them, should not carry with them the almost certain immolation of those who are expected to perform them.


I propose to you “the Health of Her Majesty's "Ministers and the Earl of Derby."

They are called upon to administer and advise the Sovereign upon the multifarious and complicated affairs of this vast empire. In these days, moreover, when the progress of education and civilization renders the influence of public opinion upon the conduct of the Government more and more powerful, the latter has this difficult problem to solve: it has to maintain a judicious and beneficial harmony between its own conscientious convictions, and the impulsive and varying character of that public opinion.

If I might in this room be allowed to make use of a nautical metaphor, I should compare the governing body with a vessel, of which

public opinion is the rudder. Should their nautical action not be most nicely adjusted, one of two results must follow-either the vessel would refuse to answer her helm, and to take the desired course; or she would answer it too quickly, which I believe you call wild steering, the effects of which may be seen in the zigzag line of the wake.

Nothing, however, can tend more to facilitate the difficult task of the Government, than that their motives and intentions should be understood and appreciated by their fellow-countrymen; and it is on occasions like the present that these can testify those feelings. With this view I now ask you to drink to the "Health of Her Majesty's Ministers."


N.B.-Nos. 4 and 5 were answers to "My "Health," and "Prosperity to the Trinity "House." I read extracts of Reports on all business connected with the Corporation.





[AUGUST 5TH, 1858.]

A Reine désire que j'exprime à Votre Majesté combien elle est sensible à la nouvelle preuve d'amitié que vous venez de lui donner, en lui portant un toast, et en prononçant des paroles qui lui resteront chères à jamais.

Votre Majesté connait les sentiments d'amitié qu'elle vous porte, à vous, Sire, et à l'Impératrice, et je n'ai pas besoin de vous les rappeler. Vous savez également que la bonne entente entre nos deux pays est l'objet constant de ses désirs, comme il l'est des vôtres. La Reine est donc doublement heureuse d'avoir l'occasion, par sa présence ici en ce moment, de s'allier à vous, Sire, en tâchant de reserrer, autant que possible, les liens d'amitié entre les deux peuples. Cette amitié est la base de leur prospérité mutuelle, et la bénédiction du Ciel ne lui manquera pas!

La Reine porte la santé de l'Empereur et de l'Impératrice!





[FEBRUARY 21ST, 1859.]


act which has just been performed, simple as it is, has the highest significance for the soldier! You have received in these colours the emblems of your country and your Sovereign, and of your regiment as a part of the British Army. It is your country's, your Sovereign's, and that army's honour which is bound up in them, and which you will henceforth have to guard and to defend; not by your valour alone in action, and your endurance under the hardships of campaigns, but also during the monotonous duties of peace and under the temptations of inaction-placed in different societies, under different climes, and in different parts of the world.

The British soldier has to follow these colours to every part of the globe, and everywhere he is the representative of his country's power, freedom, loyalty, and civilization. The 13th has a fair name in the world, won chiefly in distant landsthe West Indies, America, Africa, and Asia; and its defence of Jellalabad has proved that it is capable of evincing the highest qualities of the soldier. You may point with just pride to the fact that those qualities, displayed so conspicuously under Sir Robert Sale, were but now exhibited to the admiration of mankind by Sir Henry Havelock, an officer trained in its ranks!

You are a new, a young battalion, sprung with surprising rapidity together with others from a patriotic people, for the rescue of the country's mightiest interests threatened in the East. During the short time you have been together you have worked hard to assume the honourable position intrusted to you, and I and I may now congratulate you on your success. That the military authorities should think you fit and worthy to take your place in the Army of the Cape, shows that your exertions are appreciated and that entire confidence is reposed in you.

I feel proud that you should bear my name to that promising country.

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