OF THE COLONY OF THE CAPE OF GOOD HOPE. STATUTES OF THE CAPE OF GOOD HОРЕ, 1652-1895. 0 EDITED BY HERCULES TENNANT, Of the Inner Temple, Barrister-at-Law, and Registrar of the Supreme Court; and EDGAR MICHAEL JACKSON, Chief Clerk and Chief Accountant, Colonial Secretary's Office. VOL. I.-1652-1871. J. C. JUTA & Co., CAPE TOWN, PORT ELIZABETH, AND JOHANNESBURG. 1895. PRINTED BY W. A. RICHARDS AND SONS, CAPE TOWN. PREFACE. As a republication of the Statute Law of the Colony has become necessary on account of the Edition issued in 1887 having been exhausted, it was deemed desirable to consider the form in which the new Edition should appear. Representations having been made to us by many members of the Legal Profession that a chronological arrangement would be of more practical convenience than the existing alphabetical one, which requires constant revision, we decided to adopt the former method of publication. Inasmuch as Section 86 of the Constitution Ordinance provides that all Acts of Parliament shall be " enrolled of record in the Office of the Registrar of the Supreme Court," we applied for and obtained permission from that Court to publish a Chronological Edition of Cape Statutes and the Yearly Edition of each Session's Acts, which will be accepted as authoritative by the Court. It was originally intended that this Edition should comprise the whole of the Statute Law up to and including the Acts for 1894, but in consequence of circumstances over which we had no control the publication was delayed for some months beyond the time first fixed. We have now, therefore, been able to add the Acts for 1895 and to make the necessary alterations in the body of the work except as to Statutes which had been printed before the Session of 1895 was concluded, the amendments to these being given on the next page. This Edition consists of three Volumes, the first two containing the text of the Acts, and the last a full Chronological Table with a complete Index. We intend in future, simultaneously with the publication of the Sessional Acts, to produce a revised Edition of this Table and Index brought up to date. August, 1895. H.T. B |