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Philadelphia Quarterly Meeting informs that James Ecroyd has been appointed Correspondent of Muncy Monthly Meeting, in place of Morris E. Masters, who has been appointed clerk. Address, Muncy, Lycoming Co., Pa.

Western Quarterly Meeting informs, that the hour for the gathering of that meeting has been changed from 11 o'clock to 10; to take effect in the Fifth Month next, if approved by the Yearly Meeting.

Burlington Quarterly Meeting informs, that Richard B. Bartlett has been appointed Correspondent of Little Egg Harbor Monthly Meeting, in place of Jonathan Cox, deceased. Address, Tuckerton, Burlington Co., N. J.

Haddonfield Quarterly Meeting informs, that Mark II. Buzby has been appointed Correspondent of Evesham Monthly Meeting, in place of Stacy Stiles, released at his own request. Address, Masonville, Burlington Co., N. J.



To the Meeting for Sufferings:

During the year ending Third Month 31st, 1890, it appears that 3945 volumes and 3642 pamphlets have been taken from the Book Store. Of these 703 volumes and 533 pamphlets were sold, and 3242 volumes and 3109 pamphlets were given away. There being an increase in the number of volumes disposed of over last year of 1462. The cost of the publications distributed gratuitously is estimated at $1501.38.

There have been printed during the year 500 copies of the Account of Margaret Lucas; 500 Memoir of Rebecca Hubbs; 500 Phipps on Baptism and Communion; 250 Brief Sketch of William Penn (in Spanish); 250 John Woolman's Journal; 1000 Book of Discipline; 1250 Brief Account of the Rise of the Society; 1000 Christian Advices; 500 Barclay's Apology; 500 each of the Propositions of Robert Barclay on "Universal and Saving Light," and on "The Communion," and 500 copies of the Memorial of Henry Wood.

There have been purchased 78 copies of the Journal of William Evans; 100 Dymond's Essay on War; 50 copies Biographical Sketches and Anecdotes of Friends; 50 Musings and Memories, and 500 copies of the Memoir and Correspondence of Mildred Ratcliff.

The value of the books and pamphlets on hand is estimated at $7434.54, and of the same in foreign languages $358.91. The cost of the stereotype plates on hand is $14,074.95.

There has been received for books and pamphlets sold $343.74.

The Treasurer of the Yearly Meeting has paid for paper and printing $547.59; for binding $540.71; for books pur

chased $204.50; for incidental expenses $120.02; and for insurance on books, &c., in Nos. 302 and 304 Arch Street $35.00, making together $1447.82. Of this amount there has been paid from the general fund $583.27; from the legacy of Hannah Sansom $438.87; from that of Jesse George $290.90; from that of Ruth Anna Cope $110.78; and from that of Mary Ann Loyd $24.00.

As heretofore the salary of the agent has been paid.

Two thousand nine hundred and nine volumes and 904 pamphlets have been distributed in twelve of the States of the Union, in the Indian Territory, Canada, Cuba and Turkey, including 89 volumes and 10 pamphlets furnished to members of the International Congress of American States meeting at Washington, D. C.

One thousand eight hundred and ten volumes and 1013 pamphlets were taken by committees of various Monthly Meetings for distribution among our members, according to the advice sent out by the Meeting for Sufferings.

Three hundred and thirty-three volumes and 205 pamphlets have been placed in various libraries in this country and at Lima, Peru.

In responding to a request for a considerable number of books for an association in Iowa, designed to encourage the members in the home study of the history and doctrines of our Society, the Committee believed it right to accompany them with a letter calling attention to the fact that a merely intellectual knowledge of the things pertaining to salvation can never be a substitute for submission to the operations of the Holy Spirit on the heart and the experimental knowledge which flows therefrom, and to refer to Robert Barclay's testimony that it was not by strength of argument or by particular disquisition of each doctrine, and the convincement of his understanding thereby, that he came to receive or be a witness to the Truth. Both the books and the caution appear to have been kindly received, and were gratefully acknowledged.

Many expressions of thanks for books sent have been received.

One of these was from a physician in Virginia; after expressing his obligation for the books he had received and requesting a further supply, he adds: "The reason for send

ing for more was, as I am calling from house to house, I am often asked, 'Have you got any more books to give away?'" Saying, "I read one that you gave such a person; I never read of a class of people who seem so devoted, and spend so much time in travelling and speaking as the Quakers do, and get no pay for it."

"Such remarks as these I often hear."

In another letter this same man writes: "Your books that I have scattered hereaway have been the means of changing the views of their readers. For many did not know of such a people, until they read some of the books.

While we desire not to place an undue estimate on the importance of reading and distributing good books, yet we believe that a neglect of these things is generally a symptom of a low state of spiritual life, and that those who become earnestly concerned for their own salvation, will gladly avail themselves of such helps, and will find satisfaction in circulating among others, works calculated to give them correct religious sentiments and to stir up the pure mind in them. On behalf of the Committee.



Philadelphia, Fourth Month 11th, 1890.

The Memorial of the Representatives of the Religious Society of Friends for the States of Pennsylvania, New Jersey and Delaware, to the Congress of the United States of America, respectfully represents :

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That we have observed with sorrow during the session of the present Congress the introduction of bills for a large increase of expenditures for vessels of war belonging to the United States Navy, and for fortifications. For over two hundred years our religious Society, in common with many Christian professors of other denominations, have been the advocates of those benign principles of "peace on earth and good will toward men,' which were announced by the angelic host upon the advent of the Lord Jesus Christ. We believe that when He taught men to love their enemies, He instituted a rule of conduct which is as binding upon rulers as it is on the private citizen, and in pronouncing his blessing on the peace makers, calling them the children of God, He extended it to nations as well as individuals; that the true strength of the United States does not lie in the extent and perfection of its military defences, but in the virtue, integrity and intelligence of its people; in a reverent and abiding sense of accountability to the Supreme Being; and in a course of conduct which is consistent with the teachings of Christianity.

The present lamentable condition of the most powerful military nations of Europe, in consequence of the oppressive taxation and the enforced service of the young men in camps and martial training, should be sufficient proof to wise statesmen of our own country of the futility of building up vast armaments to promote national prosperity.

It has been a recognized axiom by American legislators from Washington's day to this, that a large standing army is inimical to the character of our free institutions, and of pernicious tendency. Why is not the same reasoning applicable to a great navy? We are not menaced by surrounding nations, either by sea or land, and we rejoice to notice

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