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but directly promotes the elimination of ptomaines through the natural channels. The phagocytic process is stimulated, and as a supply of good active blood is produced, the uterus and related organs are vastly helped in their effort to return to normal conditions. Digestion and assimilation are aided and the general vitality reinforced to a marked degree. In a word, Pepto-Mangan (Gude) is an unsurpassed tonic wherever there is a lowering of blood quality, from no matter what cause, and the definite positive benefits which follow its administration leave no further recommendation necessary.

AN ACTIVE DEPLETANT FOR PELVIC CONGESTIONS.-The presence of congestion or inflammation, whether acute or chronic, involving the female pelvic cavity, forms grounds for anxiety. Fortunately, we have passed the age where operative conclusions are hastily made. A superficial study of the vascular supply of the female pelvic organs, with its vesico-vaginal and vesico-uterine plexus forming a complete network of anastomosis, is sufficient to show that local applications of depleting agents to the vaginal and rectal canals form both practical and theoretical ideals in treatment, which by purgative action reduces the stasis of engorged cellular tissue and lowers vascular tension, thus aiding nature in restoring normal glandular action. Glyco-Thymoline, in contact with mucous membrane everywhere, produces the following physiological activities in direct proportion to the vascularity of the structure. It stimulates the secreting cavity of glandular structure of all mucous surfaces, so that larger quantities of watery fluids are exuded. On the law of exosmosis, which determines the passage of fluids through animal membranes from a rare to a more dense saline medium, this solution through its stimulating and hygroscopic property brings about a rapid depletion, drawing outwardly through the tissues the products of inflammation and materially reducing the danger of septic infection. The following clinical case bears with interest on the subject: Chas. Le Cates, M.D., Philadelphia, Pa., reports:-Mrs. A. consulted me in reference to her condition. Made a thorough examination and found uterus much enlarged, very turgid, degeneration of the endometrium, discharge rather profuse. Treatment-Hot vaginal douche, 10 per cent. Glyco-Thymoline. I then irrigated the uterus with pure Glyco-Thymoline and tamponed the vagina with lamb's wool saturated with Glyco-Thymoline. This treatment was given twice and three times a week. Improvement was rapid, congestion was reduced and patient discharged in six weeks. I see the patient frequently and there has been no recurrence of former trouble.

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