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Sect. 12.

(2.) The period of employment for a child in a morning set shall, except on Saturday, begin at the same hour as if the child were a young person, and end at one o'clock in the afternoon, or, if the dinner time begins before one o'clock, at the beginning of dinner time; and

(3.) The period of employment for a child in an afternoon set shall, except on Saturday, begin at one o'clock in the afternoon, or at any later hour at which the dinner time terminates, and end at the same hour as if the child were a young person; and

(4.) The period of employment for any child on Saturday shall begin and end at the same hour as if the child were a young person; and

(5.) A child shall not be employed in two successive periods of seven days in a morning set, nor in two successive periods of seven days in an afternoon set, and a child shall not be employed on two successive Saturdays, nor on Saturday in any week (a) if on any other day in the same week his period of employment has exceeded five hours and a half; and

(6.) When a child is employed on the alternate day system the period of employment for such child and the time allowed for meals shall be the same as if the child were a young person, but the child shall not be

factory or workshop on which of these two systems children are employed; and all the children must be employed according to the system so specified. S. 19.

(a) "Week" means the period between midnight on Saturday night and midnight on the succeeding Saturday night. S. 96.

employed on two successive days, and Sect. 12. shall not be employed on the same day

of the week in two successive weeks;


(7.) A child shall not on either system be employed continuously for any longer period than he could be if he were a young person without an interval of at least half an hour for a meal (b).

XIII. With respect to the employment of young Sect. 13. persons and women in a non-textile factory (c), and Period of of young persons in a workshop, the following re- ment &c., gulations shall be observed:


for young persons

on and women


in non-

six factory, and

for young

(1.) The period of employment (d), except Saturday, shall (save as is in this specially excepted) either begin at o'clock in the morning and end at o'clock in the evening, or begin at seven workshop. o'clock in the morning and end at seven o'clock in the evening; and


(2.) The period of employment on Saturday shall (save as is in this Act specially excepted) begin at six o'clock in the morning, or at seven o'clock in the morning, and end at two o'clock in the afternoon (e); and

(b) n. (x), supra.


persons in

(c) For the definition of "non-textile " factory, see s. 93. Print works, and bleaching and dyeing works are non-textile" factories, but they are regulated by ss. 11, 12, as to the period of employment. S. 40.

(d) The Secretary of State has power to meet the exigencies of particular trades by granting a "special exception "in favour of nontextile factories and workshops, making the period of employment between the hours of nine a.m. and nine p.m. S. 43; and see s. 42. As to the period of employment in bakehouses of male young persons of 16 years of age, see s. 45.

(e) See s. 18.

Sect. 13.

Sect. 14.

Period of employment for children in non-textile factory and workshop.

(3.) There shall be allowed for meals during the said period of employment in the factory or workshop

(a.) On every day except Saturday not

less than one hour and a half, of which one hour at the least, either at the same time or at different times, shall be before three o'clock in the afternoon; and

(b.) On Saturday not less than half an hour; and

(4.) A young person or a woman in a non-textile factory and a young person in a workshop shall not be employed continuously for more than five hours without an interval of at least half an hour for a meal (f).

XIV. With respect to the employment of children in a non-textile factory and a workshop the following regulations shall be observed (g) :(1.) Children shall not be employed except

either on the system of employment in morning and afternoon sets, or (in a factory or workshop in which not less than two hours are allowed for meals on every day except Saturday) on the system of employment on alternate days only; and

(2.) The period of employment for a child in a

A Secretary of State is, moreover, empowered to grant a special exception in favour of any class of non-textile factories or workshops, substituting some other day in the week for Saturday as regards the hour at which the period of employment is required by the Act to end on Saturday. S. 46. As to the hours of employment on Saturday in the process of Turkey red dyeing, see s. 47. (f) See n. (x), supra.

(g) See notes to the preceding section.

morning set on every day, including Sect. 14.
Saturday, shall begin at six or seven
o'clock in the morning and end at one
o'clock in the afternoon, or, if the dinner
time begins before one o'clock, at the
beginning of dinner time; and

(3.) The period of employment for a child in an
afternoon set on every day, including
Saturday, shall begin at one o'clock in
the afternoon, or at any hour later than
half-past twelve o'clock at which the
dinner time terminates, and end on
Saturday at two o'clock in the afternoon,
and on any other day at six or seven
o'clock in the evening, according as the
period of employment for children in the
morning set began at six or seven o'clock
in the morning; and

(4.) A child shall not be employed in two successive periods of seven days in a morning set, nor in two successive periods of seven days in an afternoon set, and a child shall not be employed on Saturday in any week in the same set in which he has been employed on any other day of the same week; and

(5.) When a child is employed on the alternate
day system-

(a.) The period of employment for
such child shall, except on Satur-
day, either begin at six o'clock in
the morning and end at six o'clock
in the evening, or begin at seven
o'clock in the morning and end at
seven o'clock in the evening; and
(b.) The period of employment for such
child shall on Saturday begin at
six or seven o'clock in the

Sect. 14.

ect. 15.

Period of employment, time for meals, and length of continuous employment for women in workshop.

morning, and end at two o'clock in the afternoon; and

(c.) There shall be allowed to such child for meals during the said period of employment not less, on any day except Saturday, than two hours, and on Saturday than half an hour; but

(d.) The child shall not be employed in any manner on two successive days, and shall not be employed on the same day of the week in two successive weeks; and (6.) A child shall not on either system be ememployed continuously for more than five

hours without an interval of at least half

an hour for a meal.

XV. With respect to the employment of women in workshops, the following regulations shall be


(1.) In a workshop which is conducted on the system of employing therein children and young persons, or either of them, a woman shall not be employed except during the same period and subject to the same restrictions as if she were a young person; and the regulations of this Act with respect to the employment of young persons in a workshop shall apply accordingly to the employment of women in that workshop (h); and

(2.) In a workshop which is conducted on the system of not employing therein either children or young persons—

(a.) The period of employment for a woman shall, except on Saturday, begin at six o'clock in the morning

(h) S. 13.

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