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The Jesuit fathers were there also, with all their force of persuasion and anathemas to throw into the scale. It was a critical and momentous period in the history of the colony. Le Grande Guelle, the orator and leader of the council, had been bribed with costly gifts, inflamed by the appeals of the Jesuit emissaries, and intimidated by the boldness and success of the attack on Schenectady. The deliberations of the council were marked by all those mingled emotions of aboriginal eloquence and savage fury that characterized such assemblages of the children of nature. There was present but one single representative of all those whose very lives were hanging in the balance, but one man to meet the fearful storm that was gathering for the utter destruction of the colony. There is no picture in all our early history that can rival in dramatic interest that "Council of Onondaga"- the dark shadows of the primeval forest trees, illumined by the light of the council fire,

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the gathered savages crouching in a circle, the warriors in their paint and trappings, the French officers in their showy uniforms, the rich presents strewed around, the wily priests in cowl and cassock; while facing the restless and menacing assemblage stands alone the one individual who was to stem the rising tide of discontent and treachery that would sweep from the face of the earth the Dutch and English colonists. It was indeed a fearful moment, and had the representative of the colonists for one instant wavered, or forgotten the gravity and importance of his mission, the scenes of carnage and destruction that would have followed can not be imagined. This great horror was, however, averted by wonderful tact and courage. Nevertheless, the escape, so miraculous in its character, aroused the colonists from their supineness, and Schaghticoke was selected as a stronghold for future protection and defense. The remnants of the Pequods and other Eastern tribes were assembled together, and with due form and ceremony the Wittegamotte, or tree of

peace, was planted. This grand council tree | the family estates. As a matter of course, is still standing in all its vigorous growth these early settlers depended greatly upon and symmetry. It is the principal feature each other; there was ever present a comof the park which surrounds the Knicker- mon danger to bind them together, while bocker mansion. It is twenty feet in cir- the social necessities of life held them in cumference, and covers with the shadow of firm bonds of friendship. As a natural reits far-reaching branches nearly an acre of sult, intermarriages between the families ground. soon added the still stronger ties of consanguinity; and at the present time there is scarcely an individual for many miles around that is not in some way related to all the others.

Life at Schaghticoke was for many years like an armed reconnaissance. The lurking savage was always on the look-out for a victim, and the subtle Canadian ever conspiring for an attack. Each and all were compelled to be constantly on the alert. In the midst

The number of Indians thus collected together was about one thousand. They could not, however, be absolutely relied upon, and it became necessary that a sufficient number of settlers should be found who would act in conjunction with the Indians to establish this bulwark of defense. It required great sacrifices and great courage to undertake this perilous and important duty. A leader was found in Johannes Knickerbocker, who, with a few trusted compan-of their troubles the settlers did not for a ions, established himself at this point, and having acquired a title to the lands, constituted a secure obstacle against any future surprise of the settlements below. The names of these daring pioneers deserve to be remembered with honor for the trials they overcame, the sufferings they endured, and the great end they accomplished. They were Johannes Knickerbocker, Wouter Quackenbush, Ludovickus Viele, Johannes De Wandelaer, Daniel Kittlehuyn, Diedrich Van Vechten, Johannes Hermans Visscher, Martin De La Monte, Wouter Groesbeck, Philip Livingstone, Corset Voeder, David Schuyler, Peter Yates, Corneilus Vandenburg, and Ignace Kip. Their descendants still occupy

moment lose sight of their religious duties. A Dutch Reformed church was erected under the auspices of the Classis of Amsterdam. Over this the venerable Dominie Van Benschooten ministered. The rude place of worship originally built was soon replaced by a more imposing edifice. This quaint building was sixty by forty feet, with low side walls and a high-pitched Mansardroof, and turret surmounted by a weathercock over the southern gable. The services of the church were, of course, in the Dutch language, and the old time-stained Bible with brass corners and huge brass clasps then in use is now an heir-loom reverently preserved in the Knickerbocker mansion.

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added, one or more violinists being thus always easily obtained, giving an additional zest to the numerous entertainments.

Social life at Schaghticoke during these | the musical element which was thereby earlier years wore an aspect of general uniformity, varied by those occasional tragedies incident to an exposed frontier life of that kind. Diedrich Van Vechten, one of the original settlers, was killed by the Indians, and a number of years afterward his eldest son lost his life in the same way. The char⚫acteristic Dutch hospitality was always a distinguishing feature of every-day life. Every guest received a most cordial welcome. The massive old sideboard was al


ways supplied with tempting viands, and the dish of olekocks and krullers was never allowed to be empty. These old-fashioned sideboards were capable of holding a very large amount of good cheer. They were always kept in a high state of polish, and the huge mahogany doors shone like mirrors. Social gatherings were very frequent, and always attended with infinite pleasure and mirth and merry games by the young folks. The introduction of slaves from the West Indies, while it added greatly to lighten the burden of labor, had a social aspect in

The negroes themselves enjoyed their leisure hours immensely. In the winter nights they gathered around their huge fire-place to sing and tell stories, or, with a great back-log in the chimney, surrounded by pine knots that illuminated their large kitchen with a brilliant light that seemed almost reflected from the well-scrubbed floor, they would fairly revel in the delights of a dance. They were certainly a happy race, for they were treated with the utmost kindness, their wants well provided for, and carefully nursed in

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away. The last at the homestead was "Old Tom." He was nearly ninety when he died. Four generations had grown up around him, and very many of them had gone before him. He lingered like the gnarled old oak that survives the destruc tion of the forest around it. His mind was full of legends, traditions, and wonderful stories; and as he gathered the eager little listeners around him in the chimney-corner, while the wailing of the winter storm without gave an additional sense of security within, the big round eyes of the children would dilate with wonder

and awe as, in a half-broken jargon, Old Tom reeled out the marvelous tales of which he was so prolific. No one was ever more gentle and kind to children; and yet poor old Tom had his grumpy moods, in comparison with which a bear would be considered polite. He had one peculiarity which resembled a story recently told of the arithmetical faculty of the crow. The story goes that a farmer having suffered from the depredations of the crows in his corn field, endeavored to conceal himself in a small building near by, from which he

could shoot the crows as they descended Britain. The Dutch settlers had loyally into the field; but the crows, having observed him from a neighboring tree, would not come down until they saw him leave. The farmer then adopted the ruse of taking his son into the building with him and afterward sending him away, thinking the crows would thus be deceived; but they were not. Then he took a second person in, and sent two away, with the same result. Finally he took a third person in the little house, and sent three away. This deceived the crows. They flew into the field, where the farmer shot them-showing that the arithmetic of the crow extended no farther than the figure three. Old Tom's arithmetic was, singularly enough, also limited to number three. On one occasion it became necessary to count the number of sheep in a very large flock. Tom was stationed at the entrance of the field where the sheep

served the States General and their authorized agents, and had afterward been equally true to the Duke of York and to the British sovereign. The several generations of the Knickerbocker family, as they came upon the active stage of life, took their place and performed their part in current affairs. Colonel Johannes Knickerbocker served in various expeditions against the hostile Indian tribes; was afterward attached to the staff of Lord Howe in the attack on Ticonderoga in 1758. He was commissioned a colonel in the Revolutionary army October 20, 1775, raised a regiment in Schaghticoke, and was severely wounded at the battle of Saratoga. He was also a member of the State Legislature in 1792. His eldest son, Johannes Knickerbocker, a colonel of State troops, and a prominent member of the State Legislature, served in the war of 1812.

Herman Knickerbocker, his son, known as "Prince Knickerbocker," on account of his princely hospitality, was first judge of Rensselaer County, and Representative in the eleventh Congress of the United States, during the administration of President Madison.

His genial wit and humor, the possession of many of the traits of his Dutch ances

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were to come out one by one, and told to count them aloud. As the sheep came through the gate, Tom called out, "One! two! tree! Dar goes anudder! dar goes anudder! dar goes anudder!" "Stop!" cried his master; "what do you mean by that?" "Why, massa," said Tom, "I done count no more dan tree; I tought I could, but I couldn't." So that Tom and the crows seem to have resembled each other in arithmetic as well as color. Poor faithful Tom! He was borne to his grave with kind and reverent hands, and laid in the venerable family cemetery, where six generations lie side by side. No grave is cared for more tenderly than the one which has at its head a stone with the simple inscription, "Old Tom."

The time came at length when, after years of constant anxiety and watching, the quiet repose of peace settled over the valley of Schaghticoke; but this was soon rudely disturbed by the gathering clouds that presaged the struggle of the colonies with Great

tors, together with an ample fortune, made him for many years a conspicuous representative of the old Dutch characteristics. An intimate friendship between himself and Washington Irving was the origin of Irving's humorous history of New York under the nom de plume of Diedrich Knickerbocker. Very many anecdotes are related of "Prince Knickerbocker," who was particularly fond of practical jokes, always, however, of a harmless nature, although some of them were extremely ludicrous in their consequences. One of the conditions of proprietorship by which the Knickerbocker estate was held was that the Mayor and Council of the city of Albany should once in each year be entertained at the family mansion. "Prince Knickerbocker," having erected a spacious residence for himself some distance from the homestead, decided to become the entertainer of the Mayor and Council of Troy, as an offset to the festivities at the paternal home. On the arrival of these gentlemen, with appetites sharpened by a long drive, he pretended


COLONEL JOHANNES KNICKERBOOKER AND HIS WIFE. [FROM A PAINTING IN THE EAST ROOM.] to have forgotten the day, and to be perfectly unprepared to receive them, and allowed his guests, while suffering the keen pangs of hunger, to overhear him in an apparent dispute with his butler as to how to make one pair of chickens suffice for so many famishing mouths. The consternation-not to say rage of the guests may be imagined. A sudden relief came when the dining-room doors opened on a most sumptuous repast, and a hearty enjoyment of the practical joke followed.

The state dinners and official receptions at the old homestead were of a more sedate description than those given by "the prince." Here all was punctilious ceremony. The guests were formally received at the main entrance, and their conveyances driven to great cathedral-like barns, whose massive timbers seem to have been selected from the largest trees of the forest. These barns, as large as cathedrals, have been the scenes of many old-time festivities, the memories of which have long since passed into tradition. They had their origin in the necessities of the times, which required a certain amount of industrial co-operation that can hardly

be appreciated or even understood in these days of labor-saving inventions. But the husking bees and quilting frolics of the olden days, with their accompaniments of right good cheer and genial, kindly feelings, had a social significance of no ordinary character, and out of them came most of the marital unions which decided the domestic life of the early inhabitants. An unbounded hospitality exhibited itself in all the appointments of the dwelling. In the old mansion the upper rooms have the same spacious character as those on the lower floors. The antique furniture that for so many years served the purposes of the guest and host still adorns the bed-chambers-the high-post bedsteads, with their snowy white canopies and valance; the quaint brassmounted chest of drawers; the old clock in the corner, with its loud, monotonous tick, and the moon in all its phases depicted on its face, tells the hour as faithfully as it told the lapse of time to generations for whom time is now no more. The old portraits on the walls are dim with age, but the lineaments there depicted can be readily discerned in the descendants of those whom

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