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issue an award only in cases when both parties subject themselves to its decision.

5. All members of the Committee shall be remunerated at the rates fixed for similar committees in the Remuneration Act (daily salary, travelling expenses, and personal allowances).

6. The period of office shall be that fixed by law, unless the State Council shall repeal this order before the conclusion of the said period.

7. This order shall come into force on the day of its publication in the Amtsblatt. It shall be inserted in the cantonal Gesetzessammlung.


Regulativ für die mit den Naturalpflegungsstationen verbundenen Arbeitsnachweisbureaux und die öffentlichen Arbeitsämter. Vom 1 Juni 1907. Regulations for employment bureaux attached to sanatoria, and for public labour offices. (1st June, 1907.)

V. CANTON of Vaud.

Loi du 14 Mai 1907 apportant des modifications à la loi du 18 mai 1876 sur les attributions et la compétence des autorités communales.

Act to amend the Act of 18th May, 1876, relating to the duties and powers of communal authorities. (14th May, 1907.)

I. §12 of the Act of May 18th, 1876, relating to the duties and powers of the communal authorities and the Act of May 15th, 1906, amending that Section are hereby repealed, and shall be replaced by the following:

§12 (New). The communal authorities shall issue Regulations for the Interior (règlements d'intérieur) and Police Regulations. The latter shall not have the force of law until ratified by the State Council.

The Police Regulations of a commune must contain inter alia provisions relating to rest on Sundays and religious festivals, and police supervision of the same.

They may also contain provisions for the protection of employees, workmen, and workwomen not subject to the Factory Act.

2. In communes where no orders have been issued containing provisions relating to rest on Sundays and religious festivals, and police control of the same, the authorities shall prepare such orders and submit them for ratification to the State Council within two years of the coming into force of this Act. 3. On and after the date of coming into force of this Act, all contrary legal provisions shall stand repealed.

4. The State Council is entrusted with the publication and enforcement of this Act, which shall come into force on the day of its notification.




I. German Empire


(Reichstag, up to 19th April, 1907.)

1.-Hours of Work. (See also Nos. 6, 11 and 16.)

(a) 20th Feb., 1907. Motion of Albrecht and others. (Drucks. No. 95.): "That the Reichstag resolve to request the federated Governments to submit to the Reichstag as soon as possible a Bill to limit the daily period of employment of all persons employed as wage-earners, labourers or servants in industrial, commercial and transport undertakings to not more than 8 hours, and to prescribe for such persons a holiday on Saturday afternoons, suitable provision being made for periods of transition.

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'In undertakings carried on continuously and in underground works, the daily period of employment to be fixed at not more than 8 hours, and in underground places where the temperature exceeds 28°C. at not more than 6 hours."

(b) 23rd Feb., 1907. Interpellation by Trimborn and Hitze, respecting the introduction of a Bill to limit the period of employment of women in factories to not more than 10 hours a day. (Drucks. No. 92.)

(c) 27th Feb., 1907. Motion of Brandys and others. (Drucks. No. 164): "That the Reichstag resolve to request the federated Governments to send down to the Reichstag as soon as possible a Bill to limit the maximum period of employment of women working in factories, iron and zinc smelting works and above ground in mines, to 8 hours a day, and to provide that they shall not be employed later than 12 o'clock midday on the eves of Sundays and holidays.'

(d) 25th Feb., 1907. Motion of v. Hompesch, Schädler, Spahn, Gröber and others (Drucks. No. 108):

"That the Reichstag resolve to request the federated Governments: "I. to submit to the Reichstag as soon as possible a Bill to limit the period of employment of workmen (over 16) in factories and similar establishments (§154 R.G.O.) to not more than 10 hours a day;

"II. in the event of the proposal given under I. being rejected, to submit to the Reichstag as soon as possible a Bill to limit the period of employment of workwomen (over 16) in factories and similar establishments ($154 R.G.O.) to not more than 10 hours a day, and to not more than 9 hours on the eves of Sundays and holidays;

"III. to submit as soon as possible a Bill to limit the period of employment of women who have households to attend to, in factories and similar establishments (§154, para. 1. R.G.O.) to not more than 9 hours a day, and on the eves of Sundays and holidays, to not more than 6 hours." (e) 27th Feb., 1907. Motion of Brandys and others (Drucks. No. 165):— "That the Reichstag resolve to request the federated Governments to submit to the Reichstag not later than next Session a bill to reduce to 8 hours the maximum working day of miners employed below ground and of workmen employed at the furnaces and exposed to poisonous gases in zinc and iron smelting works, and in rolling mills and similar undertakings."

2.-Labour Councils.

(a) 19th Feb., 1907. Motion of v. Hompesch, Schädler, Spahn and Gröber urging the introduction at an early date of a bill to establish labour councils, with a view to facilitating the "free and peaceable expression by workmen of their wishes and grievances." (Drucks. No. 19.)

(b) 19th Feb., 1907. Motion of Stöcker and others (Drucks. No. 25):"That the Reichstag resolve to request the federated Governments to submit as soon as possible a bill relating to the institution of joint councils of employees and labour councils."

(c) 23rd Feb., 1907. Interpellation by Trimborn and Hitze (Drucks. No. 92):

"Is the Imperial Chancellor in a position to give further information as to the organisation, scope and functions of the labour councils contemplated in the statement made by the Secretary of State, Count v. Posadowsky, on the 30th January, 1904, and as to the date when the introduction of the Bill on this subject may be expected ? "

(d) 26th Feb., 1907. Motion of Ablass and others urging the establishment of labour councils. (Drucks. No. 127.)

3.-Building Trade. (See also No. 19, c and d.)

(a) 20th Feb., 1907. Motion of v. Hompesch, Schädler, Spahn and Gröber : (a) Appointment of special officials to inspect building operations; (b) Issue of orders for the protection of persons employed in the building trade (§120e, G.O.); (c) Persons concerned to be consulted as to (a) and (b). (Drucks. No. 43.)

(b) 25th Feb., 1907. Motion of Albrecht and others. Adoption of a bill for the protection of persons employed in the building trade [I., Methods of carrying out building operations; II., Cloak-rooms; III., Sanitary accommodation; IV., Prevention of accidents; V., Inspection.] (Drucks. No.


4.-Mines. (See also No. 1.)

(a) 20th Feb., 1907. Motion of v. Hompesch, Schädler, Spahn, Gröber and others. (Drucks. No. 45.)

"That the Reichstag resolve to approve the Act to amend the Industrial Code of the 26th July, 1900."

(b) 20th Feb., 1907. Motion of Albrecht and others (Drucks. No. 96): Act to regulate contracts between mineowners and miners, and bill to amend the Industrial Code.

I. Contracts between mineowners and miners shall be regulated by Imperial law alone.

2. The provisions of §§105, 105α, 107, 108, 109, 110, 111, 112, 113, 114, 120, 120₫ 120b, 120c, 120d, 120e, 122, 123, 124, 124a, 133a, 133b, 133aa, 133ab, 133ac, 133c, 133d, 133, 134 (para. 2), 134a, 134b, 134c, 134d, 134e, 134f and 134g of the Industrial Code shall apply by analogy to the owners of, and workmen employed in, mines, salt works, ore-dressing works, and underground quarries and pits. For this purpose, mines, salt works, ore-dressing works and underground quarries and pits shall be reckoned as factories within the meaning of the above provisions.

3. The following paragraphs shall be added to §115 of the Industrial Code : (1) On the dissolution of a contract of work, the workman shall, on his request and on payment of the usual rent, be left in occupation of the dwelling allotted to him by the employer until the conclusion of the month following the notice to quit. Agreements to the contrary shall be void.

(2) If wages are reckoned by the job (taskwork, or piecework) the workman shall, without prejudice to the application of §316 of the Civil Code, have a minimum claim to the average daily rate of wages paid for similar work, unless an agreement as to the amount of the wages shall have been come to before the work was commenced.

(3) Wages due for work done shall not be invalidated. No deductions from wages for bad work, or work done contrary to contract, shall be allowed, unless the employer shall prove that the work was deficient, and that this was due to a fault on the part of the workman. Agreed deductions for bad work or work done contrary to contract shall not exceed the difference between the respective values of the work when faultless and when deficient. If the wage is to be reduced on account of the non-performance of an agreed task, the amount of the reduced wage shall be determined in the presence of the workman or his duly appointed representative.

(4) If work is paid for by volume, the receptacles according to which the work done is measured must be officially measured, and the volume contained in them clearly indicated on the outside.

(5) Piecework wages in mines, salt works, ore-dressing works, and underground quarries and pits shall be reckoned by weight of product only. The capacity and weight of the trucks when empty, shall be officially measured and the the certified capacity clearly given on the outside. If a truck is not so measured or the capacity not clearly given, wages shall be paid by gross tonnage (including the weight of the truck). Wages for work done in any month shall be paid not later than the 10th of the following month. Suitable payments on account shall be made on the 20th, and on the last day of every month. Workmen leaving shall be paid, on their departure, the full amount of wages due.

(6) Mineowners shall allow their workmen to appoint, at their own expense, elected representatives to supervise the handling of product on which wages are calculated. Mineowners shall, further, on demand of the majority of the workmen concerned, pay the wages of this representative in advance. He may then deduct the amount so advanced from the wages of the workmen concerned.

4. The following §1156 shall be inserted after §115a of the Industrial Code :

In anthracite coal mines, ore mines, and potash mines the daily period of employment shall not exceed 8 hours on and after 1st January, 1908, and 8 hours on and after 1st January, 1909. In peat mines and slate quarries the daily period of employment shall not exceed 10 hours on and after 1st January, 1908, 9 hours on and after 1st January, 1909, and 8 hours on and after 1st January, 1910. The daily period of employment shall not exceed 7 hours in the case of workmen employed in places where the usual temperature is more than 26°C., or 6 hours in places where the usual temperature exceeds 28°C., and in wet processes. The usual temperature shall be taken to be that which obtains during normal shifts and weather. The Higher Administrative Authority shall decree, by written order, whether the conditions contemplated in paragraph 1 apply in any mine or part of a mine. The whole time taken in descending and ascending (in the cage) by a workman shall be included in his period of employment.

Workmen employed above ground and all other persons employed in mines, salt works, ore-dressing works and underground quarries and pits shall not be employed for more than 10 hours a day. If the period of employment exceeds 8 hours, every person employed shall be allowed a break of at least 2 hours for rest. Breaks for rest shall be included in the period of employment. If work is permitted on Sundays and holidays, the total period of employment between 6 o'clock on Saturday evening and 6 o'clock on Monday morning shall not exceed 8 hours for any individual workman.

5. The following §1341 shall be inserted after §134h of the Industrial Code:

I. In all mines, salt works, ore-dressing works, and underground quarries or pits in which at least 20 workmen are regularly employed, a permanent workmen's committee shall be formed.

The majority of the members of such permanent workmen's committees must be elected by direct and secret ballot from amongst themselves by the adult workmen employed in the mine or the department of the mine concerned, or in premises connected with the mine. Officials and overseers shall not be eligible. Representatives may also be elected according to particular groups or departments. Representatives must be at least 21 years old, have worked at least one year in a mine, and be in possession of their civil rights. The number of representatives shall not be less than 5, and must be at least equal to the number of gangs. Elections shall take place in accordance with a scheme of proportional, representation, so that minorities may be represented according to their size.

Committees shall be elected every two years. Members may be re-elected. The date of the election shall be announced at least 4 weeks in advance. If a vacancy occurs during a term of office, an election shall be held within 6 weeks to fill the vacant place. II. Members of a workmen's committee shall not be given notice or dismissed during their term of office, unless they are guilty of offences which render them liable to instant dismissal under §§123 and 124a of the Industrial Code.


III. Permanent workmen's committees shall have the following duties and

They shall be consulted before rules of employment are issued; Their approval shall be obtained to provisions in rules of employment contrary or supplementary to legal provisions, and to any scheme for utilising and administering sums collected as penalties;

They shall co-operate in the enforcement and supervision of rules issued by the inspectors of public safety, and of rules for the prevention of accidents; They shall have the right to inspect mines and to urge the removal of discovered abuses, in cases where there are no controllers of mines appointed by the workmen ;


They shall bring all complaints relating to abuses before the manage

They shall take part in, and try, as far as possible, to settle disputes and complaints relating to inadequate rates of wages and time wages;

Fines exceeding one mark shall not be imposed without their consent. If any check-weighers are elected by direct and secret ballot of the men, the workmen's committee shall draw up detailed regulations relating to their position. Such regulations shall deal especially with cases in which checkweighers may be dismissed, the duties of check-weighers and the method of their remuneration by the workmen.

The members of workmen's committees shall act in an honorary capacity. They shall receive due compensation for necessary expensses and for loss of earnings resulting from the fulfilment of their duties on the committee.

IV. Where there is no permanent workmen's committee, the functions of such committee shall be exercised by a representative who shall be elected by the direct and secret ballot of the majority of the workmen.

Mineowners and their representatives shall not hinder workmen in undertaking or exercising official duties in pursuance of these provisions. Terms of contracts contrary to this prohibition shall be void.

6. The following paragraph shall be added to §1396 of the Industrial Code :

In mines, salt-works, ore-dressing works and underground quarries and pits, the adult workmen shall elect, by direct and secret ballot, controllers of mines to assist the inspectors of mines. These controllers shall be bound to examine the works below and above ground from the point of view of security, and to make themselves acquainted with the particulars of all accidents which occur. Detailed provisions relating to the number and functions of controllers of mines shall be drawn up by the Higher Administrative Authorities.

7. In §146 (1) of the Industrial Code the words "§1156" shall be inserted after the words $115.'


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In §147 of the Industrial Code the following shall be added to Sub-section (5): or any person who contravenes the provisions of the last paragraph of §134i."

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