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7.-Budget Debate.

15th, 16th, 19th, 20th, 21st Feb. ; 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 10th, 28th, 29th, 31st May; Ist, 4th, 5th June; 5th, 6th, 7th, 8th, 9th, 16th, 17th, 18th, 21st, 27th, 28th, 29th, 30th, 31st and 32nd Sittings.Labour questions; Labour Councils; Scarcity of labour on the land; Labour politics; Labour statistics; Representative bodies of workmen; Unemployment insurance; Employment bureaux; Protection of persons willing to work; Hours of work; Hours of work in State undertakings; Improvement of the position of officials; Improvement of the position of the working classes; Protection of women; Domestic Code; Industrial inspection and inspectors; Trade unions; Commercial assistants; Home-work; Hotel staffs; Child labour; Employment in counting-houses; Sick insurance; Chambers of agriculture; Wages; Pension insurance; Private employees in commercial occupations; Legal capacity of trade associations; Protection of drivers and conductors on electric railways; Protection of life and health; seats for female employees in public places of sale; Sunday rest; Museum of Social Conditions; Social legislation; Strikes ; Public contracts; Day wages current in different localities; Collective agreements; Technical employees; Textile industry; Insurance; Homes for itinerant workmen ; Protection of women after confinement; Housing. 8.-Industrial Inspection.

(a) 4th May, 1907. Motion of Gröber and others on the Estimates, 1907 and 1908 (Beil. 64 IV.), requesting the Government :

"To organise the officials of the Department of Industrial Inspection into a board under the direct control of the Ministry, for the purposes of the more important affairs. An equal number of employers on the one hand, and workmen on the other, appointed with the co-operation of the classes concerned, to take part in the deliberations and business of such board.

1st June, 1907. 30th Sitting. Rejected. (Verh., p. 723.)

(b) 15th May, 1907. Motion of Mattutat on the Estimates, 1907 and 1908, requesting the Government to urge upon the Federal Council the desirability of the inspection of commercial establishments. (Beil. 73 IV.)4th June, 1907. 31st Sitting. Referred to the Home Administration Committee. (Verh., p. 760.)

9.-Commercial Inspectors. [See also No. 8 (b).]

15th May, 1907. Motion of Graf (Stuttgart) and others on the Estimates, 1907 and 1908, requesting the Government to urge the Federal Council to introduce a Bill to institute a system of commercial inspection. (Beil. 75 I.) -4th June, 1907. 31st Sitting. Referred to the Home Administration Committee. (Verh., p. 760.)

10.-Home-work. (See also No. 15.)

(a) 2nd May, 1907. Motion of Gröber and others on the Estimates, 1907 and 1908, requesting the Goverment to institute a comprehensive investigation into the position of home-workers in the country, and to communicate the results to Parliament in the form of a memorial. (Beil. 58 III.)— 7th May, 1907. 19th Sitting. Rejected. (Verh. p. 403.)

(b) 4th May, 1907. Motion of Hieber and Schnaidt on the Estimates, 1907 and 1908, requesting the Government to urge upon the Federal Council the desirability of dealing at an early date with the question of the legislative regulation of conditions in domestic industries and of out-work. (Beil. 63 A II.) 7th May, 1907. 19th Sitting. Adopted. (Verh., p. 403.)

(c) 15th May, 1907. Motion of Mattutat on the Estimates, 1907 and 1908, requesting the Government to urge upon the Federal Council the desirability of extending industrial inspection to domestic industries and outwork. (Beil. 73 IV.)—4th June, 1907. 31st Sitting. Referred to the Home Administration Committee. (Verh., p. 760.)


15th May, 1907. Motion of Mattutat on the Estimates, 1907 and 1908, requesting the Government to order a revision and new determination of (a) daily wages current in different localities, (b) annual earnings of labourers in agriculture and forestry. (Beil. 73 V.)--5th June, 1907. 32nd Sitting Adopted. (Verh., p. 794.)

12. Sunday Rest in Commercial Occupations.

15th May, 1907. Motion of Fischer on the Estimates, 1907 and 1908. (Beil. 73 I.) requesting the Government :

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(1) to urge the official bodies to make uniform use of the authority given them by §1056, paragraph 2, of the Industrial Code, to prohibit entirely the employment of assistants, apprentices and workmen in commercial occupations on Sundays and festivals;

"(2) to instruct the Higher Administrative Authorities to allow exceptions to the rules contained in §1056, paragraph 2, only on condition that the employment is limited to three consecutive hours in the forenoon." 1st June, 1907. 30th Sitting. Rejected. (Verh., p. 723.)

13.-Registry Offices. (See also No. 5.)

11th May, 1907. Motion of Mattutat on the Estimates, 1907 and 1908, respecting the regulation of the businesses of registry-office keepers and employment agents. (Beil. 71 II.)—4th June, 1907. 31st Sitting. Adopted. (Verh., p. 767.)

14.-Public Contracts.

(a) 4th May, 1907. Motion of Gröber and others on the Estimates, 1907 and 1908, respecting the exclusion of contractors employing too large a numof apprentices. (Beil. 64 I.)—1st June, 1907. 30th Sitting. Referred to the Economic Committee. (Verh., p. 720.)

(b) 15th May, 1907. Motion of Keil on the Estimates, 1907 and 1908 (Beil. 73 II.; drafting amendments incorporated, 31st May, 1907, 29th SittingVerh., p. 689), requesting the Government :

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to provide for the removal of existing abuses in the method of giving out public contracts, and, in particular, to order,

"(1) that not only shall the contractors be bound by any collective contracts or similar agreements concluded between associations of employers and workmen, but also the firms offering the most favourable conditions of work shall be preferred in giving out contracts;

"(2) that contractors who employ too large a number of apprentices shall be excluded from submitting tenders for public works and supplies." 1st June, 1907. 30th Sitting. Referred to the Economic Committee. (Verh., p. 720.)


(a) 3rd May, 1907. Motion of Mattutat on the Estimates, 1907 and 1908, respecting a Bill to repeal the State system of insurance for attendance during sickness, and to include the persons formerly insured thereunder (servants,

agricultural labourers, apprentices, outworkers, etc.) under the Imperial' system of sick insurance. (Beil. 60 I.)-7th May, 1907. 19th Sitting. Referred to the Home Administration Committee. (Verh., p. 403.)

(b) 15th May, 1907. Motion of Mattutat on the Estimates, 1907 and 1908, respecting the reduction of the scale for estimating the value of payments in kind, in accordance with which accident benefits are calculated. (Beil. 73 Vc)———. 5th June, 1907. 32nd Sitting. Adopted. (Verh., p. 794.) (c) 15th May, 1907. Motion of Mattutat on the Estimates, 1907 and 1908 (Beil. 73 VI.), requesting the Government to urge on the Federal Council :

(i) the extension of the systems of sick and accident insurance to all persons carrying on domestic industries and out-workers;

(ii) the amendment of §5 of the Industrial Accidents Insurance Act 3000M. in the sense that independent occupiers with an income of less than shall be placed compulsorily under the Imperial Accident Insurance Act, "(iii) the unification and simplification at an early date of the three systems of Accident, Invalidity, and Sick Insurance respectively."

5th June, 1907. 32nd Sitting. Paragraph (a) adopted; paragraph (b) rejected; paragraph (c) adopted. (Verh., p. 795-)

16.-Homes for Itinerant Workmen.

20th April, 1907. Memorial submitted respecting the establishment of homes for itinerant workmen, Vol. XIV., 2nd supplement, chap. 23, Part 2 (7) of the Estimates, 1907 and 1908.8th May, 1907, 20th Sitting. Debate. Referred to the Home Administration Committee. (Verh., pp. 431-444).— 18th July, 1907. Motion of the Home Administration Committee that 20,000M. be voted for each of the years 1907 and 1908, for the purpose of establishment homes for itinerant workmen. (Beil. 119)-23rd July, 1907. 63rd Sitting. Adopted. (Verh., p. 1701.)


2nd May, 1907. Motion of Gröber and others on the Estimates, 1907 and 1908, respecting the erection of hygienic and cheap dwellings. (Beil. 58 I.) 7th May, 1907. 19th Sitting. Referred to the Economic Committee. (Verh., p. 403.)

III. Argentine Republic

1.-Labour Department. (Boletin del departmento Nacional del Trabajo, No. 1, Junio 30 de 1907, pp. 1 et seq.)

Cam. de Dip. 9th Jan., 1907. Motion of Roca that an annual vote of 50,000 Pesos be entered in the Budget for the purpose of creating a National Labour Department. Adopted.

Adheres to the adoption of the vote. deletion.

23rd Jan., 1907. Deleted.
26th Jan., 1907.
Adheres to the
28th Jan., 1907.

Cam. de Sen. Cam. de Dip. Cam. de Sen. Cam. de Dip. Adheres by a two-thirds majority to the vote, which is accordingly carried by resolution.

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3.-Protection of Co-operative Employees.

Government Bill to extend the provisions for the protection of persons employed in industrial occupations to consumers' leagues and other profitmaking and economic co-operative societies.

Any regulations issued in pursuance of the Industrial Code respecting Sunday work in commercial occupations in general or applying to special branches of trade or the sale of special classes of goods in particular localities, shall apply also to the sale of goods by consumers' leagues.

2. The Minister of Commerce, in agreement with the Minister of the Interior, may determine, by Order, that other regulations for the protection of assistants in commercial occupations, contained in the Industrial Code, shall apply to assistants employed in the distributive department of consumers' leagues.

3. Similarly, the Minister of Commerce, in agreement with the Minister of the Interior, and the other Ministers concerned, may determine, by Order, that regulations respecting Sunday rest applying to other than commercial occupations, contained in the Industrial Code or issued in pursuance thereof, shall apply to assistants employed in similar undertakings carried on by consumers' leagues or other profit-making and economic co-operative societies. Provision may be made in the same manner for the extension to assistants employed in the undertakings contemplated in the preceding paragraph, of other provisions contained in Part VI. of the Industrial Code.

4. Where any provisions of the Industrial Code or of any regulations issued in pursuance thereof apply, to the employers of profit-making or economic co-operative societies within the meaning of this Act, the Industrial Courts instituted in pursuance of §§4 and 5 of the Act of 27th November, 1896 (R.G.Bl., No. 218) shall have jurisdiction in the matter of disputes between such employees and the society or between such employees and societies amongst themselves.

The said jurisdiction shall commence on the day when the regulations 'contained in the Industrial Code or issued in pursuance thereof shall come into operation in respect of co-operative undertakings.

5. Contraventions of this Act and of the orders issued in pursuance of the same shall be dealt with in the manner prescribed in the Industrial Code. 6. This Act shall come into force on the day of its notification.

7. My Minister of Commerce, in agreement with the Minister of the Interior and the other Ministers concerned, is charged with the enforcement of this Act.

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Draft Federal Resolution respecting the promotion of employment bureaux throughout the Federation.

The Federal Assembly of the Swiss Confederation resolves as follows in view of the message* of the Federal Council, dated 7th December, 1907 :

*Message of the Federal Council addressed to the Federal Assembly respecting the promotion of employment bureaux and federal measures for preventing unemployment. (Schweiz. Bundesbl. 1907, VI., 891.)


With a view to promoting employment bureaux, the Federal GovernLent shall grant subventions :

(a) to public bureaux for providing employment (labour offices or employment bureaux organised by Cantons or Parishes);

(b) to cantonal free food societies (Verb. für Naturalverpflegung), in so far as they co-operate in efforts to provide employment;

(c) to the League of Swiss Labour Offices.

2. Notwithstanding, the payment of the said subventions shall depend upon the fulfilment of the following requirements:

I. On the part of the employment bureaux :

(a) Bureaux must act for every kind of trade, industry, commercial occupation, agriculture, and domestic service, and make provision for women in special departments.

(b) The bureaux shall charge no fees to either party, and expenses incurred where special trouble has been taken shall alone be charged to the applicant ;

(c) The management and organisation of the bureau must be absolutely impartial, and in the appointment of the managing or supervisory committees provision shall be made for employers and workmen to be equally represented.

(d) In the case of strikes, boycotts, and lock-outs, the bureaux shall continue their work, but shall take suitable steps to bring the fact that a dispute is in progress to the notice of persons applying to them.

(e) Local bureaux shall participate in intercommunication between different districts and between district bureaux and central offices, by maintaining constant intercourse with a central bureau and with each other, by affiliating with branch offices in their respective Cantons and by joining the League of Swiss Labour Offices. Where there are food supply centres (Naturalverpflegungsstationen) they may be affiliated as branches.

(f) They shall co-operate in pursuance of rules drawn up by the League of Swiss Labour Offices in accordance with the views of the Federal Industrial Department, in arrangements for reporting regularly to the Federal Statistical Bureau on the state of the labour market.

The Federal Council shall have power to place limitations on the said rules or to allow exemptions justified in view of local conditions.

II. On the part of the cantonal free food societies :

(a) Work done in providing employment must be carried on in systematic connection with the public employment bureaux, and the supply centres shall be closely affiliated to the nearest labour office.

(b) By reporting regularly to the Labour Councils to which they are respectively attached, the centres shall also do their part in providing information on the state of the labour market.

The work of free food societies in the matter of providing employment may be limited to the assistance of men only.

III. On the part of the League of Swiss Labour Offices :

(a) The League shall designate, in agreement with the Industrial Department, one or more labour offices, suited by their position or importance for the purpose, as a central office or as central offices, as the case may be. (b) The League shall see that uniform principles are followed in the organisation of the different bureaux and the inter-communications between them, and in intercourse between them and the central offices, and also in the development of the system of public employment bureaux.

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