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rich supply for all our wants. Through him we have the gift of the Holy Spirit, of regeneration, repentance, faith, and holiness. Then there is pardon and righteousness, justification and peace with God, a hope full of immortality, full of joy. This salvation shews us, even here, God our Father, our Friend, and our Portion; Christ our Redeemer, our Shepherd, and our Saviour; the Holy Spirit our Sanctifier and our Comforter; the blessed angels our ministering attendants; Satan vanquished, the world overcome, and the kingdom of heaven opened to all believers. Consider how freely the blessings are bestowed-without the least tittle of deserving in man-by grace-not of works. Eph. ii, 8. Consider how extensively the blessings are proposedwhosoever will. Rev. xxii. Consider how fully it meets all our wants, removes our guilt, helps us in our weakuess, and provides for our natural ignorance divine wisdom, and for our many sorrows those joys which are heavenly, and never pass away. If we connect all this with our desert of eternal wrath, surely we must see the supreme magnitude of this salvation!

And TO WHAT A HEIGHT OF GLORY DOES IT ULTIMATELY ADVANCE US! If even here in this world, surrounded with sin and sorrow, with darkness and misery, we can, through the mercy of God, discover some rays of the glory and greatness of this salvation, what will it be when we come to its full enjoyment in the realms above? It is called an exceeding and eternal weight of glory. O Christian reader! when we hear Christ sentence the wicked to eternal wrath, when we see them sink into everlasting ruin; when we view the righteous about to enter the mansions of bliss; when, if his wonderous mercy has saved us, we ourselves join that blessed company, rise to that inconceivable glory,

and bask in the bliss of that Divine Being in whose presence is fulness of joy; then we shall better understand the unspeakable greatness of this salvation. It brings in its final result perfect felicity, of endless duration and unchangeable security. So inexpressibly great is it, that all comparisons fail, and there is nothing that can fully illustrate its infinite excellence. Thus the Scriptures describe it- God so loved the world—so great a salvation-Eye hath not seen, nor ear heard, nor the heart of man conceived, the things which God hath prepared for them that love him. Such expressions intimate that the greatness of this salvation is incomparable, and cannot be fully described or adequately conceived.

We might naturally think that such a salvation as this had only to be proposed, in order to be joyfully, gratefully, and universally received; but, alas! we need only look into the world, or even into our own hearts, to see the necessity of that question, Who hath believed our report? and to whom is the arm of the Lord revealed?

It may be necessary here, first, to establish the conviction of this neglect; and then to shew the danger of it.

We fear, then, it is too true, that a great proportion of those who hear the truth, do practically neglect it. We enter not into the case of the openly wicked, of those who are living in adultery, fornication, wrath, malice, contention, and altogether following the things of the world. It will be obvious enough that they not only neglect the salvation of the Gospel, but even the plain and common obligations of a decent morality. Nor need we consider the case of those who oppose and persecute the followers of the Gospel, either publicly or

are evidently peculiar times. Let us, as God opens the way, throw our talents, our time, and our whole ener gies into them.

We cannot close the subject, then, without referring to those DUTIES TO WHICH WE ARE NOW CALLED both individually and nationally.

AS INDIVIDUALS, may it be our serious concer each to know and obey the truth for himself. Littk will it profit us that the world shall hereafter be cor verted, if we, in the mean while, fall short of so great! salvation. We shall enter at length on this subject in the following chapter. But the remarkable characte of the present day, seems especially to call Christians to decision of character. It is not a time to ba between the church and the world. It is not a time te delay and put off this great concern. Let us join our selves heartily and decidedly to the Lord and his people. Bear now the reproach of his cross. His religion is not yet above shame and contempt from man. then we may prove our fidelity-now we may our love to him--now is the time for probation. He is coming in his providence to punish his enemies, and to bless his people. He will discriminate between those who serve him, and those who serve him not. Let us then take a decided part, and be firm and bold in the cause of God. Never strive to join together both the world and the church, as if, by some happy dexterity, you could secure the favour and good of both. It never will, it never can answer. Come out, and be separate,




when you appear before your Saviour, you will wish you had. Confess him, and own him, and he will own you in the great day of his appearing.

As a NATION, how important is the present situation, and means, and circumstances of Britain !


eyond every other country for this purpose, what an pportunity has England, the storehouse of all that is xcellent, the spiritual granary of the world, the moral Pharos holding forth the word of life to all nations, vhat a vast advantage has England at this moment to less mankind! She is called to a higher office than he deliverance of Europe from the ambition of an earthly usurper who laid it low. She is called to help n delivering the whole human race from the more dangerous and destructive tyranny of Satan, a worse adversary, and from the more ruinous and galling bondage of idolatry and heathen superstition. O that there were but given to us from above something of that courage, and effort, and largeness of contribution, which marked our struggle with our earthly enemy! and O that our hearts were but animated with as extended, but a more pure and holy zeal against this more malignant foe, this infinitely more tremendous, because in its consequences more ruinous and more enduring evil! What Christian heart does not long for this! What Christian patriot can breathe a higher wish for a beloved country! Then would Britain, in a nobler sense than she has ever yet been, be a benefactor to the world; then would her name be enrolled in the annals of all nations as blessed; and then would she wear a brighter crown of glory, through all succeeding ages, than ever she has yet attained.

The Lord enable us all to discern the signs of the times; to devote ourselves to his cause; to give first ourselves to him, and then our talents, our time, our influence, and our substance, freely and liberally, to diffuse his Gospel among all nations. Let us share the sacrifices, and the labour, and we shall assuredly

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