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ent from what I had seen when we served together in Holland. At that time, he always appeared desperate and careless; now, I thought I could perceive a courage blended with humility, which evidently proceeded from a much more exalted source. We both, by the mercy of God, escaped unhurt on that day. Our little society continued its meetings as regularly as the trying circumstances of our situation would permit. Mr. Ewas three or four times engaged with the enemy afterwards, and always behaved, both before and during the battle, with much steady, and I may call it godly, courage."

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"On the evening preceding the 21st of March, our whole society met together. Mr. E said, in the presence of the rest,' I cannot account for the strong impression which has seized my mind, that I shall not survive the event of to-morrow's engagement: no such prepossession ever occupied my thoughts on any former occasion; I feel, therefore strongly affected by this: but, if it be thy will, O God! thy will be done.' We then united together in prayer for him, for ourselves, and for all our brethren in arms; beseeching God to prepare us for the awful trial, and give us grace either to meet death with joyful hope, or to receive his sparing mercy, if our lives should be preserved, with gratitude. Knowing the importance of the next day's battle, and the little chance we stood of all meeting again in this world, we embraced each other with peculiar attachment and mutual recommendation to the God of battle and the preserver of souls. Oh, Sir, it was a happy but trying season to us! I saw Mr. Ean hour before the horrors of that bloody day

commenced. His words were, Pray carnestly for me; and if I am killed, and you should be spared, give my last blessing to our worthy and dear friend at: tell Mr., continued he,' that I owe him more than words can repay. He first opened my heart to conviction, and God has blessed it to repentance: through the unspeakable mercies of Christ, I can die with comfort.'

"After the severe engagement which, followed, wherein the brave Abercromby fell, according to agreement our little society met. Every life was spared except that of poor Mr. Ewhose head was taken off by a cannon ball at an early period of the action. Such was the will of God. Whilst, therefore, we returned hearty thanks for our preservation, we blessed God's goodness for sparing the life of our departed brother, till, by a lively exercise of faith and repentance, as we had every reason to trust, God. had made him his own. I now also bless God that I have had this opportunity of seeing and relating to you a story which I know you rejoice to hear."


"DURING all the course of great and ruin-. ous events by which the state of Athens was so intimately affected," says Leland, "a number of Athenian citizens of rank and distinction were found so totally insensible to the interests, the dangers, and the distresses of their country, that they formed themselves into a club or society VOL. III.

that was called the Sixty, and employed their time in feasting, drinking, and gaming, and in the sprightly and satirical exercises of wit and pleasantry. No public affair whatever was considered, by this set of men, as of consequence enough to interrupt the mirth or disturb the tranquillity. of their order. They saw their countrymen arming for battle; they heard of their captivity and death with an absolute indifference. Events and transactions of the most serious nature seemed to be treated by these hardened wretches with wantonness and levity. Their fame reached even to Macedon; and Philip, who, by policy and inclination, was engaged to encourage such a society (as knowing that luxury and profligacy were the surest engines he could employ to overthrow the liberties of Greece,) presented these abandoned debauchees with a talent, to assist their festivity, and to induce them to send him some productions of their wit."

What an exact emblem was this society of the indifference of mankind in general to the best things! Though death is continually making his ravages on all hands; the judgments of God abroad in the earth; time flying with the greatest rapidity; and an awful eternity at hand; yet, alas! how insensible are men to their best interests, never remembering that the end of these things is death!


A PERSON in a state of despondency once gave way to unbelief, so far as to question the

whole truth of the Christian Religion; and even came to the resolution of giving up all as a delu ́sion. In this state of mind he was returning home one night to his house near London: it was so dark, that he could not discern a single object before him. It was in the very moment he was doubting if ever such a person as Christ existed at all, and had been crucified without the gates of Jerusalem, when a man in his way fell right into his arms, and he felt his face against the beard of a Jew, who happened to be going to town. They mutually begged pardon, and departed, and with the Jew went all his doubts for ever. "In the croaking of a Jew," said the late Mr. Ryland, "I hear as if the voice of Gabriel proclaimed from heaven, Jesus, the true Messiah, was crucified without the gates of Jerusalem.""

In the life of archbishop Usher, we are told of a lady who had been wavering in her religion, that her doubts were removed by the occasion of a Jesuit's being unable to proceed in a disputation with the bishop, and leaving the place with shame. The story of Mrs. Honeywood, related by Mr. Flavel and many others, is too well known to need a place here.

Melancthon, going once upon some great service for the Church of Christ, and having many doubts and fears about the success of his business, was greatly relieved by a company of poor women and children, whom he found praying together for the prosperity of the Church.

Athenagoras, a famous Athenian philosopher in the second century, not only doubted of the truth of the christian religion, but was determined to write against it: however, upon an intimate

enquiry into the facts on which it was supported, in the course of his collecting materials for his intended publication, he was convinced by the blaze of evidence in its favour, and turned his designed invective into an elaborate apology, which is still in being.


LYCURGUS esteemed it one of the greatest duties of a legislator to form regulations for the education of the Spartan children. His grand maxim was, "That children were the property of the state, to which alone their education was to be entrusted." In their infancy the nurses were instructed to indulge them neither in their diet nor in those little froward humours which are so peculiar to that age; to inure them to bear cold and fasting; to conquer their first fears, by accustoming them to solitude and darkness. Their diet and clothing were just sufficient to support nature, and defend them from the inclemency of the seasons. Their sports and exercises were such as 'contributed to render their limbs supple, and their bodies compact and firm. Their learning was sufficient for their occasions; for Lycurgus admitted nothing but what was truly useful. They trained them up in the best of sciences,the principles of wisdom and virtue.

Agesilaus, king of Sparta, being asked what he thought most proper for boys to learn, answered, "What they ought to do when they come to be men." Thus useful, not extensive or ostentatious learning is the best.

In the education of young persons, much is to

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