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Machinery, changes effected by, 338.

See Inventions.

Madison's presidency, 210.

Magellan's voyage, 22.
Maine, settlement of, 94.

Marco Polo's travels and book, 5.
Marion, General, 113, 179.
Marquette's explorations, 125.
Maryland, settled by Catholics, 101.


political and religious liberty in, 102, 103.
Catholics of, deprived of their rights, 104.
Maryland, my Maryland (song).
Mason and Dixon's line, 105.
Mason and Gorges, 94.

Mason and Slidell, capture of, 294.
Massachusetts (Plymouth) settled, 74.
Bay Colony, settlement of, 80.
Puritan rule in, 83-85.
education in colony, 86.
Massasoit, 79, 91.

Mayflower, sailing of the, 77.
McClellan, General, 293, 301–304.
McCormick reaper, the, 270.
McDowell, General, 292.
Meade, General, 306, 307.

Menendez in Florida, 31, 32.

Merrimac, destroys the Cumberland and
the Congress, 295.

and the Monitor, 295.
Mexican War, the, 259–262.
results of, 262.

See Battles.

Minister, definition of, 185 (note 3).
Mint, United States, established, 194.
Minute Men, the, of Revolution, 157.
Mississippi explored by the French, 124-128.
opening of, in the war, 309.
deepening the mouth of, 341.
overflow of, 344.

Missouri Compromise, 225.

repealed, 271.

Mobile founded, 128.

Farragut enters harbor of, 317.
Money, paper, of Revolution, 170.
just after the Revolution, 186.
how obtained in 1789, 193.
decimal system of coinage, 194.
in 1832 (note 3), 239.

in 1837, 248.

in Civil War, 322, 342.

of national banks, 249 (note 1).

Monitor and Merrimac, 295.
Monroe, presidency of, 220.

Doctrine, the, 227.

Montgomery's expedition against Quebec,


Morgan's raid, 310.

Mormons, rise of the, 249.

emigration to Utah, 250.


Morris, Robert, what he did for Washington,

Morristown, Washington's terrible winter at,


Morse's, Professor, electric telegraph, 254.
Morton, Dr., discovers that ether will control
pain, 255.

Mound Builders, the, 40 (note 1).

Napoleon, 211.

Narvaez, expedition of, 27.
National road, 226, 227.

Natural gas, 278.

Navigation laws, 62.

Navy, 166, 179, 200, 203, 206, 213, 295.

our new, 357.

Negro slavery, introduction of, 59.
slaves emancipated, 304.

See Slavery.

Negroes become lawmakers, 328.

the, and the Amendments to the Constitu-
tion, 330.

progress of, since the war, 348.

See Freedmen and Slavery.
Neutrality, proclamation of, 194.
New Albion, 34.

New Amsterdam (New York), 67–72.
New England, origin of name, 66.
confederacy (1643), 87, 88.
New Hampshire, settlement of, 94.
New Jersey, settlement of, 72, 74.
New Mexico, conquest of, 260.
New Netherland, Dutch settle, 66.
seized by the English. 72.
New Orleans founded, 128.
battle of (1814), 218.
taken by Farragut, 300.
exhibition, 346.

progress since the war, 347.

Newspaper first published in America, 140

(note 6).

first cheap, 246.

New York seized and named by English, 72.

streets, 71, 72.

in the Revolution, 166.
East River bridge, 345.
Statue of Liberty, 353.

Non-Intercourse Act, 207, 210, 211.
North Carolina, see Carolina.
North, Lord, 184.

Northmen, discovery by the, 2, 3.
Northwest Territory, the, 187.
Nullification, 241.

[blocks in formation]

Political parties, rise of (1789), 191.

Whigs vs. Democrats, 229 (note 1); 252
(note 2).

American Party, 270 (note 1).
Republicans, 273, 280 (note 2).

Polk, presidency of, 256.

Ponce de Leon and Florida, 24.

Pontiac's conspiracy, 138.

Pope, General, 302 (note 4); 303.

Pope, the division of the world by the, 17.

Popham colony, Maine, 94 (note 7).
Popular Sovereignty, 266 (note 1).
Population in 1763, 139.

Population in 1776, 194 (note 1).

in 1790, 194.

in 1861, 283.

in 1890, 359.

Porter's bombardment of forts below New Or
leans, 300.

Port Hudson, situation of, 301.
taken, 309.

Portuguese voyages, 7.

Postage cheap, 346.
Powhatan, 53, 54.

Presidential Succession Act, 354.
Providence, settlement of, 107.
Puritans, origin of the, 61.

religion, ideas of the, 75.

the, settle Massachusetts, 83.

their colony; mode of government, 83.
in Maryland, 103, 104.

Putnam, General, 160, 167.

"Quaker Guns," 303 (note 1).

Quakers, see Friends.

Quebec, the English take, 137.

Montgomery's expedition against, 161.
Arnold's expedition against, 161.

Railroad, the first in America, 232.

the first across the continent, 332-334.
Railroads in 1835, 243.

effects of, 232, 233, 334.

Raleigh sends an exploring expedition to

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America, 35.

attempts to colonize, 35-38.

what he really accomplished, 37, 38.
Rally round the flag" (song), 309.
Reaper, McCormick's, 270.

Reconstruction begun, 324.

(Congress and the President), 327.
completed, 335.

Regicides, the, 99 (note 3).

Religious liberty, for all Christians in Mary-
land, 102.

for all persons in Rhode Island, 107, 108.
Congress not to interfere with, 108.
not recognized by the Puritans, 81, 83, 104.
none in England, formerly, 74-
Removals from office, Jackson's, 236.

See Civil Service Reform.

Republicans, first party of that name, 193
(note 4).

modern party, origin of, 273 (note 2).
election of Lincoln by the, 280.

Resumption of specie payment, 342.

Revere's, Paul, ride, 157.

Review, grand military, at close of the war,324
Revolution, the, 149.

Revolution, causes of the, 150, 156, 163.
battles of, see Battles.

Revolver, Colt's, 255 (note 1).
Rhode Island, settlement of, 107.

entire religious liberty in, 107, 108.
in the Revolution, 109.

Ribaut, Jean, 30.


Rice, cultivation of, in South Carolina, 114.
Richmond, Va., made the Confederate capi-
tal, 289.

capture of, 321.

[blocks in formation]

Savannah settled, 121.

taken by the British, 178.

taken by Sherman, 320.

Savannah, first ocean steamship, 209.
Schools, public, established in Massachusetts,

Governor Berkeley on, in Va., 60 (note 1).
at the South, 348.

Schuyler, General, 173.
Scotch-Irish emigrants, 95.

Scott, General, 216, 243, 260, 262, 291.
Screw Propeller, 255 (note 1).
Search, right of, 206, 212, 219, 295.
Secession of South Carolina, 281.
of other States, 281, 289.

reasons for, 282, 284.

effect of the war on, 326.

Separatists, the, 75.

Sewing-machine, the, 255 (note 1).

Shawmut (Boston), 82.

Shays' rebellion, 186.

Shenandoah Valley, "Stonewall" Jackson

in, 302.

Sheridan's raid in, 314.


Sheridan's raids about Richmond, 321.
Silk culture attempted in Georgia, 121.
Silver, discovery of, in Nevada and Colorado,

remonetization of, 342 (note 3).
Slavery introduced into America, 59.
spreads into all the colonies, 59, 140.
introduced into Georgia, 123.
effect of the cotton-gin on, 196, 197.
Jefferson on, 209.

law restricting slave trade, 209.

discussion of the western extension of,

222-225, 266.

change of feeling respecting, 223.

how it divided the country, 223, 266.

the Missouri compromise, 225.

Garrison attacks, 237.

Channing, Dr., on, 237.

J. Q. Adams and, 239.

formation of Abolition societies, 238.
annexation of Texas, 256.

forced the North and the South apart, 266.
the question of, in 1850, 266.
the Fugitive-Slave Law, 267.
the "Underground Railroad," 268.
"Uncle Tom's Cabin," 268.
Kansas-Nebraska Act, 271.
struggle in Kansas over, 272.
Dred Scott decision, 275.

John Brown's raid, 278.
Lincoln on, 285.

the corner-stone of the Southern Confed-

eracy, 282 (note 3).

the country

divided by, in 1861, 284.

the enemy of the Union, 284.

Butler, General, and the "contrabands,”

[blocks in formation]

of, 347, 348.

Smith, Captain John, 52, 54, 66, 78.

Songs of the Civil War, 279, 303, 309, 314, 318.

Sherman, General, at Pittsburg Landing, 298. South Carolina, see Carolina.

raid on Meridian, 311.

in the "Hammering Campaign," 311.

advance of, on Atlanta, 316.

march to the sea, 317.

at Savannah, 320.

march northward, 320.

surrender of Johnston to, 321 (note 1).

Sheridan's raid in the Shenandoah Valley, 314.

ride, 315.

at battle of Winchester, 315.

South, the, secedes, 281.

forms a Confederacy, 281.
fires on Fort Sumter, 287.
how prepared for war, 290.
sufferings of, in the war, 323.
during reconstruction, 328.
withdrawal of troops from, 340.
the solid, 340.

the New, and its progress, 347, 348.
Spaniards, the, in Florida, 31, 32.

[blocks in formation]

"Star Spangled Banner," the (song of), 218 "Underground Railroad," 268.

[blocks in formation]

Tarifi, sketch of the, 240 (note 1).

revenue (1789), 193.

first protective, 240 (note 1).
and nullification, 241.

Taylor, presidency of, 265.

Taxation of the colonies by England, 150, 153.
Tecumseh's conspiracy, 211.

Temperance cause, 233, 234.
Telegraph, electric, 254, 255, 334.

Atlantic cable, 330.

Telephone, the, 338.

Texas, annexation of, 255.

and the Mexican War, 259.

Thomas, General, 296, 310, 319.

Ticonderoga, Ethan Allen takes, 159.
Tobacco in Virginia, 56, 57, 62.
Tories of the Revolution, 162.
Town meeting, government by, 79, 83.
Treasury, independent, established, 248.
sub-treasuries established, 248.

Treaty of England and France (1763), 138.

with France (1778), 176.

of peace, 1783, 185.
with England (1795), 198.
of Ghent (1814), 219.
Ashburton (1842), 253.
Oregon (1846), 258.
with Japan (1854), 271.
Washington (1871), 339.

Trent affair, the, 294.

[blocks in formation]

roads, canals, railroads, etc., in, 209, 226,
230, 232, 243, 255, 284, 333.
emigration to, 251, 354.

National banks established, 249 (note 1).
payment of Civil War debt, 331.

treaties of, see Treaties.

wars of, see Wars.

growth of, 283, 359.

population, see Population.

present condition of, 359.

University, Harvard, founded, 86.

Yale, 86 (note 4).
Utah, Mormons, in 250.

[blocks in formation]

Virginia, settlement of, at Jamestown, 52.
tobacco, cultivation of, 56.

House of Burgesses established, 58.
slavery introduced into, 59.
Cavaliers in, 61.

Navigation Laws hurt trade of, 62.
Bacon's rebellion in, 63.


R. H. Lee of, moves Declaration of Inde-
pendence, 164.

Virginia Dare, birth of, 37.

Vote right to, restricted in colonial times, 83.

War, the Pequot (1637), 97.

King Philip's (1675), 91.
French and Indian, 129-139.
"King William's" (1689), 129.
"Queen Anne's" (1702), 130.
"King George's" (1744), 130.
"French and Indian" (1754), 131.
Revolutionary, the (1775), 157-185.
with France (1798), 200.
with Tripoli (1801), 203.
with Tecumseh (1811), 211.
with England (1812), 212-219.
with the Creeks (1814), 215.
First Seminole (1818), 221.
Black Hawk (1832), 244.

Second Seminole (1835), 244 (note 2).
Mexican (1846), 259-263.
the Civil (1861), 285-323.
cost of the Civil, 322.

loss of life in the Civil, 322.
results of the Civil, 326.
Modoc (1872), 339.

Sioux (1876), 339.

See Battles.

Warren, General Joseph, 161.

Washington, sketch of early life of, 133
(note 3).

sent a messenger to the French, 133.
his interest in the West, 134.
accompanies Braddock, 135, 136.
helps take Fort Duquesne, 136.
made commander-in-chief, 159.
takes command of army, 161.
enters Boston, 162.

at New York, 166.

saves Putnam and his army, 167.
retreats northward, 168.

retreats across the Delaware, 168, 169.

victory at Trenton, 170.
victory at Princeton, 171.
worries Howe, 174.

at Brandywine, 174.
at Germantown, 174.
and Franklin, 176.

at Valley Forge, 174, 176.



centennial of inauguration of, 356.
Washington the national capital in 1801, 202.
taken by the British, 216.

Wayne, "Mad Anthony," 178.
Webster, Daniel, early life of, 95 (note 4).
and Calhoun, 242.
our debt to, 242.

and the Ashburton treaty, 253.
and the Fugitive-Slave Law, 267.
Webster, Noah, dictionary of, 245.
Wesley, John and Charles, 123.
West, Washington's interest in the, 134.

the, emigration to, 195, 226, 227, 335, 356.
growth of the, 244, 335.

White "Apprentices" in Virginia, 59.

Apron Brigade, the, 63.

Whitefield in Georgia, 123.

Whitman, Dr., and Oregon, 257.

Whitney invents the cotton-gin, 196.

William and Mary College, 220 (note 2).
Wilmot Proviso, 262 (note 5).

Williams, Roger, driven from Massachusetts,

saves Massachusetts from an Indian War,

Yeardley, Governor, 57.

York, the Duke of, seizes New Netherland, 72.
seizes Delaware, 110.

Yorktown, capture of, 183, 184.

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