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Resolved, That a Committee of three be appointed to prepare subjects, and recommend reporters for the next session.




At 11 A. M., the Hon. JOHN MCLEAN, of Ohio, delivered an address "On the formation of Society-on its leading developments, and on the propriety of including the elementary principles of our Government in a course of popular instruction."

The Rev. Dr. BRISBANE officiated as Chaplain.
The College then adjourned.

At 2 P. M., the College again met.

The Rev. J. DENHAM offered four resolutions as substitutes for those offered by Mr. LEWIS last evening, which were seconded; but before the question was put, the order of the day-Mr. Lewis's resolutions was called for: the 1st and 2d taken up, discussed, and adopted.

The 3d and 4th were then laid on the table.


At 7 the College assembled to hear the address of the Rev. M. M. CARLL.

Rev. WM. WEST officiated as Chaplain.

At the close of the address, Mr. W. R. WHITMORE offered the following preamble and resolution, which were discussed by Messrs. Stowe, Harrison, Beecher, and McGuffey, and then adopted, viz:

WHEREAS the improvement of the heart and the cultivation of the affections, as well as the enrichment of the intellect, are essential to the well-being and happiness of mankind; therefore, be it Resolved, As the sentiment of this College, that Sabbath School Instruction, in connection with Common School Instruction, be deemed worthy of our special encouragement and support. Adjourned.

WM. PHILLIPS, Jr., Rec. Sec.

Wednesday, Oct. 3, 1838.

At 9 o'clock, A. M., the members convened for business. The meeting was opened with prayer by the Rev. JAMES CHALLEN.

After the calling of the roll, the minutes of Tuesday were read and approved.

The Committee on Publication reported a plan for publishing the

present Transactions of the College, which was accepted; and, on motion, it was

Resolved, That the Chair appoint an individual to present the subject of the Publication of the Volume of Transactions, to the audience this evening; and that a Committee be appointed to circulate subscription papers in the assembly.


Committee on






The subject of the multiplication of Colleges and Universities being called for Mr. MCELROY offered the following:

Resolved, That it is the sentiment of this Convention that the multiplication of Colleges and Universities in the Western States, is calculated to exert a favorable influence, on the higher branches of Literature and Science: this, with the subject to which it referred, was laid on the table.

The College then took a recess of half an hour.

At 11 the College convened to hear the Essay of Mr. T. S. REEVES of Virginia, on Education, which was read by the Rev. C. P. CRANCH.

Prayer by the Rev. W. Davis, of Mississippi.

The College adjourned.

At 3 P.-M., the College again met.

The Chairman being absent, WM. GREENE, Esq., was chosen Chairman pro. tem.

Mr. G. R. HAND submitted the following:

Resolved, That it is the deliberate opinion of this College, that the habitual use of a system of printed questions and answers in the business of instruction, is unfavorable to the promotion of sound mental culture, and thorough acquisitions; and after being discussed at some length by several gentlemen, it was laid on the table to permit a reconsideration of the vote on the subject of Sunday School instruction, taken last evening. The subject being reconsidered

Dr. D. DRAKE offered the following as an amendment to the resolution offered by Mr. Whitmore, which was accepted, and made the order of the day for Friday evening.

Resolved, That every law establishing Common Schools should require those having the superintendence of them, to grant the occupation of the public school houses on the Sabbath day, to such charitable persons as wish to open Sunday Schools for the moral and religious instruction of the children who are educated in them

through the week: Provided, always, that such occupation shall be so conducted, as not to injure the edifices or their furniture.

The resolution on printed questions was again taken up, and the discussion continued until the hour for adjournment, when the subject, with the amendments offered, was referred to a committee to report as soon as possible, by resolution or otherwise.





The College then adjourned.

The College convened at 7 to hear the Essay on "Conversation as a branch of Education," from the pen of Mrs. CAROline Lee HenTZ of Alabama, which was read by G. R. Hand. Prayer by the Rev. Dr. BEECHER.

Agreeably to a resolution of the morning session, E. D. MANSFIELD, Esq., addressed the audience in behalf of the forthcoming Volume of Transactions; and the Committee appointed for that purpose circulated subscription papers, and obtained subscriptions for two hundred and six copies.

Pres. W. H. McGUFFEY offered the following_resolutions, which were discussed at great length by Messrs. McGuffey, Salomon, Stowe, Drake, Harrison, and Beecher, and then made the order of the day for Thursday afternoon, at 3 o'clock.

1st. Resolved, That while the American nation is distinguished for a high regard for the female character, and for the attention given to female Education, still there is much which needs to be attempted in order to secure a proper education to those who necessarily must have the most influence in forming the mind and heart of the coming generation.

2d. Resolved, That the interests of female Education demand the endowment of female Seminaries for the education of female Teachers; and, also, for those who are not directly designed for that office.

3d. Resolved, That the evanescent and fluctuating character of female schools, are serious obstacles to all attempts at a thorough and systematic course of female education.

4th. Resolved, That in order to secure stability to female institutions, and a regular and systematic course of instruction, a certain combination of measures is necessary, not demanded in-institutions for the other sex-these are: 1st. Buildings appropriate, and trustees provided by public or private influence. 2d. That the Principal Teachers of such institutions should be females. 3d. That Associate Principals be employed in each institution, instead of giving it to the sole supervision of a single individual. These three measures combined are deemed indispensable in order to se

cure that degree of permanency and system to female institutions that now appertain to those for the other sex,

The College adjourned at 10, P. M.

WM. PHILLIPS, Jr., Rec. Sec.

Thursday, Oct. 4, 1838.

The College was called to order at 10, A. M., by M. G. WILLIAMS, Vice President.

Prayer by the Rev. J. CHALLen.

The roll was called, and the minutes of Wednesday read and approved.

Resolved, That a Committee of three be appointed and instructed to report as early as possible, on the expediency of resuscitating the Western Academician..



At half past 10 o'clock, A. M., the College was again entertained with vocal music by the juvenile Choir of the City Schools. Resolved, That the College of Teachers are very much gratified at witnessing the singing of the Scholars of the Common Schools of this City, and have entire confidence in the system of instruction in vocal music, which has been introduced among them.

The following offered by S. LEWIS, Esq., was, after considerable discussion, adopted:

Resolved, That the course of instruction in all institutions of learning should be as practical as possible, and we disallow the opinion that sound learning disqualifies for activity in the business and professional departments of society.

Resolved, That that is the most valuable Education which develops, the most fully, all the powers of the body and mind, and. teaches how these powers can be so used as to produce the greatest influence in the promotion of individual and general happiness. Adjourned.

The College re-assembled at 2 o'clock, P. M., and proceeded to business.

J. L. TALBOTT, from the Committee on the nomination of Officers, reported progress, and recommended that the College now proceed to fill the remaining blanks. Report accepted, the list completed as far as possible, and confirmed as follows:


ALBERT PICKET, Sen., President.

GEORGE R. HAND, Corresponding Secretary.

WM. PHILLIPS, Jr., Recording Secretary.

J. L. TALBOTT, Librarian.


P. S. Fall, Vice President; O. L. Leonard, H. B. Todd, J. A. Quishenberry, G. A. Elder, D. S. Burnet, Directors.


Milo G. Williams, Vice President; Asa Drury, Joseph Ray, E. Barney, Jesse Holmes,

Slater, Directors.


Andrew Wylie, Vice President; J. L. Holeman, J. S. Kemper, A. Keuler, David Stuart, Directors.



Dr. Egan, of Chicago, Vice President; J. M. Peck, J. Blaichford, H. D. Towne, Cyrus E. Edwards, E. Beecher, Directors.


J. D. Pierce, Vice President; J. P. Cleaveland, Prof. Wilson, Directors.



Alexander Campbell, Vice President; B. Richardson, J. Hoge, W. Nelson, Bartholomew Egan, McCormic, Directors.


E. Slack, Vice President; — Littleton, G. Weller, W. A. Scott, Cross, J. E. Bright, Directors.


A. Church, Vice President; W. Clayton, Director.


S. A. Cartwright, Vice President; J. Lane, Riley, L. D. Dubuison, Forshay, Directors.


Robert Payne, Vice President; C. Richardson, E. R. Alliot, J. Test, J. W. Gulick, Directors.

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Picket, Jas.


T. S. Parvin, Vice President; T. S. Wilson, J. W. Parker, J. H. Sullivan, J. P. Stewart, J. Clark, Directors.


J. S. Shannon, Vice President; J. A. Reynolds, T. Chapp, Directors.

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