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We debate about that:
I decide upon that case:
He deducted from my salary:
He delights in good:
He deliberates upon that:
He demanded from him:
He denounced vengeance against

They depart from their duty:
That depends on you:
He derogates from his high rank:
A great height to descend from:
You desist from


Disputamos ácerca d'isso.
Eu decido este caso.
Descontou do meu salario.
Deleita-se em fazer bem.
Elle delibera sobre isto.
Elle exigio d'elle.
Ameaçou-o da sua vigança.

Elles se apartão do seu dever.
Isso depende de Vm.

Elle se degrada. -
Huma grande altura para
your pretensions: Vm. desiste das suas prete
Huma guerra que elle resolveo.
Prejudica os seus direitos.
Desvião se do seu dever. Lo6-
Herdou a dignidade de par.
Morreo de fome.

A war which he determined on:
He detracts from his rights:
They deviate from their duty:
The peerage devolved on him:
He died with hunger:

He died away insensibly:
He digresses from his subject:

I dine upon fish:

Morreo quasi insensivelmente.
Aparta-se muito do seu assump-


Eu janto

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He was disabled from serving:
We disagree about that:

[blocks in formation]

Discriminate between right and Distinga Vm. a verdade de erro.

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You wish to domineer over me: Vm. quer dominar-me

You dote upon her:

He drained off all the water:
You draw away all my friends:
He draws along his leg:
He draws them asunder:
He draws in the ignorant:

Vm. está louco de amor por ella. Fez esgotar toda a agoa. Vm. me rouba todos os amigos. Elle arrastra a sua perna. Elle os separa. Engana os ignorantes.

[blocks in formation]


He drew on the ennemy:
He draws over the poor:
He drew out his sword:
He draws out the army:
He drew up a writing:
He draws up his soldiers:
He draws near us:
He drew off:

He drew back a little:

I dreamt of you last night:
You dress up your children:
He drank up all:

Let us drink about:
He drinks down all:
He drinks off his glass:
He drinks out off a glass:
He drank away his fortune:
He drank in an error:
He drives away the enemy:
He drove back the army:
He drove out every body:


Incitou o inimigo.
Elle persuade os pobres.
Desembainhou a espada.
Elle põe a tropa em armas.
Fez hum escrito.

Mette em linha os soldados.
Aproxima-se a nós.

Retrocedeo hum pouco.

Sonbei com Vm. esta noite.
Vm. enfeita os seus filhos.
Esgotou totalmente o copo, a gar.
rafa, etc.

Bebâmos em roda,
Elle traga tudo.

A caba de esgotar o copo.
Elle bebe por hum copo.
Elle fundio todo o seu haver.
Elle imbuio se de hum erro.
Elle repelle o inimigo.
Fez retirar o exercito.
Elle lançou fóra a todos.

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[blocks in formation]


off. in, into.



To drop




To dry
To dwell


on, upon.

To eat


To eke


To elope


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[blocks in formation]

He drives us on:

He drove off the enemy:
He drove us in: (familiar.)
I dropped in at dinner time:
He drops off: (figurado.)
The leaves drop off:
The water drops through the

The sun dries up the grass:
Dry up your tears:
You dwell upon that:
You eat up the loaf:
You eke out the time:

She eloped from her husband:

from, out, of. He emerges from obscurity:



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agua gotteja pelas fendas do

O sol seca a herva.
Enxugai vossas lagrimas.
Vm. insiste muito nisso.
Vm. come todo o pão.
Vm. prolonga o tempo.

Ella abandonou o marido, fu-
gindo com o amante.

Elle sahe da escuridade.

I emigrated from Portugal to Eu emigrei de Portugal para In

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Fiquei encantado da sua polidez

He encroaches on every body: Elle tudo quer usurpar.

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He is endued with a good under- Elle he dotado d'huma razão

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clara, d'um juizo são, etc." Não o admitto: opponho-me a

I was excused from serving: Fui escuso do serviço. He expiates upon my conduct: Examina miudamente o meu procedimento.

I expostulated with him upon Queixei me amigavelmente a

that subject:

He exults his brother's misfortunes:

He faced out that false hood:

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elle sobre aquelle assumpto. Alegra-se muito das desgraças de seu irmão.

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Cahio no chão. Herdarei estes bens, 20

Eu começo.

Comece Vm.

Elle cahio sobre o inimigo.

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