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Return to be made when there is only one Candidate.

I hereby certify that the member elected for the electoral district of


in pursuance of the

, in

annexed writ, is (as the nomination paper,) no other candidate having been nominated (or the other or other candidates having withdrawn, as the case may be).

[blocks in formation]

Notice of Polls being granted and of Candidates nominated, with territorial limits of polls.


Electoral district of

to wit;

Public notice is hereby given to the electors of the electoral district aforesaid that a poll is necessary for the election now pending for the said electoral district, and that such poll shall be in consequence opened, and, further, that the persons duly nominated as candidates at such election, and for whom alone votes shall be received, are:

1. JEAN DUREAU, of the Town of Sorel, County of Richelieu, merchant;

2. JOSEPH MEUNIER, of the City of Montreal, 10 Fontaine Street, physician;

3. ANTOINE RICHARD, of the Parish of St. Henry, County of Levis, farmer;

4. JOSEPH RICHARD, of the Town and County of Levis, advocate.

(As in the nomination papers.)

And that polls have been established by me at the following places, to wit:

For the voting subdivision No. 1 (or other designation) consisting of (or bounded as follows, or otherwise describing it clearly,) at (describing the poll.)

(And so continuing for all the other voting subdivisions and polls in the electoral district.)

Of all of which all persons interested are hereby required to take notice and govern themselves accordingly.

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Commission of a Deputy Returning Officer.

To G. H. (insert his legal addition and residence.)

Know you that, in my capacity of returning officer for the electoral district of

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I have appointed and do hereby appoint you to be deputy returning officer for the voting subdivision of (description of the voting subdivision) in the electoral district


[ocr errors]

there to take

the votes of the electors by ballot, according to law, at the poll to be by you opened and held for that purpose, and you are hereby authorized and obliged to open and hold the poll for such election for the said voting subdivision day of the month of

on the

instant (or next), at nine of the clock in the forenoon, at (detailed description of the place where the poll must be held), and there hold such poll during the hours required by law, and there take by ballot, in the manner by law provided, the votes of the electors voting at the said poll, and, after counting the votes given and performing the other duties required of you by law, to return to me forthwith the ballot box, sealed with your seal, and enclosing the ballots, list of electors, and other documents required by law, together with this commission.

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Oath of Deputy Returning Officer.

I, the undersigned, G. H., appointed deputy returning officer for the voting subdivision of (description of the voting subdivision) in the electoral district solemnly swear (or, if he be one of the persons permitted by law to affirm in civil cases, solemnly affirm,) that I will act faithfully in my said capacity, without partiality, fear, favor, or affection: So help me God. G. H.,


Deputy Returning Officer.

38 V., c. 7, Appendix, Form M.



Certificate of a Deputy Returning Officer having taken the Oath

of Office.

I, the undersigned, hereby certify that on the day of the month of

18 G. H., deputy

returning officer for the voting subdivision of (description of the voting subdivision,) in the electoral district of

took and subscribed before me the oath (or affirmation) of office required in such case of a deputy returning officer, by The Quebec Election Act, article 294 of the Revised Statutes of the Province of Quebec.

In testimony whereof, I have delivered to him this certificate under my hand.


C. D., or, A. B.,

Justice of the Peace.

Returning Officer.

38 V., c. 7, Appendix, Form N.

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The number of the ballot paper should be entered here.

The Initials of the Deputy Returning Officer should be placed here.


Ici doit être mis le numéro du bulletin.

Ici doivent étre mises les initiales du sous-officier rapporteur.

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