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meeting, refufed to keep the chair, when he found them determined to propose them; and this, if neceflary, he would prove, by the evidence of the gentleman who took the chair after him. How hard was it then, that every man's abfurdity fhould be charged as criminal in him!

The addrefs of the London correfponding fociety, of the 24th of March 1794, fubjoined to which the fociety ordered that his majesty's fpeech fhould be printed, he maintained to be no treafonable act. The words "honourable" and "faithful" being left out, as well as the other alterations and amendments which appeared in the books, were equally frivolous. Among the many acquirements of Mr. Tooke, it was not the leaft eminent, that he was not to be excelled in the powers of language. When, therefore, he spoke of the reprefentation of the people in parliament, it was plain that a man of his knowledge could not have meant the king; no one knew better than Mr. Tooke, that the king was no reprefentative.

In making the prefent defence, he obferved, that the intellect was not much upon the ftretch; but fearful that his animal ftrength might fail him, he had copied out the opinions of the judges Hale and Fofter, on the law of treafons, as far as they applied to this cafe. Hale fays, that if a man confpires to imprifon the king, or oblige him, by force, to perform any action, that shall be construed into a defign of compaffing his death, as in the cafe of lord Cobham.

But here the expreffion laboured in the ear. For, in order to prevent his meaning being mifunderftood, he guardedly obferves, that though the overt act goes to prove the defign, the crime is not in the overt act but in the intention. Fofter alfo defines the overt act to be the means to effectuate the intention of

the heart; but the crime is in the intention, and not in the overt act. In the cafe of Mr. Tooke, where was the proof of the intention? And what was the overt act? What was the force, and when, and where was it levied ?

The fifth overt act ftated again the prifoner was, that he, with Bonney, Thelwall, Lovatt, Baxter, and others, was appointed on the committee of co-operation and corre fpondence between the two focieties. Admitting this to be true, where was the treafon? The focieties appeared to have no treasonable objects; nor could the deputies on this committee be fuppofed to have a different object from thofe by whom they were deputed.

Meffrs. Tooke, Joyce, Bonney, Pearfon, and Moore, were nominated by the other. Mr. Tooke faid, "Don't appoint me as one of the committee." You may ask why he fuffered his name to femain among them? He answered, Because I did not think their acts criminal.-But yet he did not choose to attend nor to approve.

Mr. Erfkine faid, he would not have called a witnefs if it depended upon him, although he should calt many to repel the evidence of the crown. The infamous fpies, and the weapons have been withdrawn, and I trust in God we fhall hear no more of them.

At the meeting of the 4th of April, Mr. Hardy was prefent as well as Mr. Tooke at Mr. Thelwall's, whom I fhall reprefent, and I have do doubt will be acquitted. They met to confider what was fit to be done, and to report this to their focieties.

Of the correfponding fociety, Mr. Richter faid to Mr. Roufe, that he regretted the letter was fent to the Friends of the People; as the measure of calling the convention was not fully determined upon by their club. There was nothing but


what the king upon his throne might | Then on the 28th, three weeks af

have learned. Mr. Lovatt will tell you, that, in his idea, no meafure could fo confirm the power of the monarch, as thofe reforms of abufes by which empires are crumbled into duft, and every defcription of just authority annihilated.

On the 11th, the report was made by the delegates, and Mr. Tooke's name ftands in the committee of cooperation, as it had not been expunged from that of conference. Mr. Adams has told you, that he never heard of his name therein, until it was read out of the book. Mr. Erskine then fhewed, that when the declaration was made of what was intended to be done, it turned out only to be the obtainment of the reform in parliament. They fay it was defirable to confider how this fhould be accomplished. Does the attorney general mean to ftate that the meeting of thefe delegates for fuch purposes is an act of treafon, where not a word of arms or force is heard of?

The cloud of witneffes brought forward, touching thefe arms, has been fo little fatisfactory, that it has been difpelled by the crown, and all the parole evidence meant to crush poor Hardy is heard of no more. To put up fpies again as evidence, would be only to fend you "Raggamuffins to be peppered." They have brought nothing but papers, which I would engage to parallel from the newspapers of one week.

ter the first appointment, the committee met, talked of the news, took fnuff, and returned to their


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A letter is put in the green box, ftating that Hardy is taken up, and his papers feized-O! but you have heard much respecting a red book — This was to ftate all the places and penfions that Mr. Pitt has obtained for his family, and Mr. Joyce withed it to be done on the Thurfday : Mr. Tooke wanted more time.

A fpy was prefent, who came there to make difcoveries: he found that a Mr. Gay had written upon a ftone, on which walking Stuart had inferibed, "this is the end of the world," this is the "beginning of the world ;" and I make no doubt, that if the green box could be fearched, I fhould find this anecdote at the bottom of it.

Mr. Burke faid, "every victory in America was a blow upon my heart, I have not learned to rejoice in finding Fort Niphauffen the centre of the British dominions," &c.

This is a period, when we should be firmly united and intwisted to- ' gether; when new perils arife every But we now come to the finale of day, let the innocent man be allowthis bufinefs, when it was determined to fay, fuch is the ftatute of treaed to meet on Mondays and Thurfdays. Then there was a meeting at Chalk Farm, and let it be remembered, that Mr. Lovatt, whom the accufing jury have refufed to find criminal, was the chairman there, and Mr. Tooke never prefent; and yet the refolutions there are hurled upon the gentleman at your bar.

fon by which you will judge me. This is not England, when the court has been obliged to take fo much upon then.-One trembles with horror at the deftruction and dubiety of the cafe.-Shev me any one page wherein I may find this crime.

I have here a work of my client's, which, perhaps, his lordship may

permit me to read-It is a letter of Mr. Tooke to the late lord Ahburton, the celebrated Mr. Dunning.

[Mr. Gibbs relieved his learned friend by reading the extracts, which clearly demonstrate the conftitutional fertiments of Mr. Tocks upon theject of a parliamentary reform.]

Gentlemen of the jury, I addre's you with the utmost pain, and with fender preparation-I came into court this day in an exhaufted ftate. From the fatigues of a long and intricate trial, we have had no relief--we have laboured in the course of common business in the other courts,

pofition, the acts themselves; though without his privity or confent done by cthers.

I declare to you folemnly, my heart was never fo deeply interefted in any caule. I have not been able to do justice to my wishes, but I have the fulleft confidence in your judgment and integrity. I have employed no elocution to perfuade you, and I mutt again implore that Great Power, whole goodness can illumine your minds, to fill them with difcernment, and to direct your decifion.

and then again are called to defend To the EDITOR of the LADY'S

a gentleman who has been implicat



abilities exerted through this day," Le moment où je parle eft deja loin

ed in a general charge of high trea

fon. What far exceeds my whole

the grafp of his mind has collected

into a few pages-the fentiments of this gentleman upon the queftion of

de moi."


reform have been read to you. TheyHE rapid flight of time, and have been the principles of his conduct through life. I will fhew him to you by the evidence of gentlemen, highly refpectable, from year

to year.

In the mafs of papers brought forward, I call upon Mr. Attorney general, to ftate any one piece of evidence on which he can ground this charge of treafon. He can point to no one; and yet, on this chaos of incomprehenfible trash, a jury of twelve upright men is called upon to shed his blood.

duces, have been the conftant theme of philofophers and moralifts in all ages. Perpetual motion and inceffant change are the grand principles of the world, and of all human affairs. We ourselves are fubject to continual viciffitude. Our pu fuits, our inclinations, and our opinions, are fo different from year to year, and from day to day, that the queftion, how far we can be faid to be the fame perfons, is too difficult to be accurately refolved by our imperfect philofophy.

Gentlemen, I cannot conclude without faying, that the conduct of Nor does this law of continual my client has merited your highest change act on individuals alone ; refpect and honour. I could have empires and ftates, and the general made for him a far different defence; characters of great nations, are I could have fecurely led his veffel equally governed by it. Positions into the harbour of peace, and left which the hiftorian or the politihis fellow navigators to all the fury cian had advanced as incontestable of the tempeft-but his manly and and undoubted, fuddenly become generous mil difdained it. He as felf-evidently erroneous, and charged me, therefore, with the de- "th' inaudible and noifelefs foot of fence of the major part of the pro-time" unexpectedly tramples down


the most ingenious theories, and fyftems the most generally received. I have been led into thefe reflections by a paffage in one of the effays of the celebrated and elegant Mr. Knox, written only a few years ago. It is as follows:

"The want of a liberal and manly education will render us unable to perceive the value of liberty. It will alfo prevent the acquifition of that dignity and authority of mind which alone can make a fuccefsful ftand against the encroachments of power. Ignorance is mean, and cannot offer thofe generous facrifices which our duty to our country demands, when its liberties are endangered. A mind deftitute of a proper education will be eafily deJuded by the fophiftical arguments of thofe, who, to ferve felfth purpofes, are ready to explain away every dear-bought privilege, with a view to make converts to doctrines detrimental to the rights of mankind. And with refpect to thofe who are educated indeed, but educated in the manners and fentiments of a boftile country, though they may be defcended from Tudors and Plantagenets, yet their hearts are not English, They confider all our virtues, and all our religious fcruples as infular prejudices; and if Englishmen were to permit them to

no longer fear from the adoption of fuch fentiments, the establishment of arbitrary power, with its long and luxurious appendage of aristocracie titles, privileges, and oppreffion; but we dread the fubversion of all due authority, the extinction of all order. We fear the canaille, the multitude, a class of fociety not to be defpifed, but honoured; not to be trampled on, but to be loved, inftructed and reformed; we fear the multitude fhould affume a power it has not knowledge to wield, and deftroy what it may attempt to amend.

The most obvious and the most beneficial reflection we can make on the mutations produced by time in every thing human, is that humility and not pride was made for man, that we are but of yesterday and know nothing, that we flee like fhadows and continue not.

Yours, &c.

SOPHRONIA. Ipfwich, Nov. 27, 1794.


(Continued from p. 572.)

ERSONS of diftinction, who

import their improvements, theyPERS IN Office, leave the harem

would establish a Grand Monarque, and fhew that they think the world was made for dukes, marquifes, Jords and counts to take their pastime in; and that fuch canaille as the body of English freeholders are only fit to be cuifiniers or perruquiers to decorate their apith perfons, and tickle their vitiated palates."

A few years only have rendered it neceffary that we fhould be extremely cautious how we too haftily imbibe the manners and fentiments of this fame hoftile nation, from a

on diametrically the reverfe, We

are in

early in the morning, and, two hours after noon excepted, pafs most of their time in the outer apartments. But others who have little bufinefs, and the luxurious young men of all denominations, lounge many hours in their harem. Some allowance in this refpect is made to youth, for fome weeks after marriage; but an effeminate character, which is by no means refpectable among the men, is far from being acceptable to the women, The prefence of the men at unusual hours in the day-time lays the


whole harem under reftraint, and however fome particular favourite may be gratified by the particular attention of her lord, the rest of the women are apt to lament the liberty they are deprived of by his remaining too much at home.

The grandees, if flightly indifpofed, continue to fee company in the outer apartments; but when the diforder becomes ferious they retreat into the harem, to be nurfed by their women; and in this fituation, befides their medical attendants, and very near relations, no perfon whatever can have accefs, except on very urgent bufinefs. They make choice of the females they wish to have more immediately about their perfons, and one in particular is appointed to give an account to the phyfician of what happens in the intervals of his vifits, to receive his directions, and to fee them duly obeyed.

Medical people, whether Europeans or natives; have access to the harem at all times when their attendance is requifite. The phyfician, after being announced, is obliged to wait at the door till the way is cleared; that is, till his patient, when a female, her company and attendants, and others who might. happen to be in the courts through which he mult país, have either veiled or retired out of fight. He is then conducted to the chamber of the fick lady by a flave, who continues in a loud voice to give warning of his approach, dirb, dirb, al hakeem gia-y, way, way, the doctor is coming a precaution which does not always prevent the unveiled ladies, who have not been apprized, from accid ntally crofing the court,

When it is known that the phyfician is about to enter, the flave who undertakes to clear the way, gives notice by calling Amel Dirb! Amel Dirb! Make way, make way, and returning after fame time, fays Fi dirb! the way is clear.

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in which cafe, it becomes the wellbred phyfician to turn his eyes another way.

Upon entering the chamber, he finds his patient covered with a loofe veil; and it being a vulgar notion that the malady may be difcovered from the pulfe t, he is no fooner feated than the naked wrift is prefented for his examination . She then defcribes her complaints, and if it be neceffary to look at the tongue, the veil is for that purpof removed, while the affiftants keep the reft of the face, and especially the crown of the head, carefully covered. The women do not hesitate to expofe the neck, the bofom, or the ftomach, when the cafe requires thofe parts to be infpected; but never without extreme reluctance confent to uncover the head. Ladies whom I had known very young, and who, from long acquaintance, were careless in concealing their faces from me, never appeared without a handkerchief, or fome other flight covering thrown over the head. So far as I could judge from general practice, it feemed to be confidered, in point of decorum, of more confequence to veil the head than the face.

The phyfician is ufually entertained with tobacco and coffee, which, being intended as a mark of refpect, cannot in civility be declined, though the compliance leads to an intemperate ufe of both. After

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