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S Voyage Round it: From 1679, to 1691.

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New Voya



Defcribing particularly,

The Ifthmus of America, feveral Coafts
and Iflands in the West Indies, the Ifles
of Cape Verd, the Paffage by Terra del Fue-
go, the South Sea Coafts of Chili, Peru, and
Mexico; the Isle of Guam one of the La-
drones, Mindanao, and other Philippine
and Eaft India Islands, near Cambodia, China,
Formofa, Luconia, Celebes, &c. New Hol-
land, Sumatra, Nicobar Ifles; the Cape of
Good Hope, and Santa Hellena.


Soil, Rivers, Harbours, Plants, Fruits, Ani-
mals, and Inhabitants.


Cuftoms, Religion, Government, Trade, &c.


By Captain William Dampier.
Illustrated with Particular Maps and Draughts.
The Fourth Edition Cogređeo.


Printed for James Knapton, at the Crown in St Pauls
Church-yard. MDCXCIX.

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To the Right Honourable

Charles Mountague, Efq;

Prefident of the Royal Society, one of the Lords Commiffioners of the Treasury, &c.



AY it please you to Pardon the Boldness of a Stranger to your Perfon, if upon the encouragement of Common Fame, he prefumes fo much upon your Candor, as to lay before you this Account of his Travels. As the Scene of them is not only Remote, but for the moft part little fre quented alfo, fo there may be fome things in them New even to you; and fome poffibly, not altogether unufeful to the Publick: And that juft Veneration which the World pays, as to your General Worth, fo especially to that Zeal for the advancement of Knowledge, and the Intereft of your Country, which you exprefs upon all Occafions, gives you a particular Right to whatever may any way tend to the promoting these Interests, as an Offering due to your Merit. I have not fo much of the vanity of a Traveller, as to be fond of telling Stories, especially of this

A 2

kind à

The Epiftle Dedicatory.

kind; nor can I think this plain piece of mine, deferves a place among your more Curious Collections: much lefs have I the Arrogance to ufe your Name by way of Patronage for the too obvious fauls, both of the Author and the Work. Yet dare I avow, according to my narrow sphere and poor abilities, a hearty Zeal for the promoting of ufeful knowledge, and of any thing that may never fo remotely tend to my Countries advantage And I must own an Ambition of trafmitting to the Publick through your hands, thefe Effays I have made toward thofe great ends, of which you are fo defervedly esteemed the Patron. This hath been my defign in this Publication, being defirous to bring in my Gleaning, here and there in Remote Regions, to that general Magazine, of the knowledge of Foreign Parts, which the Royal Society thought you most worthy the Cuftody of, when they chofe you for their Prefident: and if in perufing thefe Papers, your Goodness shall fo far diftinguish the Experience of the Au thor from his Faults, as to judge him capable of ferving his Country, either immediately, or by ferving you, he will endeavour by fome real proofs to fhew himSIR,


Your Moft Faithful,
Devoted, Humble Servant,
W. Dampier.

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