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with child to be executed; of having tried and condemned 30, 40, and even 60 perfons at a time.

Hague, May 10. Sundry bloody tumults have lately taken place, in which the revolutionary party have revenged themselves both upon the lives and effects of the adherents of the prince! One of thofe ill-treated is already faid to have died of his wounds: but 300 of the French dragoons belonging to our garrifon were inftantly ordered out, in order to quell the commotion on the part of the French.

Another ferious fortie is reported to have been made by the garrison of Luxemburgh, on which occafion they are faid to have loft their beft artillery and many men.

Diepholtz, May 9. We have juft heard that the Auftrians have been fuccessful, though not without the lofs of fix or feven hundred men, in driving the French from the poft of Mombach, near Mayence, and on the heights; before which place they will establish "part of their army.

Hague, May 9. The French are faid to be preparing for an expedition into the Brifgau, below Strafburgh, in order to divert part of the Auftrian force from the approaching attempts for the relief of Luxemburgh.

In Catalonia, the French have commenced the campaign with fuccefs, having in feveral quarters defeated the Spanish advanced pofts; the Spaniards have alfo made two unfuccefsful attempts to diflodge the enemy from their works before Pampeluna; the probability of faving the place has, in confequence, been rendered dubious: its fall will render easy a passage into the heart of Spain.

The French army of the Alps, under Kellerman, is preparing a formidable attack upon the paffage of Bocchetter, where the Auftrians and Piedmontefe are ftrongly encamped. It appears the intention of the convention to prosecute the war with vigour in Italy.

Bruffels, May 11. Since the arrival of ten or twelve thoufand men from the army of the Sambre and Meufe, before Luxemburgh, feveral attempts have been made to open the trenches before that place; but the ground is fo hard that this cannot be done. More batteries have, however, been got ready.

The governor has been again fummoned to furrender, but has refufed. For the laft eight days 150 cannon and mortars have played upon the place : yet the fire of the garrifon has occafioned great lofs to the befiegers.

A great number of perfons, who emigrated upon the entrance of the French, have returned hither, and had their effects restored to them.

Leghorn, May 13 The British fleet, commanded by admiral Hotham, which left our port and put to fea on the 9th inf. has fhaped its courfe to Corfica, to meet admiral Mann's fquadron. The French fleet, compofed of 20 fhips of the line, is ftill at Toulon, and will not be able to fail before the end of this month. A new 74 has been lately launched in that harbour, and received the name of Franklin.

Bruffels, May 18. The army of the Sambre and the Meufe, commanded by general Jourdan, is now in motion: fome large bodies of that army have been detached to join the army of the Mofelle; an apprehenfion having been entertained, that the enemy was preparing to cro's the Rhine.

The pofition of the republican armies is now fuch, as muft certainly difcon-. cert all the projects of the Austrian generals,

From Bonn to above Mayence, all the left bank of the Rhine is lined with troops, by means of the junction of the three armies of the Sambre and Meufe, the Mofelle, and the Rhine.

General Jourdan has even taken the precaution of forming a communication with the army, which is carrying on the fiege of Luxemburgh, by pofting fome corps between them.

In fhort, nothing can be better sontrived than the difpofition of the republican armies, to prefent infurmountable difficulties to the enemy, in cafe they should attempt the paffage of the Rhine.

Francfort, May 18. The town of Emerick was evacuated by the French, on the 12th inftant, and given up to the Pruffians.

The gazette of Augsbourg, of the 16th of May, announces the receipt, at Vienna, of the intelligence, that the count of Bedborocko, minifter for foreign affairs to the emprefs of Ruffia, has declared to the minifter of Pruffin,


in prefence of the Auftrian minifter, that the Ruffian troops are not to give up to the Pruffians, Warfaw, and the diftricts dependent on it, until the Pruffian troops have evacuated Cracow and the Palatinate to the imperial


Warsaw, May 19. A congrefs, it is affured, will fhortly be held here on the affairs of Poland; for which purpofe the baron de Afh, one of the Ruffian embaffy, has remained here. The imperial chargé d'affaires, and the late Pruffian minifter, M. de Buckholft, are expected here on the fame bufinefs. It is faid afterwards anequal number of troops of thefe powers will be ftationed at an equal distance from Warfaw.

Advices from Grodno ftate, that the king lives there very retired, and feldom quits the caftle.

On the firft of

Dentzel announced. that divers battalions furrounded the national convention, eager to defend, and, if neneceffary, to die for the deputies.

The general, accompanied by his aides-de-camp and feveral fufileers, intimated the order to the left tribunes. The perfons in them refifted. After half an hour's combat, the tribunes were cleared.

A loud noife was now heard on the outfide of the hall. The infurgents had got poffeflion of the hall of the convention. Attempts were made to penetrate into the hall. Some veteran foldiers defended the doors, and repelled the beliegers.

Boiffy d'Anglas took the chair." I announce to the convention that the factious have been defeated. Order is re-eftablished, and one of the chiefs arrefted."-Applaufe.

Hague, May 20. this month the provifionary reprefentatives of the people of Holland addreffed a circular letter to the refpe&tive municipalities, to notify to them the establishment of a new provincial committee, under the name of a commit-heard from all parts of-to arms. tee of vigilance. Its functions are to fupport the prefent government, to correfpond with other committees, and to reprefs feditious machinations.

For half an hour every thing was tranquil.-At the expiration of that period the infurgents returned to the attack of the gate of the Pavilion of Unity. The paffages into the hall were filled with the infurgents. Cries were

The conclufion of the treaty of alliance between the French and Dutch republics has produced the moft lively fatisfaction.

An amnefty has been publifhed to all deferters who shall return before the firft of June. It is faid that this will furnish an additional force of 10,000 men.

Paris, May 20. Reports of an infurrection having been circulated yefterday, the generale was beat in feveral quarters, at feven in the morning, and the convention affembled at their pofts. The members remained calm and filent, until the committee of general fafety appeared with their report.

Pierret, in the name of the committee of general fafety, announced that the ftorm raged on all fides.- Infurrection is organifing every where around us. I mean now fimply to read you the plan of an infurrection, circulated with incredible profufion in this commune, for the purpose of mifleading the credulous citizens.

A numerous detachment of gendarmes ranged themselves in the front of the benches to defend the deputies. Other gendarmés advanced against the infurgents. Swords were drawn on both fides, and the gendarmes charged with bayonets. The infurgents were repulfed, and two of the leaders feized and dragged into the hall; the deputies ordered them not to be hurt. They were fearched,. and in the pocket of one was found a large loaf of bread. Fresh cries were heard of-Marchboift your arms.

Anguis, in the drefs of a deputy, entered the hall, fword in hand, and marching at the head of the armed force. The troops filed off before the convention, and immediately proceeded to repel a new attack.

After much confufion from the infurgents, and fome fhort fpeeches from the members, it was decreed, that Bourbotte, Duquefnoy, and Duroi fhould be apprehended.

May 24. An infurrection has taken place at Paris, excited principally by the great fcarcity of bread. For feveral days previoufly to the 20th inft. the day on which the infurrection ocPp2


curred. feveral placards were fluck up in various parts of Paris, accufing the convention of withholding bread from the people. Some of the deputies were infulted in the streets, and attempts were made to excite the troops at Paris to rife against the convention. At length on the evening of the 19th, a plan of infurrection was openly distributed in the different fections.

Early in the morning of the 20th, the tocfin was rung: the generale beat, and the convention affembled. The committees of public and general safety, informed on the preceding night of the commotion that was to take place, had adopted the neceffary precautions; and as foon as the convention met, a report was prefented from the committee of general fafety relative to the infurrection. A decree was immediate ly passed, ordering all the citizens to their respective fections; out-lawing every person who should head the infurgents, and declaring the fitting per


A proclamation was addreffed to the people, and deputies were fent to reftore order. The infurgents in the mean time furrounded the convention, and the perfons in the tribunes infulted the deputies. The tribunes were ordered to be cleared, and the gendarmes were fummoned to defend the convention. Several conflicts now took place between the gendarmes and the infurgents. The latter penetrated into the hall; guns were fired; one of the deputies, Ferrand, was maffacred, and his head brought into the hall on a pike.

The infurgents now read the plan of infurrection, and demanded the release of Duhem, Lecointre of Verfailles, and the other deputies who had been fent to the calle of Ham. Some of the deputies fpoke in favour of the infurgents. They were ordered to be arrefled. The infurgents were at length fubdued, and tranquillity was reftored.

Large bodies of troops had been ordered to Paris, and the armed force had been augmented to 300,000 men.

On the night of the 22d, the man who had affaflinated Ferrand the deputy, and who had been condemned to death, was rescued by the people as he was going to the guillotine.

Wefel, May 24. The Pruffian corps of effervation, which, under the orders

of general Romberg, is to remain ́in Weftphalia for the purpofe of covering the ftipulated line of neutrality, is to be compofed of three regiments of infantry, three of fufileers, two batteries of artillery, one regiment of dragoons, and one of huffars. On the Maine, remain, commanded by general count Kalkreuth, two regiments of infantry, two battalions of fufileers, two batteries of, horfe artillery, one regiment of dragoons, and one of huffars.

Frankfort, May 26. The French army of the Rhine has lately been triply re-inforced; they are making every poffible difpofition for croffing the Rhine in feveral places in cafe peace should not take place with the empire; many entrenchments have been raised by them oppofite Manheim, to fecure themselves against the German troops, affembling in great numbers at Manheim. Meanwhile the hopes of peace increafe daily:-the apartments for government are actually preparing at Mentz, by order from the elector. The French reprefentatives, Merlin and Cavignac, had a long conference at Oggerfheim, with the agent of a German fovereign.

Baron de Hardenberg, the Pruffian minifter of ftate, held a long conference with count de Lehrbach, and M., Albini, minifter of the elector of Mentz. It appears that count de Lehrbach, after vifiting Caffel and other courts, will repair to Bafle.

Marfeilles, May 29. The troops of the republic entered Toulon yefterday. The rebels have laid down their arms, and every thing has been rettored to tranquillity and order. The, reprefentatives of the people are going this day to eftablish peace and to make the law refpected. The workmen have returned to their employments and duty, as well as the failors on board the fleet, which is on the point of fetting fail for the purpose of giving


Paris, May 30. Syeyes, arrived from Holland, gave an account of a treaty of peace concluded at the Hague on the 27th Floréal. An alliance offenfive and defenfive between the two republics was fworn, on conditions the moft honourable and advantageous for the French republic, HOME


London, May 18.

GOVERNMENT difpatches were received at the fecretary of State's office from Gibraltar, which bring the agreeable intelligence, that the garrifon is fupplied with plenty of provifions from Algiers, and the inhabitants are in a fiate of good health.

A new temporary bridge, feventy yards in length, with piles driven eight feet into the bed of the river, has been erected at Wansford. Another bridge, of the fame nature, has lately been completed at Thrapstone.

19. The arrival of the army under the command of general Maitland in the Weft Indies affords a profpect of speedy relief being given to the illands of Grenada and St. Vincent's.

[blocks in formation]

21. C'iffden boufe, the noble mansion of the earl of Inchiquin betwee Maidenhead and Henley, caught five from the carelefsnefs of a maid fervant The following article is extracted in turning down a bed; and, except from the Barbadoes Mercury, of the the walls, was reduced to afhes. From 31ft of March: "The relief of Gre- the height on which it flood, the dames nada and St. Vincent may now be con- were vifible, in an immenfe and dredfidered as fast approaching; for which ful volume, at feveral places more then purpofe the 25th and 29th reginenta, twenty miles diftant; and the woods under command of colonel Campbel', ' near it were diftinctly illuminated. will fal from hence this evening for, Happily no lives were loft; but only the former island, and the 2d regi- a few articles of the furniture could be ment, commanded by lord Dalhoufie, faved. for the latter; and for the protection of Tobago, the 34th regiment, under colonel Dickens, will likewife leave this at the fame time.

22. Prince Erneft of Mecklenburgå Strelitz, brother to her majefty, has arrived at Hanover, to take upon himfelf the command of the cordon formed for the defence of the electorate.

A court of aldermen was held at Guildhall, at which the lord-mayor, The ignal-pofts erected on the coaft recorder, common fergeant, and twen-between the Land's End and the North ty aldermen were pre'ent.

Purfuant to the act of common council made in the year 1748, the lordmayor nominated

James Ephraim Lake Neifon, efq. citizen and draper,

Foreland, are in number forty-four: they are to be under the fuperintendance of naval lieutenants, who have now ai received their appointmeats and taken their flations.

25. Accounts received from the East John Liptrap, efq. citizen and difl-Indies ftare fome circumstances relating ler,

George Woodford Thellufon, efq. citizen and merchant taylor, lienry Fourdrinier, etq, citizen and draper,

to the discovery of two new island. The faip duke of Clarence, capiñou Haves, arrived at China on the 13th of Jely laft, on her palage from Bergal and Batavia, fell in with one of these

in the neighbourhood of New Guinea. and took poffeffion of it in the name of the king of England. The Indifpenfable, Wilkinson, of London, and Halcyon, Page, arrived at China, from Botany-bay, exploring a new paffage from the latter place, difcovered the other, which captain Page took poffeffion of in the name of the United States of America.

chard Carr Glynn moved an amend-
ment, that the report and eftimates be
printed, and fent to each member of
the court. The confideration was ad-
journed, and in the mean time the com-
mittee_flay proceedings on the bill.
Mr. deputy Bullcock feconded the
amendment: after which a long debate
took place, when the amendment was
negatived; on a divifion, the question
being put, there appeared,
For the amendment, 2 aldermen,
37 commoners.

Camps are immediately to be formed in the four provinces of Ireland, of about 5000 men each; Lord Carhampton will command in Leinster, and his camp will be near Brenanflown, on the direct road to Bray: General Maffey Againft the amendment, 6 aldermen,

will command in Muniler, and will form his camp near the cove of Cork: and general Dalrymple is to command the camp which is to be formed in the north thefe are all that are at prefent declared.


26. At a canal meeting recently held at Buxton in Derbyshire, Mr. Fulton, an American gentleman, prefented a plan for conftructing an aqueduct of caft iron, which was immediately adopted, and ordered to be put practice. This ftupendous work is to crofs the river Merfey, 90 feet above the water level, and 200 feet in width, which will prefent a fcene not to be paralleled in Europe, of boats failing 90 feet above the natural channel of the


27. A court of common council was held at Guildhall, at which the lordmayor prefided; the recorder, common ferjeant, and ten aldermen, the fheriff, and a confiderable number of commoners were prefent.

The proceedings in the laft court were read.

The lord mayor informed the court, he had, at the request of two of the aldermen and a great number of commoners, convened them together for the purpose of receiving a report from the committee refpecting the committee of the house of commons having reported the bill for improving the avenues at Temple Bar and Snow hill. The committee were affured by their furveyor, that the alterations in the bill for the improvements would not exceed the original fum of ico,ocol.

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43 commoners.

49 10

The court agreed with the report, and the bill is to oe forwarded through parliament.

Report of the committee of city lands, for erecting a juftice room and chambers on the weft fide of Guildhall-yard, was agreed to, and referred to be


The motion for doing away city dinners (at the city's expence) for one year, was not brought forward on account of the new improvements at Temple Bar engaging their attention."

28. This morning a fire broke out at a houfe in Mint street in the Borough, which confumed the fame, together with feven adjoining houfes, befides warehouses containing household furniture and other effects, which were not infured.

30. There is an increased exertion in every department of the navy. Ships are manned and fitted with a dispatch which emulates the beft exertions in the naval department under the administration of a Hawke or an Anfon.

Birmingham, June 1. On Saturday morning, as the workmen at Mr. Wooley's fword blade mill, at Perry, near this town, were grinding word blades and bayonets, a tone of about two ton weight, and which had every appearance of being perfectly found, suddenly broke across the middle in rearly two equal parts, one of which flew up with Richard Smith, who was Alderman Pickett moved, that then grind ng at it, to the roof, and It agree with the report, which tr king against the principal beam, nded by Mr. Syms. Sir Riplintered a confiderable portion of it :



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