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Maklay, Dr. Micklucho, adven-

tures of, ii. 34, 35
Malacca described, i. 338, 339, 340,

Malacca, Straits of, i. 336
Malay Archipelago, A. R. Wallace
determines to go to, i. 327;
sketch of A. R. Wallace's travels
in, i. 337-384; butterflies of, i.
401; financial success of collec-
tions from, ii. 377
"Malay Archipelago," by A. R.
Wallace, i. 341, 357, 387, 403;
popularity of, i. 403; at work on,
i. 405; publication of, i. 414; es-
timate of Sir James Brooke in,
ii. 52; new edition of, ii. 209,


Malayan Papilionidæ, The," by
A. R. Wallace, and read before
the Linnæan Society, i. 400
Malta, A. R. Wallace stays at, i.
332, 384

Malthus, his "Principles of Popu-

lation," its influence on A. R.
Wallace, i. 232, 240, 361
Malton, Yorkshire, ii. 65, 309
Malvern Wells, Darwin at, ii. 2
Man, dispersal of races of, i. 421,

"Man's Place in the Universe," by

A. R. Wallace, how it came to
be written, ii. 233, 234, 397,
Manchester Guardian, The, A. R.
Wallace writes on Transvaal
War, for, ii. 220
Manhattan, A. R. Wallace goes to,
ii. 151; Agricultural College at,
ii. 152; interesting plants at, ii.

Manitou Springs, ii. 179


'Manual of British Coleoptera,"

Stephens's, i. 237


anecdote by Dr.

[blocks in formation]

Marey, Mr., on the flight of birds,
ii. 26

Margam Abbey, i. 189
Marlott, Professor, ii. 152
Marryat, novels of, read by A. R.
Wallace, i. 75, 331
Marseilles, i. 384

Marsh, Professor, ii. 110; A. R.
Wallace visits, ii. 112

Marsh, the Misses, A. R. Wallace
went to school at, i. 31
Marshall, Mrs., medium, ii. 295
Marshall Pass, Rocky Mountains,
ii. 177

Marshman, Mr., séance with, ii.

Martigny, i. 326, 413

Martin, builder, i. 14; John Wal-
lace apprenticed to, i. 14
Mascarene Islands, the plants of,
studied by Mr. J. C. Baker, ii.


Massey, Gerald, A. R. Wallace
on, ii. 280; as socialist, ii.


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'Materialized Apparitions," by

E. A. Brackett, ii. 354
'Mathematics and Evolution," by
Mr. Iles, ii. 189

Matthew, Mr. Patrick, Samuel
Butler's exposition of the doc-
trines of, ii. 83-85

Matthews, Mr. William, Alpine
climber, i. 413

Matthews, Mr., watchmaker at
Leighton Buzzard, i. 130; A. R.
Wallace learns watchmaking
with, i. 134, 135; goes to a Lon-
don business, i. 135, 137
Mauritius, absence of mammals
in, i. 421; the plants of, studied
by Mr. J. C. Baker, ii. 100
Maw, Mr., his review of Origin
of Species,” in the Zoologist, ii.


[ocr errors]

McGee, Mr., ii. 118; conversation

on Niagara, ii. 127

Mears, William, epitaph on,
quoted, i. 7

Mechanics' Institute at Neath, de-

signed by J. and A. R. Wallace,
i. 245; letter from A. R. Wal-
lace to, i. 269-275
Mechanics' Magazine, i. 133
Meiringen, A. R. Wallace stays
at, ii. 213

Mellte river described, i. 250
Menado, i. 367, 375, 382

Menlo Park, residence of Senator
Stanford, ii. 165

Meriden, A. R. Wallace lectures

at, ii. 112

"Merrie England," by Robert
Blatchford, i. 287
Mesman, Mr., i. 357
Meta river, i. 321
"Method of Organic Evolution,"
by A. R. Wallace, in The Fort-
nightly Review, ii. 212, 213
Mexiana, Island of, i. 271; the
birds of, i. 274
Miall, i. 432

Mice, distribution of, i. 420
Michigan Agricultural College, ii.
171; A. R. Wallace lectures at
ii. 186

Mill, John Stuart, quoted, i. 175;
forms the Land Tenure Reform
Association, ii. 253; A. R. Wal-
lace dining with, ii. 254; his
letter to A. R. Wallace, ii. 256;
his attitude towards spiritual-
ism, ii. 301

Miller, Mr. Robert, conference
called by, to discuss "How to
cause Wealth to be more equally
Distributed," ii. 267-273
Miller, Mr., vice-counsel at Para,
A. R. Wallace stays with, i.
268; kindness to Herbert, i. 282;
death of, i. 282

Milton's advocacy of scientific ed-
ucation, i. 430

Milton's "Paradise Lost," read by
A. R. Wallace, i. 75
"Mimicry, and other Protective

[ocr errors]

Resemblances among Animals,"
by A. R. Wallace, in The West-
minster Review, i. 407; ii. 3

Mimicry in Animals," Bates on,

ii. 7; A. R. Wallace lectures on,
ii. 106, 126, 147

Minot, Mr., at the Naturalists'
Club dinner, ii. 115
Miocene period, i. 419

"Miracles and Modern Spiritual-
ism," by A. R. Wallace, ii. 98,
210; new edition of, ii. 213, 294,

Mirlees, Mr. and Mrs., Mr. and
Mrs. Wallace entertained by, ii.

Mischief, the boat in which A. R.
Wallace sailed to Brazil, i.

Missouri river, ii. 146, 184
Mitten, Mr. William, of Hurst-
pierpoint, i. 411; goes botaniz-
ing, tour in Switzerland with
A. R. Wallace, ii. 213, 214; ex-
cursions to Wales with A. R.
Wallace described, ii. 235-238;
excursion to the Highlands with
A. R. Wallace, ii. 238; visit to
Spa, ii. 239

Mitten Mrs., anecdote of, ii. 238
Mitten, Miss, marriage of A. R.
Wallace to, i. 412

Mivart, St. George, Professor, his
attitude towards Darwin, ii. 10,
33; A. R. Wallace's reminis-
cences of, ii. 43-46; on "Utility,"
ii. 215; his interest in spiritual-
ism, ii. 318, 319; his letter on
the cures effected at Lourdes, ii.
321-323, 328

Moel Tryfan beds, ice action on,
i. 429

Moluccas, Dutch Settlement, i.

327, 340; birds of, i. 395, 399
Money, Mr., on Java, i. 381
Mongredien, Mr. Augustus, A. R.
Wallace's connection with, ii.
60, 61

Monk, Mr., medium, manifesta-
tions described, ii. 347, 348
Monkeys of Brazil, described, i.
273; of the Moluccas, i. 381,


Mont Blanc, view of, i. 326

Montanvert, i. 326

Monte Alegre, visit to, i. 279
Montpelier Springs, Fanny Wal-
lace goes to, i. 223

Montreal, Samuel Butler's visit to,
ii. 85; A. R. Wallace visits, ii.

[ocr errors]

"More Letters," referred to by
A. R. Wallace, ii. 2, 13, 21
Morgan, Professor Lloyd, i. 408;
A. R. Wallace reviews Ani-
mal Life and Intelligence" by,
ii. 210; "Habit and Instinct,"
ii. 220
Morgan, Professor de, ii. 295;
convinced by Mrs. Haydon, ii.
301; his letter to A. R. Wallace,
ii. 302; quoted, ii. 381
Morgan's Walk described, i. 39-41
Morley, Right Honourable John,

Grant Allen's proposal to, ii.
281; asks A. R. Wallace to
write article on Spiritualism, ii.

Morning Advertiser, The, account

of séance at Cox's Hotel, ii.
305, 308

Morning Leader, The, A. R. Wal-

lace writes "Appreciation of
the Past Century" for, ii. 220
Morris, Professor J., is assistant

examiner in Physical Geog-
raphy, ii. 240

Morris, Sir Lewis, as socialist, ii.

Morris, William, "News from
Nowhere" by, ii. 286
Morrison-Davidson as socialist, ii.


Morse, Professor Edward, biolo-

gist, ii. 109; A. R. Wallace
visits, ii. 110
Morton, Mr. Albert, arranges for
lecture on spiritualism, ii. 160
Morty Island, i. 395
Moseley, Professor, of the Chal-
lenger expedition, i. 357
Moses, Mr. Stainton, his interest
in spiritualism, ii. 347
Moths, ii. 4

Mount-Temple, Lord, writes to
A. R. Wallace, ii. 102


Mountains of California," by
John Muir, ii. 158

Muir, John, "The Mountains of
California" by, ii. 158

Muller, his picture of Charlotte
Corday, ii. 124

Munby, Rev. G. F. W., "Turvey
and the Mordaunts" by, i. 122
"Mungo Park's Travels," A. R.
Wallace's interest in reading, i.

Murchison, Sir Roderick, Presi-
dent of the Royal Geographical
Society, i. 327; obtains free
passage for A. R. Wallace to
Singapore, i. 332; Duke of Buc-
cleuch proposed by, ii. 48
"Murphy's Weather Almanack,"
i. 117-120

Myddleton, Sir Hugh, i. 37
Myers, Dr. and Mrs., A. R. Wal-

lace visits, at Cincinnati, ii. 145
Myers, F. W. H., ii. 34; helps to
found Psychical Research So-
ciety, ii. 49; "Human Person-
ality" by, ii. 348, 349; A. R.
Wallace's estimate of, ii. 334-
354; letter to A. R. Wallace on
Vaccination, ii. 371, 372; his
letter to A. R. Wallace, ii. 397
Mytton, Jack, of Halston, account
of, i. 170-173

[merged small][merged small][ocr errors][merged small]

National Academy of Science,
meetings of, at Boston, ii. 110
National Anti-Vaccination League,
ii. 370

Deaf-Mute College,
Washington, described, ii. 130-


National Museum of Washington,
ii. 118


Natural History," Rev. J. G.
Wood's, quoted, i. 22

Natural Science, A. R. Wallace
writes for, ii. 211, 212
Natural Selection, A. R. Wallace

on, i. 400; differences of opinion
with Darwin on, ii. 16; contro-
versy between Lord Salisbury
and Herbert Spencer on, ii. 13
"Natural Selection and Tropical
Nature," by A. R. Wallace, i.
355, 363; coloration of butter-
flies described in, i. 403, 407,
414; coloration of caterpillars,
ii. 6; estimate of Darwin in, ii.
16; Dr. Purland's letter on
reading, ii. 77; new edition of,
ii. 210, 400, 401, 402
"Naturalist on the Amazon," by
H. W. Bates, i. 415
"Naturalist in La Plata," by Mr.
Hudson, ii. 71, 158; reviewed
by A. R. Wallace, ii. 210
Nature, "The Theory of Natural
Selection by A. W. Bennett
printed in, ii. 7, 13 and note;
Huxley's obituary notice of
Darwin in, ii. 16; account of
Dr. Maklay's exploration pub-
lished in, ii. 35; obituary notice
of Mivart in, ii. 46; first
founded, ii. 54; reviews by A.
R. Wallace in, ii. 83; Huxley
quoted, ii. 103; A. R. Wallace
writes for, ii. 208; reviews,
"Animal Life and Intelli-
gence" in, ii. 210; reviews
"The Naturalist in La Plata "
in, ii. 210; reviews and letter
on Cause of the Ice Age," ii.
215; controversy on "A Specu-

[ocr errors]
[ocr errors]

lation regarding the Senses," ii.
327; discussion on "homing"
instinct of dogs, ii. 408, 409
"Nature's Method in the Evolu-
tion of Life," reviewed by A.
R. Wallace, ii. 212

Neale, Miss Florence, of Penarth,
i. 166, 245

Neath, the Wallaces live at, i. 14,
15; W. and A. R. Wallace sur-
veying at, i. 177, 185; death of
William at, i. 239; residence at,
i. 241; Llantwit Cottage at, i.

Neath river, i. 166
Neath, Vale of, A. R. Wallace
and Mr. Mitten's excursions to,
ii. 236

Neaves, Lord, at the meeting of

British Association, ii. 48
Nevada Fall, Yosemite Valley,
described, ii. 161, 162
Newcastle, A. R. Wallace lectures
at, ii. 201; Thomas Spence,
schoolmaster at, ii. 104
Newcastle Chronicle, The, on
"Bad Times," ii. 104
Newcomb, Professor, quoted, ii.


New Forest, i. 417

New Guinea, i. 363, 364, 365; the
birds of, i. 395, 399; Dr. Mak-
lay's adventures in, ii. 34, 35
New Lanark, Robert Owen's
beneficent work in, i. 87, 91;
account of Robert Owen's work
in, i. 94-103; reference to, ii.
255, 288
Newman, Professor Francis W.,
reads a paper at the Industrial
Remuneration Conference, ii.
272; correspondence with A. R.
Wallace, ii. 273

New Radnor, A. R. Wallace un-
dertakes correction of map of,

[blocks in formation]
[blocks in formation]


New York Journal The, A. R.
Wallace writes on Social Evo-
lution" for, ii. 220

New Zealand, animals of, i. 421;
the plants of, studied by Sir J.
Hooker, ii. 100

Niagara, ii. 125; A. R. Wallace
stays at, ii. 126

Nichol, Miss, medium, ii. 296;
séances described, ii. 297, 309
Nichols, Dr., his interest in spirit-

ualism, ii. 354, 356
Nicholson, Professor J. Shield,

on agrarian distress in the
Highlands, ii. 272

Nineteenth Century, The, "A
Suggestion to Sabbath-Keepers,"
by A. R. Wallace, in, ii. 212;
Romanes' article on Physio-
logical Selection" in, ii. 334,
335, 394


[blocks in formation]

Oastler, Mr. Robert, on the con-
dition of New Lanark, i. 101
"Oceanic Islands," A. R. Wal-
lace lectures on, ii. 106, 113, 125,

Ogden, ii. 156, 157, 176

Ogilvie, Professor, his "Essay on
the Right of Property in Land,"
ii. 259

Ohio river, ii. 139

Old Bedford canal, Norfolk, ex-
periments to prove convexity of
the earth at, ii. 382

"Old Glaciers of Switzerland

and North Wales, The," by Sir
Andrew Ramsay, i. 412

Old Orchard, residence of A. R.
Wallace, ii. 228

Old red sandstone, i. 163, 169,

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