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Professor de Morgan, ii. 302;
describes séance, ii. 303; letter
from Robert Chambers, ii. 303;
describes séance at Miss Doug-
las', ii. 304; controversy on Sir
David Brewster and Home's
manifestations, ii. 305-308;
writes to Professor Tyndall, ii.
309; letter from Mr. Varley, ii.
311; writes "A Defence of
Modern Spiritualism," ii. 313;
Samuel Butler's attitude to-
wards spiritualism, ii. 314, 315;
lunches with Tennyson, 315,
316; Mivart's interest in spirit-
ualism, ii. 318, 319; Mivart's
letter on the miracles of
Lourdes, ii. 320-323; other re-
marks about Lourdes, ii. 323-
327; how his acquaintance with
Romanes began, ii. 327, 328;
letter from Romanes on spirit-
ualism, ii. 329-331; anecdote of
Professor Ansted, ii. 332; corre-
spondence between Romanes and
Darwin, ii. 333; differences be-
tween Romanes and, ii. 334;
Romanes' attack on, ii. 335; cor-
respondence thereon, ii. 335-343;
describes case of materialization,
ii. 344-348; Mr. Pengelly's ex-
perience of “ doubles," ii. 349-
351; estimate of F. W. H.
Myers, ii. 351-354; spiritualistic
experiences in Boston, describes
séances at Mrs. Ross', ii. 354;
attempt made to seize spirit-
forms, ii. 357, 358; describes
séances at Washington, ii. 358,
359; receives messages from
William Martin, ii. 360; other
messages received, ii. 361; Gen-
eral Lippitt's experiences, ii.
362; describes séance at San
Francisco, ii. 363-365; comments
on, ii. 365-367; first inquiries
into vaccination, ii. 368; as wit-
ness to the Royal Commission
on Vaccination, ii. 369, 370; pub-
lication of essay on Vaccination


published in 'Wonderful Cen-
tury," ii. 371; Lord Grim-
thorpe's letter to, ii. 372-374;
Lord Grimthorpe's letter to Dr.
Bond, ii. 374; writes pamphlet
on vaccination, ii. 375, 376;
money affairs, ii. 377; unfort-
unate investments, ii. 378; takes
shares in slate quarries and lead
mines that fail, ii. 379; worries
over the building at Grays, ii.
380; ending in law-suit, ii. 381;
accepts John Hampden's chal-
lenge to prove the convexity of
the earth, ii. 382; first test, ii.
382, 383; second test, ii. 384-385;
Mr. Hampden's behaviour on
losing his wager, ii. 386-389;
legal proceedings against Mr.
Hampden, ii. 389, 390; Mr.
Hampden's continued libels on,
ii. 390, 391; the British Mu-
seum's manner of purchasing, ii.
393, 394; money difficulties, ii.
394; receives Civil Service pen-
sion, ii: 394; reflections on his
life's work, ii. 395-398; char-
acter of, ii. 399; summary of
new ideas of, ii. 400-408; on
bees' cells, ii. 407; on "hom-
ing" instincts of dogs, ii. 408;
on migratory birds, ii. 409, 410;
on Sunday observance, ii. 411;
gunpowder explosions, ii.
411; on fulfilled predictions, ii.


Wallace, A. R., excursions to

Wales with Mr. Mitten, de-
scribed, ii. 235-238; excursion to
the Highlands with Mr. Mitten,
ii. 238; is appointed assistant
examiner in Physical Geog-
raphy, ii. 239; examples of
candidates' answers to questions,
ii. 241-250; system of these ex-
aminations discussed, ii. 250-


Wallace, Eliza, buried in St. An-
drew's churchyard, Hertford, i.
4, 15, 72

Wallace, Emma, birth of, i. 12;
early death of, i. 15
Wallace, Fanny, i. 2, 3; quoted, i.
7; an account of her life, i. 14,
15; at school at Lille, i. 72;
gives up her school at Hoddes-
don and goes to Georgia, i. 223;
returns home, i. 256; her mar-
riage to Thomas Sims, i.

Wallace, Herbert, account of the
life of, i. 15, 73; A. R. Wallace's
letter to, i. 177; joins his brother
in Brazil and goes with him up
the Amazon, i. 275; his verses
"From Para to Santarem,"
276; stay at Santarem, i. 279;
"A description of Santarem,” i.
279; "Farewell to Santarem," i.
280; went to Serpa, 281; died
of yellow fever at Para, i. 282;
"In Memoriam " to and verses
by, i. 290-302; his power of
mesmerism, ii. 293

Wallace, Admiral Sir James, i. 2
Wallace, James, i. 2

Wallace, John, account of, i. 3, 12,

14; height of, i. 3; birth of, i.
12; education and life of, i. 14,
15; childish anecdotes of, i. 22;
his boyhood at Usk, i. 22, 23;
educated at Hertford Grammar
School, i. 46; home occupations
of, i. 65-69; A. R. Wallace goes
to London to live with, i. 79;
on the condition of working
men, i. 81-84; evenings in Lon-
don, i. 86, 87; A. R. Wallace
goes to, i. 229; sets up
business with Alfred in Neath, i.
244; tries farming, i. 262; leaves
England and settles in Cali-
fornia, i. 263; meets A. R. Wal-
lace in San Francisco, ii. 158;
A. R. Wallace stays with, ii. 159;
excursion to Yosemite Valley,
ii. 160-162; goes to Santa Cruz,
ii. 169; A. R. Wallace leaves, ii.
170; present at séance, ii. 363-

Wallace, Mary, i. 2
Wallace, Mary Anne, early death
of, i. 15

Wallace, Mary Anne, mother of
A. Russel Wallace, oil paint-
ings of the Greenell ancestors
in the possession of, i. 5, 61
Wallace, Thomas Vere, father of
A. Russel Wallace, i. 1, 3; his
burial-place, i. 4; an account of
the life of, i. 6; his marriage, i.
IO; starts an illustrated maga-
zine, i. II; money difficulties
and removal with family to Usk,
i. 12; and afterwards to Hert-
ford and to Hoddesdon, i. 12;
more money difficulties and
death, i. 13; his appearance and
character, i. 16-18; Shakespeare,
readings from, i. 17; verses by,
quoted, i. 18; received pupils, i.
46; life at Hertford, i. 71, 74,
75; religion of, i. 77
Wallace, William, grandfather of
A. Russel Wallace, i. 2, 3
Wallace, William, brother of A.
Russel Wallace, i. 1; his height,
i. 3; his education and start in
life, i. 14-16; A. R. Wallace's
childish recollection of, i. 24;
land-surveying at Barton, and
A. R. Wallace goes to live with,
i. 105-113; obtains survey of
Turvey, i. 116; life at Turvey,
i. 118-126; survey at Silsoe, i.
128; survey of Soulbury, i. 130;
returns to Hoddesdon for holi-
day, i. 134; returns to office of
Messrs. Sayce, i. 135; land-sur-
veying at Rhaïdr-Gwy, i. 144;
at Llanbister surveying, i. 146-
149; surveying in Brecknock-
shire, i. 159, 164; back again at
Kington, i. 169; surveying in
Glamorganshire, i. 177, 190;
disapproves of A. R. Wallace's
scientific studies, i. 194; religi-
ous opinions of, i. 227, 228; diffi-
culty in finding work, i. 229;
death of, i. 230, 239

[blocks in formation]

Ware, i. 35, 37

Warren's "Diary of a Physician,"
i. 75

Warwick, Countess of, as socialist,
ii. 291

Warzewickz, M., new species of
umbrella bird discovered by, i.

Wasatch mountains, ii. 176
Washington, ii. 115; A. R. Wal-
lace goes to, ii. 116; social life
at, ii. 118-124; lectures at, ii.
128; National Deaf-Mute Col-
lege at, ii. 130-132; A. R. Wal-
lace's comments on, ii. 133;
séances at, described, ii. 358-

Washington Post, The, quoted, ii.


Water-break-its-neck, i. 143
Watson, Mr. C. H., his botanical
studies in the Azores, ii. 100
Watson, William, Charles Mackay
in comparison with, ii. 279
Waynesboro' Junction, ii. 137
Webb, Sydney, as socialist, ii.


Webster, Miss, married John Wal-

lace, i. 15; marries and goes to
California, i. 262

Webster, Mr., builder, John Wal-
lace apprenticed to, i. 14, 79; A.
R. Wallace goes to live with, i.
79, 263

Wedderburn, Sir David, writes to
A. R. Wallace, ii. 102; on India,
ii. 281

Wedgwood, Mr. Hensleigh, ii.
295; present at séances at Miss
Douglas', ii. 345; his connection
with Mr. Monk the medium, ii.
347, 348

Weir, Jenner, visits Darwin, ii.
I; on white moths, ii. 4; obser-
vations on caterpillars, ii. 6
Weismann, Professor, theories of,
i. 422, 423; ii. 21, 24

Welburn, residence of Dr. Spruce
at, ii. 50, 64

Welney Bridge, experiment at, ii.

Wengern Alp, i. 414; A. R. Wal-
lace stays at, ii. 214

West, Mr. Thomas, mining en-
gineer, ii. 181-183

Westminster Abbey, verses on
Byron and, i. III; funeral of
Darwin at, ii. 102
Westminster Review, The," Mim-
icry and Other Protective Re-
semblances among Animals," by
A. R. Wallace, in, i. 407; ii. 3
Weston-super-Mare, residence of
Mr. and Mrs. Sims at, i. 263
Westwood, Professor, illustrations
by, i. 400

Wheatstone, Sir Charles, i. 434
"Whence comes Man, from 'Na-
ture' or from 'God'?" by
Arthur J. Bell, ii. 37

[merged small][merged small][ocr errors][merged small][merged small]
[merged small][ocr errors][merged small][ocr errors][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small]

Wokan, island of, i. 357

Wolf, frontispiece to "Malay
Archipelago" by, i. 406
"Woman who Did, The," by
Grant Allen, ii. 292
"Wonderful Century," by A. R.
Wallace, i. 235; account of
Phrenology in, i. 262; how sug-
gested, ii. 232; pamphlet on
Vaccination published in, ii.

Wonnacott, Mr., architect, ii. 92
Wood, Rev. J. G., quoted on lam-
preys, i. 22; A. R. Wallace's
acquaintance with, ii. 105, 108;
his lectures in America, ii. 115
Wood, Miss, medium, manifesta-
tions of, ii. 340, 341, 351
Woodford, epitaph on William
Mears at, i. 7

Woodley Park described, ii. 117

Woodward, Dr. Henry, of the
Natural History Museum, ii.
Worcester, i. 139

"Worms," by Darwin, ii. II
Worthington, Mr., an account of,
i. 182-185

Wrest Park, seat of Earl de Grey,
i. 106, 128

Wright, Professor, of Dublin, ii.


Wright, Professor, of Toronto, ii.

Wright, Mr. and Mrs., described,
i. 139, 140

Wyld's great globe in Leicester
Square, ii. 214


York, meeting of British Associa-
tion at, ii. 50; A. R. Wallace
lectures at, ii. 201

Yosemite Valley, excursion to,
described, ii. 160-162

Young, Arthur, quoted, ii. 140
Ysgwd Einon Gam, waterfall, i.
249, 251

Ysgwd Gladys, waterfall, i. 249,

Ystrad-fellte, i. 250; described, i.
251, 252

Ystwith river at Aberystwith, i.


Zollner, Professor, on spiritual-
ism, ii. 352
Zoological Society, i. 321; Huxley
at meeting of, i. 324; A. R.
Wallace reads a paper on Mon-
keys at the, i. 324; A. R. Wal-
lace attends meeting of, i. 386;
A. R. Wallace reads paper on
Birds of Paradise to the, i. 387-
394, 396, 398
Zoologist, The, Mr. Maw's review
of "The Origin of Species" in,
ii. 2

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