| 1775 - 802 lehte
...treafons aforefaid, againft the life of our Sovereign Lord the King, his crown and dignity, and contrary to the form of the ftatute in fuch cafe made and provided. Cl of Cr. Upon this indiflment he hath been arraigned, and hath pleaded thereunto, Not guilty, and... | |
 | George Crompton - 1780 - 406 lehte
...may feverally apportion themfelves : He the faid EF denieth partition thereof to be made between them according to the form of the ftatute in fuch cafe made and provided, and unjuftly permitteth not the fame to be done, and contrary to the form of the faid ftatute ; whereupon... | |
 | Sir Geoffrey Gilbert, Geoffrey Gilbert - 1780 - 352 lehte
...requeft, by the difcretion of the juftices here, for his expences and cofts laid out by them in this fuit, according to the form of the ftatute in fuch cafe made and provided, to io/. which value, ex^aund. 286, pences and cofts, do in the whole amount 287. to 48 /. Retorno habendo..... | |
 | Charles Runnington - 1781 - 440 lehte
...flfcAan/ Smit^ and the command of the juftices aforefaid, are appointed anew, whofe names are affixei to the panel within written, according to the form of the ftatute in fuch cafe mad and provided ; which faid jurors fo appointed a-new, to wit, Roger Bacon, 'Tboma Small, Charles... | |
 | Anthony Highmore - 1783 - 328 lehte
...remaining, appears likewife to us on record ; and alfo, i2 /. which to the fame AF in our fame court, according to the form of the ftatute * in fuch cafe made and provided, * * 3 Hen. 7. c. i0. were adjudged for his cofts and charges which he had fuftained by reafon of the... | |
 | Timothy Cunningham - 1784 - 226 lehte
...behalf the faid bifhop, by «ond plea. leave of the court here for this purpofe firft had and obtained, according to the form of the ftatute in fuch cafe made and provided, fays that the faid Lewis Difney ought not to have or maintain his aforefaid action thereof againft... | |
 | John Impey - 1785 - 538 lehte
...who tues as aforefaid, to his own proper ufe, and the other'moiety there6f, to our own proper ufe, according * to the form of the ftatute in fuch cafe made and provided ; whereof the faid Richard is convifted ; as appears to us of record, and have there then, &r. On a... | |
 | John Impey - 1785 - 578 lehte
...the premifes aforcfaid, be aiTefled and recovered by the faid Richard Sims, executor as aforefaid, according to the form of the ftatute in fuch cafe made and provided, by the dcfairft of the faid Richard; and becaufe It is ftill unknown what damages the faid John hath... | |
 | John Morgan (Barrister-at-law) - 1787 - 526 lehte
...his defence in this behalf, fuftained, adjudged, by the court here to the faid IV. with his confent, according to the form of the ftatute in fuch cafe made and provided ; (c) and the iaid W. may have execution thereof, &c. (<f) Afterwards, to wit, on Wednefday next after... | |
 | Great Britain - 1787 - 908 lehte
...her) licence, and the fum of ) of lawful money of Great Britain, to be diftributed as the law directs, according to the form of the ftatute in fuch cafe made and provided. Given under my hand and feal, the day of XXVII. And be it further enacted by the authority afore- No... | |
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