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But they who are CHRIST's have crucified the flesh with the affections and lusts; they walk religiously in good works by the assistance of his grace; and when they have finished the work which he gave them to do, they will know that their labour has not been in vain. Their Lord will return from a far country, to demand an account of the talents he had entrusted to their care; and happy are those to whom he shall say, "Well done, thon good an 1 faithful servant, enter thou into the joy of thy LORD."*

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ST. JOHN vi. 38.


AVING endeavoured to collect from holy Scripture what we are permitted to know of the nature and office of the Son of GOD, and considered him as our Creator and Redeemer; I will now proceed to point out to you what we may learn from the same sacred book of his character as man, and shew in what respect he has left us an example that we should follow his steps. Even as man we must follow him at an humble dis tance. None of us can say, "which of you convinceth me of sin? None of us can go through all the troubles, and perform all the duties, of life without any imperfection or error: * John viii. 46.

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And as we cannot attain to the perfection of his virtue, we have also some duties to perform which could not belong to a character in which was no fault. He had no need of repentance, self-examination, and all the humble duties of sinful man. But there are many parts of his character which we can and ought to imitate, that we may follow as closely as possible the great example which is set before us; and in order to consider these more distinctly, I will take a view of his conduct towards GOD, and towards man.

Our Saviour tells us in my text, that he came down from heaven, not to do his own · will, but the will of him that sent him; and this is evident through every part of his life. In his childhood, when his parents, returned to Jerusalem seeking him, and found him in the temple, he thus addressed them, "Wist ye not, that I must be about my Father's bu siness?" In the course of his ministry he said to his disciples, "My meat is to do the will of Him that sent me, and to finish his work." Before his death, in his last solemn dedication of himself to God, he says, "I have finished the work which thou gavest me to do " In his agony in the garden, though he prayed most earnestly, that if it * Luke ii. 49.

+ John iv. 34.

↑ John xvii. 4.

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were possible that cup might pass from him,' he added, "Not my will, but thine be done;" and having performed that will by his dreadful sufferings on the cross, having by his full, perfect, and all-sufficient sacrifice, taken away the sin of the world, then, and not till then, he says, "Father! into thy hands I commend, my spirit." t

This, my Christian brethren, is the great example, which every one of us is called to follow, in that station in which it has pleased GOD to place him. We all were sent into this world, not to do our own will, but the will of our Father which is in heaven. Piety towards GoD is the first and great duty of a Christian; and the difference between a good and a bad man is this that the good man endeavours to do the will of God, the bad man does his own will. We may see the difference even in those who are not guilty of what are called great crimes; and we may see it in every circumstance of life. The man who is without GoD in the world, is constantly engaged in the pursuit of riches, or pleasure, or whatever he thinks will contribute most to his happiness on earth. When he rises in the morning, he considers how he can in the course of the day get most money, or enjoy most pleasure. In his be † Luke xxiii. 46.

* Luke xxii. 42.


haviour to other men he is perhaps honest, because he is afraid of the laws of his country; good-natured, when it does not interfere with his own interest; a good husband and father, if he love his wife or children, and as long as they contribute to his pleasure; a good subject, if he have sense enough to see that it is every man's interest to be one. Such a man may pass through life with a decent character; for if he be prudent, and really consider only his own comfort in this world, be will take care of his affairs, he will endea vour to gain friends, and he will avoid vices which are always attended with shame and misery; but all this while he is not a good man, because he does his own will, and not the will of GOD. When the hour of trial comes, this will be often evident to the world, as it always is to the eye of God. If it should happen that this man could get some great advantage by dishonesty, in a way which did not expose him to shame or punishment, what should restrain him from doing it? If sickness or vexation should ruffle his temper, he is no longer the pleasant companion, the kind husband or father. If bad company entice him to join in riot or rebellion, from which he expects some advantage to himself, he is no longer a loyal subject. In short, whenever he thinks it for his interest to do wrong, there

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