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they remain thus kneeling until it is entirely terminated, according to a Decree of the Sacred Congregation of Rites, dated March 1, 1681.

4. On entering the choir, or approaching the Altar, he uncovers with his Ministers, gives his berretta to the Deacon, and then makes a profound reverence to the Cross, or a genuflection, if the Blessed Sacrament be in the Tabernacle ; then, having the Deacon on his right and the Subdeacon on his left, he commences the Mass. (Rubr. ibid.)


Note.-Should the clergy be already in choir, he should salute them before making the inclination or genuflection to the Altar.2

5. At the words Vobis fratres, et vos fratres, he inclines his head and shoulders, first towards the Deacon, and afterwards towards the Subdeacon. After the prayers of the Confession he ascends to the predella, and having kissed the Altar, puts incense thrice into the thurible, saying, Ab illo benedicaris, in cujus honore cremaberis: Amen. He then makes over it the sign of the Cross (Rubr. ibid. tit. iv. n. 4), having his left hand placed on the Altar.3



6. Having received the thurible from the Deacon, he makes a profound inclination to the Cross, or, should the Blessed Sacrament be in the Tabernacle, a genuflection; in which latter case he places his left hand on the Altar. incenses the Cross with three double swings, as in Nos. 1, 2, and 3 of Fig. I., given in the frontispiece. Having again made the due reverence to the Cross, without moving from the centre, he incenses with two swings the relics or images placed between the candlesticks, a parte Evangelii (as Nos. 4 and 5), and having once more repeated the due reverence to the Cross, incenses with two swings those placed a parte Epistola (as Nos. 6 and 7). Whether there be one relic only on the side he incenses, or more than one, he should always incense twice. If a relic or image be exposed before the



"In accessu et recessu in plano est genuflectendum." (S. R. C. 12 Nov. 1831.)

2 That is, should he pass the choir before arriving at the Altar.

3 Or on his breast.-Favrel.

4 Or to the Blessed Sacrament if present.

5 Thurificari debent imagines, seu statuæ sanctorum dispositæ inter candelabra, etiamsi inclusas non habeant sanctorum reliquias. (S. R. C. die 21 Martii, 1744.)

middle of the Altar, after having incensed the Cross and made the due reverence, he incenses it with two swings, after which he repeats the reverence, and incenses the relics as above. This finished, he again makes the necessary reverence, and continues to incense the Altar. He incenses first the table of the Altar on the Epistle side with three swings, following the arrangements of the candlesticks, measuring in the act equal distances (Rubr. ibid.), as Nos. 8, 9, and 10, although there be more or fewer candlesticks, walking in such a manner as to accompany each step with a swing of the thurible. The above and subsequent swings of the thurible should be all simple, as is definitely prescribed in the Carem. Epis. lib. i. cap. xxxiii. n. 8; and having arrived at the corner of the Epistle, he lowers his hand and incenses the lower part with one swing, and the upper with another1 (Nos. 11 and 12); then, turning round and raising his hand, he incenses the table of the Altar, as far as the centre, with three swings (Nos. 13, 14, and 15); where having arrived, he makes the due reverence to the Cross, and proceeds to incense the other side of the Altar with an equal number (Nos. 16, 17, and 18); and having incensed in like manner the lower and upper parts of the corner of the Gospel with two swings (Nos. 19 and 20), without changing his position, he raises the thurible, and with three swings incenses the upper part of the table towards the middle of the Altar (Nos. 21, 22, and 23), then, somewhat lowering his hand, he incenses with three swings the front part of the Gospel side, continuing to walk as far as the centre (Nos. 24, 25, and 26); having arrived there, he repeats the proper reverence, and proceeding, incenses with three swings the front of the Epistle side, as far as the corner (Nos. 27, 28, and 29); he then presents the thurible tot he Deacon, and is himself incensed. (Rubr. ibid. n. 4 et 5.)

Note. Should there be no relics between the candlesticks, having incensed the Cross, he makes the proper reverence, omits the numbers 4, 5, 6, and 7, and continues from No. 8.

7. The Celebrant then says the Introit and the Kyrie. If he do not wish to remain during the singing of the Kyrie,

When incensing the Altar below at the side, he swings the thurible towards himself, according to the Plate.

at the intimation of the Master of Ceremonies, he proceeds to his seat, having first made an inclination of the head towards the Cross. When seated he receives his berretta from the Deacon, and when about to rise at the intimation of the Master of Ceremonies, he restores it to him. While sitting

he holds both hands on his knees.1 At the proper time he returns to the Altar, and before reaching the centre, joins the sacred Ministers in saluting the clergy, first on the left and then on the right, observing to commence with the highest Dignitary.

8. Having arrived at the foot of the Altar, he makes the proper reverence, ascends the predella, and there intones the Gloria in excelsis Deo, reciting the remainder in a low voice with the sacred Ministers. (Rubr. ibid. n. 7.) At the intimation of the Master of Ceremonies he makes the due reverence, and proceeds per breviorem to sit down as above. Whilst sitting, he uncovers at the intimation of the Master of Ceremonies. He returns to the Altar per longiorem, and makes the usual salutations. He kisses the Altar, and turning to the people, sings Dominus vobiscum. He then sings the Collects.

9. The Collects being sung, he reads the Epistle, Gradual, Tract, and Sequence, &c.

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Note. Should the Altar be placed in the Eastern manner, as in various churches at Rome, the Celebrant does not turn round at the Dominus vobiscum, &c., because he is already facing the people. The Deacon will observe the same for the Ite missa est.

10. The Epistle being sung, he rests his left hand on the Altar, and places his right on the Missal: the Subdeacon having kissed it, he makes the sign of the Cross over him without any form of words. (Rubr. ibid. tit. vi. n. 4.) He proceeds to the centre to say the Munda cor meum, reads the Gospel without kissing it or saying Per Evangelica dicta,+ and afterwards returns to the centre of the Altar to bless the incense. (Rubr. ibid. n. 5.)

Note. If in the Gradual there be any verse at which,

On the chasuble, and not under it.

2 That is, a profound inclination to the Cross, or a genuflection to the Blessed Sacrament if in the Tabernacle.

3 Or book of the Epistles and Gospels; in Rome a missal is generally used. • Sacerdos celebrans, dum ad Evangelium cruce signat librum, ponere debet super eo sinistram. (S. R. C. die 7 Sept. 1816.)

when sung by the choir, it is requisite to kneel down, he does so on the edge of the predella with his Ministers.

11. When the Deacon, after the Munda cor meum, kneels down before him with the Missal in his hands, he turns towards him to give him the Blessing, and having said, with joined hands, Dominus sit in corde tuo, &c., he extends to him his hand on the book to be kissed. (Rubr. Miss. part ii. tit. vi. n. 4.)1

12. The Deacon having descended, the Celebrant retires to the Epistle side, remaining with hands joined, and turned towards the Altar, until the Deacon commences the Gospel, when he turns towards him. He makes the usual sign of the Cross at the word Sequentia. At the name of JESUS he inclines towards the Cross (Rubr. ibid. n. 5), but at the name of Mary or of the Saint whose Feast or Commemoration is being celebrated, towards the book.

13. He kisses the beginning of the text of the Gospel in the Missal brought to him by the Subdeacon, saying, Per Evangelica dicta, &c. He is then incensed by the Deacon, and afterwards passes to the centre, intones the Credo, if it should be said, and continues it sotto voce with the sacred Ministers. (Rubr. ibid. n. 5.)

14. Having made the proper reverence, he proceeds to sit down; and at the intimation of the Master of Ceremonies returns to the Altar, as after the Gloria. He kisses the Altar, sings the Dominus vobiscum, and afterwards Oremus.

Note.-In the three Masses of Christmas Day and in that of the Annunciation he kneels when the choir sings Et incarnatus est. When, however, the Feast of the Annunciation is transferred, he kneels in die translationis tantum. (Sacred Cong. of Rites, June 16, 1663.)

15. Having said the Offertory, he receives from the Deacon the Paten, with the Host; he blesses the water, placing his left hand upon the Altar, and saying the prayer Deus qui humanæ, &c. (Rubr. ibid. tit. vii. n. 9.) He receives the chalice from the Deacon, and with him says the Offerimus, &c.

1 In saying In nomine Patris, &c., the Celebrant makes the sign of the Cross with his right hand over the Deacon; he holds his left extended on his breast. (Merati in Gav. part ii. tit. vi. n. 27.)

"If a sermon be given, he will, on arriving at the centre, make the due reverence, and pass per breviorem to his seat. The sermon being ended, he will return per longiorem to intone the Credo.

16. Having said the prayers In spiritu humilitatis and Veni Sanctificator, he puts incense into the thurible, saying, Per intercessionem, &c.; and at the word benedicere, blesses it. He takes the thurible, and without making any reverence incenses the Oblata, forming over the Host and chalice three signs of the Cross with the thurible (as in Fig. II.), saying at the first, Incensum istud; at the second, A te benedictum; and at the third, Ascendat ad te, Domine. He then describes three circles round the chalice and Host, the first two by swinging the thurible from right to left, and the third from left to right (as in Fig. III.), saying at the first, Et descendat super nos; at the second, Misericordia; and at the Third, Tua. (Rubr. ibid. n. 10.)


17. Having thus incensed the Oblata, he makes the proper reverence, and incenses the Cross and the Altar, as before the Introit (see No. 6), with this difference, however; that at each swing he arranges the words as in Fig. I., which is here explained. He says at No. 1, Dirigatur; 2, Domine 3, Oratio mea ;1 8, Sicut; 9, Incensum; 10, In conspectu tuo ; 11, Elevatio; 12, Manuum; 13, Mearum; 14, Sacrificium; 15, Vespertinum; 16, Pone; 17, Domine; 18, Custodiam; 19, Ori; 20, Meo; 21, Et ostium; 22, Circumstantiæ; 23, Labiis meis; 24, Ut non declinet; 25, Cor meum; 26, In verba malitiæ; 27, Ad excusandas; 28, Excusationes; 29, In peccatis. (Cærem. Epis. lib. i. cap. xxiii. n. 11; also, Bauldry, De Incensatione.)

18. Finally, restoring the thurible to the Deacon, he says, Accendat in nobis Dominus ignem sui amoris, et flammam æternæ caritatis: Amen. (Rubr. ibid.) He is then incensed, washes his fingers (Rubr. ibid.), and continues the Mass. He sings the Preface, the Pater noster, &c. When he has said the Agnus Dei, and the first of the three prayers which follow, he kisses the Altar, gives the Pax to the Deacon, and then continues, &c. (Rubr. ibid. tit. x. n. 8.)

19. After having received the Precious Blood, if Communion is to be given, he will genuflect with the Deacon after he has uncovered the ciborium; he will then turn towards him whilst he recites the Confiteor, after which he pronounces the Absolution more solito, turns towards the Altar, genuflects, takes the ciborium in his left hand, a consecrated

Should there be relics, the Celebrant will incense them between Nos. 3 and 4, in the order marked in Fig. I., but without any words.

2 The Celebrant will conform to the rules given in page 6.

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