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An Act to extend the Effect of Chapter 70 of the Statutes of 1912-13, being An Act to provide for Payment of Interest under Certain Bylaws of the City of Moose Jaw.

[Assented to January 3, 1913.}

HEREAS the said Act, being chapter 70 of the Statutes

of Saskatchewan for 1912-13 passed its third reading in the Legislative Assembly of Saskatchewan on the eleventh day of December, 1912, but the assent of the Lieutenant Governor thereto was deferred by the adjournment of the sittings of the Legislative Assembly until after the first day of January, 1913;

And whereas it was contemplated by the city of Moose Jaw that the said Act would receive the royal assent and come into force before the said 1st day of January, 1913, but the same became impossible owing to the adjournment of the Legislative Assembly as aforesaid;

And whereas the city of Moose Jaw found it financially expedient to market and sell debentures issued under and by virtue of bylaws Nos. 540, 560, 562, 603, 605, 609, 619, 621 and 623, of the said city referred to in the said Act in the expectation that said Act would be assented to before January 1st, 1913, as aforesaid;

And whereas the said debentures so issued in contemplation of the passing of the said Act, bear date the 2nd day of January, 1913, and the said Act was not assented to until after that date;

And whereas the city of Moose Jaw has requested that an Act be passed, ratifying and confirming the issue of said debentures in manner aforesaid, and further ratifying and confirming any bylaws hereafter passed for the purpose of amending and changing the said recited bylaws so as to conform with the said Act so passed by the Legislative Assembly:

Now therefore his Majesty by and with the advice and consent of the Legislative Assembly of Saskatchewan enacts as follows:

1. All debentures issued by the city of Moose Jaw by virtue of the said bylaws thereof, Nos. 540, 560, 562, 603, 605, 609, 619, 621 and 623 as altered by the said Act being chapter 70 of the Statutes of Saskatchewan 1912-13 are hereby declared valid and effectual for all purposes whatsoever and a valid

charge on the entire assets of the city of Moose Jaw to as full an extent as if the said Act had received the assent of the Lieutenant Governor before the first day of January, 1913.

2. The city of Moose Jaw is hereby authorised to pass any bylaw or bylaws amending the bylaws referred to in the preceding clause hereof so as to conform to the terms of the said Act.

3. The said Act shall have the same force and effect for all purposes as if the same had received the assent of his Majesty prior to the first day of January, 1913.



An Act to ratify Bylaws 538, 655 and 656 of the City of Moose Jaw relating to a Public Library.

[Assented to January 3, 1913.]

HEREAS a petition has been presented by the city of Moose Jaw for the purpose of ratifying and confirming bylaw 538 relating to the establishment of a public library therein and bylaw 655 of said city passed for the purpose of xing a free library rate and bylaw 656 thereof passed for the purpose of raising debentures to build and furnish said. library;

And whereas it is desired to settle any doubts as to the legality of said bylaws and it is expedient to grant the prayer of the said petition;

Therefore his Majesty by and with the advice and consent of the Legislative Assembly of Saskatchewan enacts as follows:

1. Bylaws number 538, 655 and 656 of the city of Moose Jaw as the same are respectively set forth in schedules A, B and C appended hereto are hereby ratified and confirmed and any debentures issued under bylaw 656 shall be valid and effectual for all purposes whatsoever and shall be a charge on all the assets of the city of Moose Jaw.


BYLAW No. 538.

A Bylaw of the City of Moose Jaw for the purpose of establishing a Free Public Library pursuant to The Public Libraries Act.

Whereas a petition has been presented to the council of the city of Moose Jaw praying for the establishment of a free library therein pursuant to The Public Libraries Act and such petition has been signed by at least one-tenth of the resident electors of the city of Moose Jaw; and

Whereas it is expedient to grant the prayer of the said petition;

Now therefore the council of the city of Moose Jaw enacts as follows:

That a free public library is hereby created and established in the city of Moose Jaw pursuant to The Public Libraries Act.


The votes of the burgesses on this bylaw shall be taken on the seventh day of September, 1911, between the hours of nine a.m. and five p.m., and for this purpose a poll shall be open at the city hall in the said city.

The returning officer shall attend at the council chamber in the said city on the eighth day of September, 1911, at the hour of twelve o'clock noon for the purpose of summing up the votes cast for and against the said bylaw and the mayor of the said city shall attend at his office in the city hall on the second day of September, 1911, at the hour of eleven o'clock a.m. for the purpose of appointing persons to attend at the said poll at the taking of the said vote and at the final summing up of the votes by the returning officer on the part and behalf of the persons respectively interested in promoting or opposing the passing of the bylaw.

Done and passed in open council this eleventh day of September, 1911.

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I hereby declare that the above is a true copy of a proposed bylaw which has been introduced and which may be finally passed by the council in the event of the assent of the burgesses being obtained thereto within four weeks of the voting thereon and the votes of the burgesses will be taken on Thursday, the seventh day of September, 1911, at the city hall between the hours of nine a.m. and five p.m.

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A bylaw of the city of Moose Jaw for the purpose of appointing a Library Board of the Public Library of the city of Moose Jaw to be created under Bylaw No. 538 thereof. Whereas under bylaw No. 538 of the city of Moose Jaw provision is made pursuant to The Public Libraries Act for the establishment of a public library in the city of Moose Jaw;

And whereas under the provisions of the said Act it is expedient and necessary that a board of management known as the library board should be appointed therefor;

Now therefore the council of the city of Moose Jaw enacts as follows:

Alfred W. Maybery, gentleman; J. W. Sifton, school superintendent and Reverend Angus A. Graham, college principal, all of the city of Moose Jaw, are hereby appointed members of such library board until the date of the first meeting of the council in January, 1913, and E. J. Chegwin, Y.M.C.A. secretary; Daniel Stamper, merchant and W. F. Heal, city clerk, all of the city of Moose Jaw, are hereby appointed members of the said board until the first meeting of the council of the city of Moose Jaw in January, 1912, and such members shall be known as "The Moose Jaw Library Board."

Done and passed in open council this sixth day of November, A.D. 1911.

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A bylaw of the city of Moose Jaw for the purpose of imposing a Free Library Rate.

Whereas a duly signed petition was presented to the council of the city of Moose Jaw praying for the establishment of a free public library therein pursuant to The Public Libraries Act and pursuant to such petition bylaw No. 538 of the city of Moose Jaw was submitted to the electors of the said city and was finally passed on the eleventh day of September, 1911, and is now in force;

And whereas pursuant to such The Public Libraries Act a board of management and known as the Moose Jaw Public Library Board was created by bylaw No. 583 of the city of Moose Jaw passed on the sixth day of November, 1911;

And whereas pursuant to section 30 of the said The Public Libraries Act it is necessary for the council of the city of Moose Jaw to levy a free library rate;

Now therefore the council of the city of Moose Jaw enacts as follows:

1. For the purposes of providing for the expenses necessary for the maintaining and managing a free public library in the city of Moose Jaw and for the purpose of raising the annual payment due on any outstanding free library debentures of the said city the council of the said city shall levy and assess

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