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elegant pen: the ftyle alone, as the Editor obferves, is fufficient to prove its authenticity.

Art. 17. Two Letters from D. Hartley, Efq; M. P. addreffed to the Committee of the County of York. 8vo. 6d. Almon. 1780.

In the first of thefe letters, Mr. Hartley points out, what every one faw before, the disorders of the State, proceeding from ' ministerial influence, by means of places, pensions, beneficial contra&s, &c.' and he recommends, as the only fpecific cure for a difeafe fo alarmingly dangerous to the body politic, a FEE and INDEPENDENT PARLIAMENT.' Mr. H. is certainly right in his prescription; but where is the apothecary who can make it up?

In his fecond letter, he earnestly recommends conciliatory meafures with regard to America. Here, too, Mr. H. is no lefs obviously in the right; and we believe he can hardly meet with an Englishman who will diffent from his opinion; but here alfo we are afraid the difficulty lies in getting the prefcription made up.

Art. 18. Copies of the Proceedings of the General Meetings of the County of Wilts; and likewife Copies of the Proceedings and Correfpondence of the Committee appointed at the General Meeting of the County, held 26th January, 1780. Published by Order of the Committee. 8vo. I S. Baldwin.

The letters of the LORDS Shelburne and Radnor, and the Com MONERS Fox, Burke, Barré, T. Pitt, and Dunning, will render this pamphlet acceptable to the Public in general. The other petitioning counties would do well to follow the example of Wiltshire, in printing their correfpondence; which will, at least, be attended with this advantage, it will point out to the people of this country, thofe noble and worthy perfons who were friends to a defign which might have produced the happiest confequences to the British nation, in refpect of that most important article, PUBLIC OECONOMY!


Art. 19. An Enquiry into the Origin of the Gout; wherein its various Symptoms and Appearances are traced to their Caufe; and a fafe and certain Mode of remedying it propofed. By John Scott, M. D. 8vo. 3s. fewed. Becket. 1780.

That the Gout ftill continues the opprobrium medicorum, is certainly not owing to a want of attention to it in the faculty, fince scarce a month paffes which does not bring with it fome new treatife on this difeafe. Of the number of these which have paffed before us in their quiet courfe to the pacific ocean of oblivion, we have not met with any, whofe progrefs will probably be more unnoticed than the prefent. Its doctrines are fo refined and fubtilized, and its precepts are fo trite and general, that it hardly offers a fingle temptation to readers, either learned or unlearned, to give it a perufal. We are forry to be obliged to affert, that fcarcely any thing ever came before us in the shape of a fcientific treatife, fo utterly void of precife and accurate ideas from one end to the other. Here is a great deal about nervous fluid, æthereal fpirit, electric principle and phlogiston; with their ebullitions, impetufes, periodical tides, deflagrations, &c. by ringing the changes on which terms, every phænomemon of the gout

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is accounted for without the leaft difficulty or hesitation. Though there is no hint in this publication of the author's poffeffing a noftrum, yet we cannot but fufpect that it is preparatory to the appearance of one; fince in the chapter where one would expect him to come to the point, and declare his fafe and effectual remedy,' there is nothing but inexplicable enigma. The great matter, he tells us, is to reconduct the tide of animal fpirits in its proper channel, through the intelfinal canal.' But no purge, nor any thing ftimulative, is proper for this purpofe;' and what is, he leaves us to difcover by our own fagacity. He is a little more explicit under the head of regimen; though, indeed, we are not greatly informed, when he tells us, that diet is best which produces after every meal a general glow through all the abdominal vifcera, together with a ferene hilarity of mind. The gentleman has certainly a lively fancy, and would probably fucceed in poetry; witness the following pretty paffage, The periodical tide,'No, on fecond thoughts, the ladies will frown at us:-we therefore recommend the curious reader to the book. A. Art. 20. Practical Husbandry; or, the Art of Farming, with a Certainty of Gain as practifed by judicious Farmers in the Country. The Refult of Experience and long Obfervation. By Dr. John Trufler of Cobham, Surry. In this work is contained all the Knowledge neceffary in the plain Bufinefs of Farming, unincumbered with Theory, Speculation, or experimental Enquiry; alfo, a Number of Eftimates of the Expences and Profits of different Crops in the common Way, taken from Minutes kept; and a variety of ufeful Remarks not to be met with in any Books of Agriculture. Together with Directions for meafuring Timber. 8vo. 3 s. 6d. fewed. Baldwin. 1780.


The art of farming with a certainty of gain! How unfortunate was Mr. Marshall not to have feen this book before he wrote his chapter on the hazard of farming. No one, not even excepting the eminent Mr. Curl, was ever more happy in the choice of his titlepages than Dr. John Trufler. As, indeed, it is in general the only part of his various publications in which he has an exclufive property, it would be unpardonable not to bestow fome pains to make it as finished and captivating as poffible. The prefent work is a meagre compilation from Young and Mortimer. So far from containing, as this Reverend Plagiary afferts, a variety of ufeful remarks not to be met with in any books of agriculture, we will venture to fay, there is scarcely a plough-driver in the kingdom but knows as much of farming as can poffibly be learned from this catch-penny performance. C.t..t.

MISCELLANEOUS. Art. 21. Rhyme and Reafon: or, a fresh Stating of the Arguments against an Opening through the Wall of Queen's Square, Weftminster. By a Knight. With the original Arguments at the Bottom of the Page, for the Information of the Inquifitive, &c. 4to. Is. 6d. Faulder, &c. 1780.

A defire having been expreffed, and a fcheme formed, to promote a neighbourly intercourfe among the inhabitants of Queen's Square, Park-treet, &c. by opening a convenient paffage through the wall



which at prefent ftands as a barrier between them, this focial purpole has, it feems, been particularly oppofed by Sir J-n H-k-s, whofe printed Reafons against the wished for opening, are made the bafis of thefe burletque verfes.

"Perfonal fatire, like other corrofives, may, as a correspondent, on this fubject, remarks, have its ufe: and it can never be more properly applied than in the way of recrimination and felf defence. The Authors of this ironical compofition (for, it feems, more than one pen has been employed on this occafion) are candid enough to accompany it with the original performances which gave rise to it, in order that the Public may judge of the one as well as the other: and it is not to be wondered at, that fo rude and ungentlemanlike an attack as the original appears to be, upon a number of families in a neigh bourhood, should produce a reply of this fort; for whoever takes upon him to print and difperfe invectives against others, becomes a Drawcanfir; and throws down the gauntlet for any that will, to take up. If he is foiled in the confequence, he has nothing to complain of but his own folly. Those who have a relish for sarcastical humour and pointed fatire, we may venture to fay, will meet with as much entertainment as the nature of fuch a fubject would admit of." Art. 22. Minutes of the Proceedings at a Court-Martial, assembled to inquire into the Caufe of the Lofs of his Majesty's late ship Ardent. Taken by George Jackfon, Efq: Judge Advocate of bis Majefty's Fleet. Published by Order of the Right Honourable the Lords Commiffioners of the Admiralty. 4to. 2s. 6d. Cadell,


Military difcipline, having for its object the good of the fervice, overlocks all perfonal confiderations in the attainment of this great end. Among the rigors of the Pruffian difcipline, we are told that a foldier was caned for fneezing, which feems to be an effort of nature little dependent on the will; yet an old Pruffian officer remarked, that the men did not cough fo often as they used to do formerly.

From the circumftances ftated, Captain Boteler will, in all probability, be confoled with milder verdicts, in private judgment, than that which was pronounced by the Court before whom he was arraigned.


Art. 23. Thoughts on the dangerous Tendency of employing Fo reigners. Addreffed to the People of England. 8vo. 1 s. 6 d. Faulder.


Whatever may be thought of this pamphlet as a literary compofition, the Author appears to be an honest, well-meaning patriot ; though he fays nothing about petitions or affociations. Art. 24. Memoirs of the Town and County of Leicester. Containing the Antiquities of each, and the hiftorical and biographical Relations at large. To which is added, a brief fupplementary Account of the prefent State of Leicestershire. By John Throby. 12mo. 6 Vol. 12 s. fewed. Leicester, printed for the Author. Sold by Crowder in London.

We shall not detain our Readers long with an account of this publication. The hiftory of a county may be rendered an inftru&ive, entertaining, and ufeful performance; but it is requifice for this purpofe that the Editor fhould have tafte, judgment, and an acquaint


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ance with history and antiquities; befides which, he must be inqui-
fitive, laborious and accurate; and it will be farther neceffary that he
fhould be able to fupport that expence both of time and money
which a faithful and ingenious narration of this kind will certainly
demand. From looking into these volumes it appears to us that Mr.
Throby has greatly failed as to the moft agreeable and beneficiat
execution of a work of this nature. He expreffes himfelf with diffi-
dence concerning his performance, and affures the Public of the
pains he has employed about it. We are unwilling wholly to con-
demn it, though we cannot fpeak in its commendation. It feems to
us, that his plan is unpleafing and perplexing. He might have been
guided much better by confulting publications of this fort concern-
ing o her counties. Perhaps, however, he may have fuggested some
hints or obfervations that may be ferviceable whenever another Hiftory
of Leicestershire fhall be undertaken.

Art. 25. Remarks and Conjectures on the Voyage of the Ships
Refolution and Discovery, in Search of a northerly Paffage from
Kamchatka to Eng and, after the Death of Capt. James Cook :'
with Reaf ns to imagine that thofe Ships have wintered in Siberia,
Nova Zembla, or Lapland. To which is added, an Eulogium, or
Tribute of Gratin de to the Memory of that celebrated Navigator.
Intended as a Piclude or introduction to a future Publication on

the Subject of the North-eall Paffge. Svo. 1 S. Bew. 1780.
Letters arrived a few days ago at the India-houfe, containing cer-
tain information that this Author is miftaken in every conjecture
which he has made concerning the place where thefe fhips wintered
for that instead of wintering in Siberia, Nova Zembla, or Lapland.
as he had conjectured, they were returning home by the way of
China and the Cape of Good Hope, as might reasonably have been
expected without this certain information.
Art. 26. The Crifis. Now or never. Addressed to the People
of England. Concluding with a poetical Invocation to the Genius
of England. By a Gloucestershire Freeholder. 4to. 1 s. 6d.


This Gloucefterfire freeholder, though a very indifferent writer, exprefies himself like an honeft and well meaning man. His patchwork plan of reformation is a triennial parliament, and change of minifters. A change of minifters, to those who may be immediately interested in the change, is no doubt defirable; but the people at la ge will furely wish for fomething more fubflantial-annual parlia ments, and an equal reprefentation. Ct-t.

Art. 27. An Abstract of the Trial of George Stratton, Henry Brooke, Charles Floyer, and George Mackay, Ejquires, for depofing the Right Honourable Lord Pigot, late Governor of Fort St. George, in the East Indies. 8vo. I s. 6d. Murray. 1780. This abtract, we are informed, is printed from the notes of a gentleman of Lincoln's Inn; and is intended for public information, as the defendants decline publishing the notes of their fhort-hand writers. Whatever the defendants may propofe to themfelves by omitting fuch a publication, they are no doubt extremely well fatiffied with the event of the trial. The general circumftances of the


unhappy Lord Pigot's fate, are well known; and Madam Juftice, like any other whimsical lady, only gave the acting parties in it a gentle tap with her fan, and faid-Get you gone, for a pack of naughty boys! N.

Art. 28. The Literary Hiftory of the Troubadours. Containing their Lives, Extracts from their Works, and many Particulars relative to the Customs, Morals, and Hiftory of the Twelfth and Thirteenth Centuries. Collected and abridged from the French of M. De Saint-Pelaie, by the Author of the Life of Petrarch. Octavo. 6s. Boards. Cadell. 1779.

In the Appendix to the 51ft, and that to the 52d volume of our Review, we gave a pretty full account of Abbé Millot's Difcourfe prefixed to the Literary History of the Troubadours, to which we refer our Readers.

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The ingenious Mrs. Dobfon, to whom the Public is indebted for her very entertaining Life of Petrarch, now prefents us with a judicious collection of the most interesting and inftru&tive parts of Mr. De Saint Pelaie's work, which cannot fail of being agreeable to thofe who make the human heart their study, and are defirous of being acquainted with the manners and customs of the twelfth and thirteenth centuries. We fee (to ufe Mrs. Dobfon's own words) fovereigns and great lords, knights and noble ladies, monks and prelates, libertines and devotees, enthufiafts in love or in religion, fatirifts or licentious flatterers, pass in review before us.' Art. 29. A New System of modern Geography: or, a Geographical, Historical, and Commercial Grammar; and prefent State of the feveral Kingdoms of the World. By William Guthrie, Efq. The Aftronomical Part by James Ferguson, F. R. S. A new Edition, with great Additions and Improvements. Illuftrated with a Set of large Maps, engraved by Mr. Kitchin, &c. 4to. 11. 15. Dilly, &c.


It is unneceffary to fay any thing concerning the nature, defign, and general plan of this work, as they are particularly pointed out in the preface to the former editions of it, and as we have already given a fufficient account of this undertaking, in the xlvth volume of our Review. Mr. Guthrie's performance was at first principally intended for schools; but having met with almoft univerfal approba tion, it has been thought proper to print a new edition of it, on a large type, and in a handfome quarto volume, and to enrich it with new let of maps, engraved by the best artists.

The work being historical, as well as geographical, the perpetual fluctuation of human affairs has rendered fome confiderable additions neceffary in the hiftorical part; fuch additions have accordingly been made in the edition now before us; particularly, fome account is given of the late extraordinary revolutions in Ruffia, Denmark, Sweden, and Poland; of the rife and progrefs of the unhappy contest between Great Britain and the American Colonies, and of fome of the principal incidents of the war between them, together with a brief account of the late voyages, which have been undertaken at the expence of the British goveanment, for the purposes of difcovery, and efpecially in the fouthern hemifphere. In the defcriptions of feveral countries,



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