Of wit and parts above thy age; Thou know'it our fex. Thou art a page. PAGE. I'll do what I can To surprise the false man. GRIDELINE. Of such a faithful spy I've need: * Go in, and if thy plot fucceed, Fair youth, thou may'ft depend on this, I'll pay thy fervice with a kifs. GRIDELINE fola. Prythee, Cupid, no more Hurl thy darts at threescore, SCENE III. PAGE folus. O the foft delicious view, Ever charming, ever new! Greens of various fhades arife, Deck'd with flow'rs of various dyes; Paths by meeting paths are croft, Alleys in winding alleys loft; [Exit Page. * An opening fcene difcovers another view of the bower. Fountains Fountains playing through the trees, Here a rock, and bere a fream, Gay confufion All a vifion, all a dream! SCENE IV. QUEEN and PAGE. QUEEN. At length the bow'ry vaults appear! PAGE. Behold the brazen gate unbar'd! She's fixt in thought, I am not. heard→→→ QUEEN I fee, I fee my hands imbru'd In purple ftreams of reeking blood: [Afide PAGE. C 3 PAGE. My eyes o'erflow, my heart is rent QUEEN. What fhall my trembling foul purfue? PAGE. Behold, great Queen, the place in view! QUEEN. Ye pow'rs inftruct me what to do! PAGE. That bow'r will show The guilty foe. QUEEN. -It is decreed-it fhall be fo; I cannot fee my Lord repine, ( that I could call him mine!) Why have not they moft charms to move, PAGE. Her heart with rage and fondness glows, O jealoufy thou hell of woes! That confcious fcene of love contains In yonder flow'ry vale fhe lies, QUEEN. Let us hafte to destroy Her guilt and her joy. 【Afide. [After a paufe. ![Afide. ROSAMOND fola. Transporting pleasure, who can tell.it! The kind, the dear, approaching lover, Who can utter, or conceal it! A fudden motion shakes the grove: -Death to my eyes; what fight is this! The Queen, th' offended Queen I fee! SCENE VI Enter to her the QUEEN with a bowl in one band, and a dagger in the other. QUEEN. Thus arm'd with double death I come: ROSAM ON D. What shall I fay, or how reply To threats of injur'd Majefty? QUEEN. Tis guilt that does thy tongue controul. Or this right hand performs its part, ROSAM ON D. Can Britain's Queen give fuch commands, Or dip in blood thofe facred hands? QUEEN. How black does my design appear! ROSAM ON D. When tides of youthful blood runs high, [Afide. Healds |