TO THE AUTHOR O F ROSAMON D. -Ne forte pudori Sit tibi mufa lyræ folers, et cantor Apollo. T By Mr. TICKELL. HE Opera firft Italian mafters taught, Enrich'd with fongs, but innocent of thought, Britannia's learned theatre difdains Melodious trifles, and enervate strains ; And blushes on her injur'd ftage to fee No charms are wanting to thy artful fong, From words fo fweet new grace the note: receive, Thy stile hath match'd what ancient Romans knew, Till Vanbrugh fram'd, and Marlbro' rais'd the dome. Let Let joy tranfport fair Rofamonda's fhade, And thy own laurels fhade thy envy'd name : While the charm'd reader with thy thought complies; |