EASURES and PURSUITS of HUMAN LIFE by Alex! Pope Efq? EDWIN and ANGELINA or EVENING CONTEMPLATIONS in a College, imitated from GRAYS ELEGY, with notes and Illustrations by the Author of SOLITARY WALKS &c. I pit me down a pensive hour to spend. LONDON. Printed for J.Roach Russell Court Drury Lane 1793. PLEASURES AND PURSUITS O F HUMAN LIFE. BY ALEXANDER POPE, Esq. Life is but a fhadow, that appeareth for a little while, and then vanifheth away. JOB viii. 9. P Still feems to vary, yet is ftill the fame; Sad State of Nature, doom'd to fruitless Pain, Unhappy, tho' we know not how, nor why*. * Mankind in general are purfuing what they esteem happiness in different ways; not confidering true happiness is, Reafon, perhaps may lend her gen'rous aid ; Let her conduct us thro' the Maze of Lifet. Can fhe apply with never-failing Art, The healing Balfam to the wounded Part ? Whate'er is, and ever will be unattainable in the prefent imperfect ftate; therefore it is no wonder they meet with difappointment in the end. + Reafon is but a blind guide without the aid of divine revelation; however it is better to follow reafon than paffion, which is the guide of the major part of mankind. I know what's right and I approve it too, Condemn what's wrong, and yet what's wrong purfue: Thefe lines are the experience of many thoufands in the world. Men in general are not inclin'd to, and therefore fay by way of excufing themfelves, that they cannot fhun evil; but no man is oblig'd to commit fin whether he will or no. Whate'er we do, the Motive's much the fame, Is it for Fear of Wrong, or Love of Right, Self-Love, howe'er disguif'd, misunderstood, Or make our Europe bring her Negroes too; |