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tive forms which it was proper to preserve as decent and characteristic, but based upon secular maxims, governed by secular regulations, and pervaded throughout by a secular spirit. The early and lamented death of Dr. Hardy prevented the developement of his scheme; but the sacred element of evangelism which had begun to spread was destined to work with a disruptive might among the secular principles of Moderatism, disturbing repeatedly the cold continuity of their mortiferous operation, and betokening the approaching dissolution of the whole unconstitutional and unscriptural system. Even Dr. Hill, thoroughly as he had imbibed Principal Robertson's views of ecclesiastical polity, began ere long to exhibit symptoms of a tendency to evangelical doctrine; this increased with his increasing knowledge of sound theology, in the course of his studies as professor of divinity at St. Andrews: and before the close of his career his mind had acquired so full a perception of the truth as it is in Jesus, that though he still co-operated with the Moderate party generally, he had in a great measure lost their confidence as may be learned even from the cautious language of Dr. Cook, in his life of that distinguished man.

[1783-84.] During the years 1783 and 1784, the chief subject which engaged the attention of the General Assembly was that of patronage. Dr. Hardy's pamphlet seems to have excited afresh the hopes of all sound Presbyterians, that a redress of that great grievance might yet be obtained; and a number of overtures were laid before the Assembly on the subject. A regular discussion at length took place respecting these overtures in the Assembly of 1784. Dr. Hill moved that they be "rejected as inexpedient, ill founded, and dangerous to the peace and welfare of the Church." It is not necessary to state even an outline of the arguments used on both sides, in the debate which followed, after the remarks which have been made in the preceding pages. Suffice it to say, that Dr. Hill's motion was carried, and that following up the victory, he proposed to omit the clause in the instructions annually given to the Commission, which required them to apply for redress

from the grievance of patronage, and in this too he was successful. The omission of this clause in the instructions annually given to the Commission is the nearest approach the Church of Scotland has ever made towards even a recognition of the patronage law, and it amounts to nothing more than ceasing openly to condemn what she has never avowedly approved. It will be remembered, that this clause was first inserted in the instructions given to the Commission by the Assembly of 1712, immediately after the passing of the perfidious and unconstitutional patronage act, and had been repeated annually ever since. Many years had elapsed since it had been attended to, the last decided public effort to procure redress having been that of 1735-36; but the retaining of the clause formed a standing testimony by the Church against the law of patronage, and so far served to exculpate her from participation in its guilt. Dr. Robertson, with his usual sagacious toleration of dead forms, permitted it to remain; but the greater rashness, or the higher degree of conscientious honesty of mind, in Dr. Hill, which had formerly led him to attempt abolishing the call induced him now to strike out a clause to which he and his party never meant that any attention should be paid. This was a very natural step for the Moderate party to take, but, thoroughly irrational and unconstitutional. Before rescinding a clause which required application to be made for the redress of what was termed a grievance, Dr. Hill ought to have persuaded the Church to declare that she had ceased to regard it as a grievance, and viewed it rather as a matter of which she now approved, and was desirous of its permanent continuation. This however, would have been too perilous an attempt even for Dr. Robertson in all his plentitude of power, as it would have caused the Secession of nearly half of the ministers and at least three-fourths of the population in the kingdom, a junction with the already existing Seceders, and the formation of a new Church, truly Presbyterian and national, whether established by law or not. Are men of that party prepared to brave a similar peril in the present day?-nay, a peril incalculably more formidable to the empire at


ticism. The Church of Scotland, wherever thorough Moderatism prevailed, seemed spiritually dead, and all living Christians withdrew from its polluting touch. Yet there were many truly pious ministers sprinkled over the land, shining


large, and fraught with certain and irrecoverable ruin to themselves and their unscriptural cause, which would and must utterly perish in the hour of an injured nation's strong consuming vengeance. [1785--89.] The effects of this defeat in their own spheres apart, amid the prewere most disastrous. The true Presby-vailing moral darkness, like the few scatterian ministers, seeing all their hopes tered stars that faintly break the gloom again blasted, and trampled under the of a chill and misty night. feet of their triumphant antagonist, sunk into a state of comparatively torpid discouragement, and ceased to strive against what now seemed to bear the aspect of stern invincible necessity. On the other hand, the Moderate party assumed once more the haughty port of uncontrolled dominion, enforcing the law of patronage with steady and immitigable rigor. The oppressed and insulted people not only ceased to expect redress, they ceased even to ask it. They felt that opposition to patronage was of no avail. Be the presentee what he might, a heretic, a grossly immoral person, miserably deficient in learning, or destitute of the necessary mental abilities and moral qualifications, if he had obtained a presentation, all other objections were disregarded, and he was made the "stipend-lifter" in the parish. But he could not be made the pastor of the people. They looked on indignantly and mournfully, till the desecrating deed was done; then withdrew, built a meeting-house, and chose a pastor for themselves. In this manner the most religious part of the community was driven out of the Church, and those that remained sunk into a state of carelessness, till they ceased to feel and to regret their own calamitous condition. The rising generation grew up accustomed to such a state of matters, regardless, comparatively, of the sacredness of that day which God hallowed to himself, neglectful of public worship, and utterly destitute of personal religion, which too often the example, and even the language, of their half-infidel ministers taught them to despise and deride as hypocrisy and fana

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Although the sagacious opposition of Dr. Robertson, and the intimated danger to their pecuniary interests, had deterred the extreme Moderates from openly expressing their desire to be released from the necessity of subscribing the C. nfession of Faith, yet the intention was by no means abandoned; only it was judged expedient to bring in the change gradually, by a series of precedents. In the year 1789, the presbytery of Arbroath presumed to ordain Mr. George Gleig to be minister in the church of that burgh, without requiring him to sign either the Confession of Faith or Formula.† This strange and daring conduct was brought before the Assembly; and although it deserved a very high censure, the Assembly deemed it expedient to exercise leniency in the first offence of the kind. Mr. Gleig was allowed to retain the church, upon signing the Confession of Faith in presence of the Assembly; and the presbytery was rebuked at the bar, and admonished to be more careful for the future, on pain of a higher censure. This decided expression of the mind of the Church, though accompanying a very lenient censure, had the effect of preventing that or any other presbytery from a repetition of the offence.

[1790] Mention has been already made of the strong tendency to Socinianism prevalent in many districts of the country where Moderatism chiefly reigned, and particularly in the west of Scotland. During above ten years the west country was fiercely agitated with polemical controversy between these Socinians and their sounder brethren. The Socinian party were termed New Light men, and

* Such men as Dr. Erskine, Dr. Hunter, Dr. Davidson, Dr. Kemp, Dr. Balfour of Glasgow, Mr. Freebairn of Dunbarton, Dr Bryce Johnson of Holy wood, his nephew of Crossmichael, Nisbet of Montrose, Mitchell of Kemnay, and many others who might be named, 1emaining within the pale of the Church, kept her alive, during this long and dreary period; and she perished not, for a blessing was in her.

† Acts of Assembly, year 1789; Scots Magazine

could not be explained away, and supplicate forgiveness. There were too many in the synod scarcely less heretical than he, for it to pursue a more faithful course. His explanation and apology, though very lame and impotent indeed, were sustained as satisfactory. The Synod published an account of their proceedings in the case; the condemned book sunk into that oblivion which was its natural destiny; and the worthless man was permitted to return to the perishing flock whom he could not lead to Christ, as he himself knew not the way.

their opponents were called the defenders | protracted litigation before the subordinate of the Old Light. In this controversy, as church judicatories followed. But at last was to be expected, every person of irre- the matter came before the synod of Glasligious and immoral character espoused gow and Ayr, and assumed an aspect so the cause of the New Light or Socinian serious, that he and his friends considered party; and what they wanted in argu- it expedient for him to evade the danger ment they endeavoured to supply by the of deposition, by offering to explain his employment of ridicule, slander, and pro-meaning, acknowledge his error in what fane mockery of their antagonists. In an evil hour for his country and himself, the New Light party induced Robert Burns to join them, and to prostitute his high poetical genius in a cause so worthless as the defence of such unprincipled and depraved men,-nay, initiated him in depths of iniquity to which till then he had been a stranger,-nay, still more fearful,-destroyed what may be termed the natural devotional tendency of the poetical temperament, and impelled him to aim the shafts of his satire against the most sacred rites of the Church and the essential truths of the everlasting gospel. The future dark career and melancholy end of this unhappy son of genius is mainly to be ascribed to the fatal taint which his mind received from his intercourse with the Moderate, Socinian, New Light ministers of Ayrshire and their adherents. These guilty men have been already named; and their misled victim's poems will, when rightly understood, inflict upon them the retributive justice of branding their unhonoured memory with the impress of perpetual infamy.*


[1791-96.] It is not necessary, nor even proper in a work devoted to ecclesiastical matters, to do more than glance at those great political movements which agitate and mould the structure of society,-especially movements so vast as to shake the whole of Europe, and so recent that their vibrations have not yet settled into repose. For this reason we shall merely allude to that terrific event the French Revolution, which was on the eve of bursting forth in 1790, and which for several successive years startled and appalled the world, by At length Dr. M'Gill of Ayr had the the sudden changes of aspect, each more temerity to publish a work entitled, "A hideous and wild than the last, which it Practical Essay on the Death of Jesus assumed, the fierce infidelity which it Christ," in which the most glaring Soci- avowed, and the scenes of atrocious carnianism was openly taught and main-nage which marked its dreadful progress. tained. This could not be overlooked. A prosecution was instituted against the author of a work so manifestly heretical. His friends, cherishing, many of them, the same sentiments, but not exposed to equal danger, because they had not given their opinions to the public in any palpable form, made every exertion in their power to shelter him from justice. A

It can be proved beyond the power of doubt, by self, within the last fortnight of his life, expressed the

deepest remorse for what these men had led him to write, and an anxious wish that he might live a little

longer, to make some attempt to repair the injury he had done. And Gilbert Burns, in his latter years, re

peatedly declared, that the New Light ministers were the chief subverters of all regard for religion in his brother's mind, and that he himself had not escaped unwounded, and long retained the aching scar.

Even the most unreflecting were compelled to perceive what man is when without religion,-how fearful a thing the depraved, deceitful, and desperately wicked human heart can be, when left to fol low its native tendency, without God, and without hope in the world. The moralist recoiled in horror; the tongue of the phi losophical divine clave to the roof of his mouth; but the evangelical preacher of the gospel rushed forward, and took his stand betwixt the living and the dead. A mighty revival of genuine spiritual Christianity took place all over Britain, and great exertions were made by the

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In this manner the great object of the Church general of Christ was brought before the notice of the Church of Scotland, assembled in its supreme court; and a fair and complete opportunity was given to both parties, into which that court is divided, to emit a public demonstration and testimony how much, or how little, of the true spirit of Christianity they respectively possessed.

friends of religious truth to communicate general collection throughout the Church, to all around them the knowledge of the to aid the several societies for propagating gospel of peace and holiness. Numerous the gospel among the heathen nations." religious societies sprung almost simultaneously into being, and reviving Christianity began to put forth vital and expansive energies, which had lain dormant since the Reformation. With returning spiritual life returned that spiritual intelligence which enables a man to know for what object spiritual life is given. The Christian community was startled and alarmed at perceiving, that for centuries It had neglected to attempt the discharge of that very duty, the accomplishment of which is the chief end of the Christian Church Universal. It had neglected the risen Redeemer's imperative command, "Go ye into all the world, and preach the gospel to every creature under heaven." Immediately the idea of instituting Christian missions, for the purpose of fulfilling the Saviour's injunction, extending his kingdom, and promoting the salvation of perishing souls, became a leading impulse in the heart and soul ofevery truly spiritual-over the world, which any Moderate ly-minded Christian, whether he belonged to a Dissenting, Seceding, or Established Christian Church. And in the warm fervour of renewed Christian life and love, many of the distinctions which had kept men asunder like brazen walls, melted like wax in the fire, and free scope was readily given to an amount of Christian intercourse which had for ages been unknown.

This most important discussion began with a piece of very disingenuous policy on the part of the Moderates, who contrived to have both the overtures considered in one discussion. Dr. Hill had managed to exclude from the Fife overture the specific approbation of missionary exertions which it at first contained, leaving in it nothing more than a vague expression of the propriety that the Church of Scotland should in some way or other contribute to the diffusion of the gospel

could complacently affirm, and remain inactive, as pledged to no specific object. On the other hand, the Moray overture recommended a general collection, against which plausible objections might be urged, on the ground of this having a tendency to diminish the resources of the session for the support of the poor. The Evangelical party wished the overtures to be considered separately, in the hope of carIn Scotland the reviving power of this rying the general proposition in behalf truly Christian spirit was early and of the missionary enterprise, even though strongly felt. A missionary society was the proposed method of promoting it formed in Glasgow, and another in Edin- might be rejected. Moderate tactics preburgh, which held its first meeting in vailed, and the discussion was made to inMarch, 1796, the venerable Dr. Erskine clude both overtures. The debate which acting as its president. Circular letters ensued exhibited the character of Mowere sent to every part of the country, ex- deratism in a manner which cannot be plaining and advocating the object for the misunderstood. One of the leading speakpromotion of which this central mission-ers on the Moderate side, Mr. George ary society was formed. These circulars Hamilton, minister of Gladsmuir, began gave rise to much discussion throughout by some general admissions of the prothe Church; and the synods of Fife and priety of diffusing the gospel. "To dif Moray transmitted overtures to the Gen- fuse," said he, "among mankind the eral Assembly, the general tenor of knowledge of a religion which we profess which was, that the General Assembly to believe and to revere, is doubtless a should “take into consideration by what good and important work; as to pray for means the Church of Scotland might its diffusion, and to expect it, is taught us most effectually contribute to the diffusion in the sacred volume of Scripture."" To of the gospel over the world ;" and that spread abroad the knowledge of the gos"an act might be passed recommending a pel among barbarous and heathen nations,

it the worst time." H. therefore seconded Mr. Hamilton's motion, "that the overtures be immediately dismissed."

seems to be highly preposterous, in as far as it anticipates, nay it even reverses, the order of nature. Men must be polished and refined in their manners before they Dr. Hill made a cautious, plausible can be properly enlightened in religious speech, evading the main topic, animadtruths. Philosophy and learning must, verting sharply on the peculiarities of in the nature of things take the prece- missionary societies, and concluding with dence." Then followed a glowing eulo- a more guarded motion, admitting gegium upon the "simple virtues" of the nerally the propriety of aiding in the pro"untutored Indian." "But go,-engraftpagation of the gospel--disapproving of on his simple manners the customs, re-collections-recommending the promofinements, and, may I not add, some of tion of Christianity at home-praying for the vices, of civilized society, and the the fulfilment of prophecy, and resolving influence of that religion which you give to embrace any future opportunity of conas a compensation for the disadvantages tributing to the propagation of the gospel. attending such a communication will not David Boyle, Esq., advocate, indulged in refine his morals nor ensure his happi-a furious philippic against missionary soness."-"When they shall be told that cieties, as all of a political character, and man is saved not by good works, but by dangerous to the peace of the community. faith, what will be the consequence? We Finally, the motions of Mr. Hamilton and have too much experience of the difficulty Dr. Hill were combined, and carried by of guarding our own people against the a majority of fourteen, the vote being most deplorable misapplication of this fifty-eight to forty-four. So well satisfied principle, to entertain a rational doubt, were the Moderates with the conduct of that the wild inhabitants of uncivilized re- Mr. Hamilton, and with his brilliant oragions would use it as a handle for the tory, that they soon afterwards honoured most flagrant violation of justice and him with the title of doctor in divinity, morality.' "But even suppose such a and elevated him to the moderator's chair, nation [one already civilized,] could be as a reward for his anti-missionary exerfound, I should still have weighty objections

tions against sending missionaries thither Such was the obedience rendered by Why should we scatter our forces and Moderatism to the risen Redeemer's spend our strength in foreign service, direct command, "Go ye and make disciwhen our utmost vigilance, our unbroken ples of all nations, preach the gospel to strength is required at home? While there remains at home a single individual without the means of religious knowledge, to propagate it abroad would be improper and absurd." And at length directing his attention to the idea of collections for the aid of missions, he exclaimed-" For such improper conduct censure is too small a mark of disapprobation; it would, I doubt not, be a legal subject of penal prosecution."" Upon the whole, while we pray for the propagation of the gospel, and patiently await its period, let us unite in resolutely rejecting these overtures" Dr. Carlyle of Inveresk, who had been quite ready to spend time and money in theatrical amusements, rose and said"I have, on various occasions, during a period of almost half a century, had the honor of being a member of the General Assembly, yet this is the first time I remember to have ever heard such a proposal made, and I cannot help also thinking

every creature under heaven;" and thus did it prove itself to be, as a system, essentially anti-christian. This may seem a harsh saying, and it is with pain and sorrow that it is said. But attachment to genuine and vital Christianity requires its dead counterfeit to be detected and denounced; the love of country and of mankind demands, that whatever obstructs the true welfare of Britian and the world should be pointed out and removed; and true compassion for erring fellow-creatures, especially for erring Christian brethren, forbids the use of injudicious and criminal tenderness of language in the statement of their grievous errors, which might soothe an uneradicated evil, and leave a deadly hurt unprobed, unhealed, deeply and silently festering to death.

[1797.] While religious and moral desolation overspread the districts of the


See an account of the Debate published in 1796.

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