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that the greater part of the Protestant | put in practice all her diplomatic arts to forces had returned to their homes, and detach the Hamiltons from the Congrethen advanced suddenly with her army gation, if possible, or to sow jealousy and to Edinburgh. Leith having declared cause dissension among them. Failing for the regent, and the castle of Edin- in these endeavours, she issued declaraburgh being under the command of tions to the public, in which she strove Lord Erskine, who was unfavourable to to fix the charge of rebellion upon the the Protestants, they felt that they could Congregation generally, and, in particunot defend the town, and agreed to lar, accused Lord James Stewart and the evacuate it, on condition that the inhabi- Duke of Chatelherault of aiming severaltants should be left at liberty to use that ly at the crown. These insidious deform of worship which they should pre- clarations were met by counter-declarafer. The lords then retired to Stirling, tions, in which the accused parties vinditaking with them John Knox, and leav-cated themselves from these charges, and ing Willock in his place, who continued to preach in St. Giles' Church after the arrival of the regent.

The King of France dying about this time was succeeded by Mary's husband, and thus the crowns of France and Scotland seemed to be united, and the deep scheme of the princes of Lorraine on the point of being realized. Letters were sent by the new king and queen to Lord James Stewart, for the purpose of detaching him, if possible, from the Protestant party; but he remained firm to his faith and covenant engagement. At the same time, an additional supply of money and troops were sent from France to the queen-regent to enable her to crush and exterminate the Reformation in Scotland. The hopes of the regent began to revive; and she commenced fortifying Leith, both as commanding strength in an important position, and a port through which she might readily at all times receive supplies from France into the very heart of the country. But though these matters were favourable to the queen-regent, there were others of a counterbalancing character. The Earl of Arran, son to the former regent, the Duke of Chatelherault, returned at this time from France, having narrowly escaped imprisonment on account of having expressed himself favourable to the Protestant doctrines. After having held an interview with the Protestant lords at Stirling, this young nobleman went to Hamilton to his father, and succeeded in prevailing on him to quit the party of the queen-regent, and join the Lords of the Congregation.

The accession of the Hamiltons to the Protestant party gave a new turn to affairs. The queen-regent immediately

exposed the course of treachery and cruelty by which her conduct had been all along characterised. This war of diplomacy, however, was not likely to lead to any satisfactory result; and the Protestant lords began to prepare for more decisive measures. They assembled in Edinburgh on the 21st of October 1559, in such numbers as to form a convention of the estates of the kingdom, and entered upon a formal deliberation what ought to be done to rescue the country from such a state of civil dissension, and especially from the lawless outrages committed by the French troops in the queen-regent's army.

In this convention of estates both Knox and Willock were requested to state their sentiments respecting the duty of subjects to their rulers in cases of oppression. Willock held that the power of rulers was limited both by reason and by Scripture, and that they might be deprived of it upon valid grounds; implying that he thought the conduct of the queen-regent had passed these limits, and given to her subjects these valid grounds. Knox assented to Willock's opinions, and added, that the assembly might, with safe consciences, act upon it, provided they attended to the three following points: "First, that they did not suffer the misconduct of the queen-regent to alienate their affections from their due allegiance to their sovereigns, Francis and Mary; second, that they were not actuated in the measure by private hatred or envy of the queen-dowager, but by regard for the safety of the commonwealth; and, third, that any sentence which they might at this time pronounce should not preclude her readmission to office, if she

afterwards discovered sorrow for her in M'Crie's Life of Knox, where the conduct, and a disposition to submit to principles of civil and religious liberty the advice of the estates of the realm. are explained and defended with great After this, the whole assembly, having eloquence of language and power of severally delivered their opinions, did, by reasoning.* a solemn deed, suspend the queen-dowager from her authority as regent of the kingdom, until the meeting of a free parliament; and, at the same time, elected a council for the management of public affairs during this interval.

This act, suspending the commission of the queen-regent, was proclaimed in all the chief towns throughout the kingdom, and intimated formally to the regent herself, summoning her at the same time to dismiss the French troops from Leith, and yield the town. To this declaration. and summons, an answer, charging the Protestants with rebellion, and uttering a bold defiance of their power, was returned; and hostilities immediately began. But the success of the Protestant lords and their army was not equal to

cause. There arose, in fact, a division among them, of a kind to which such enterprises as they were engaged in must always be exposed. The very essence of the contest was of a strictly religious character, and had been begun by men whose sole object it was to rescue the pure and undefiled Christianity of the Bible from the gross corruptions of Popery. But many had now joined the early reformers from a variety of motives, apart from those of religion; and even those in whom religious motives predominated still retained so great an admixture of selfish and worldly policy, as to embarrass extremely the conduct of those with whom they professed to act. A double policy must always be an unsafe one. And, perhaps, there is nothing which has ever done more evil to man than the debasing intermixture of worldly motives in matters of a purely religious and sacred character. But on this subject we shall not further dwell at present, as it will repeatedly meet us hereafter, and in circumstances fitted to display its nature and bearing more clearly.

The conduct of Knox and Willock, in giving their opinions on this very important matter, has been very often and very severely censured. But those who have done so have in general displayed either an anxious desire to avail themselves of any opportunity of blackening the character and aspersing the motives of the their hopes and the goodness of their Scottish reformer, or so little acquaintance with the great principles of civil and religious liberty, as to render their opinion of very slight value. Genuine Christianity, instead of impairing the worth of man's natural and civil rights and privileges, gives to them an infinitely increased importance, as the rights and privileges of the freemen of the Lord; rendering it absolutely impossible for a true Christian either to enslave others or to submit to be himself enslaved. And let it be ever most gratefully remembered, that to the Reformation we owe that true civilization which not only strikes off the fetters from the body, but cultivates also the mind,-which not only liberates men from civil, mental, and moral thraldom, but also, at the same time, elevating them in the scale of existence, renders them worthy to be free. The mind of Knox was too deeply imbued with these great principles, and his heart too fearless, for him to hesitate in giving a frank avowal of his sentiments, be the danger and the obloquy thereby to be encountered what they might; and yet, let it be observed, that while he vindicated the right of sub- The accession of the Hamiltons and jects to protect themselves against unlaw- their adherents appeared to strengthen ful despotism, both in this and in other the Protestants very much; yet the diviinstances, he carefully guarded against sions which almost immediately sprung the opposite extreme, of encouraging sub-up proved more detrimental to their cause jects wantonly to violate the allegiance than their increase of numbers was benedue to their sovereigns. But instead of ficial. And as the Duke of Chatelhefarther attempting to vindicate Knox from rault, being the man of greatest rank the aspersions cast upon him by writers among them, was placed nominally at of a servile character, let us direct the at- their head, his timid and vacillating tention of the reader to a noble passage

M'Crie's Life of Knox, pp. 193-192.

character diffused its contagion among | sistance of the Congregation. A short them, and rendered their councils unde-time before the Protestants retired from cided and their conduct irresolute. They Edinburgh, they were joined by Wilfailed in some encounters with the liam Maitland of Lethington, one of the French; and fresh supplies arriving at ablest statesmen of his time, who had Leith, they became so discouraged as to previously been secretary to the queenabandon the siege, and retreat to Stirling, regent. Upon his arrival, Knox, who in a state of great dejection. They were had no relish for the intrigues of mere also deficient in money to pay and sup- politicians, immediately relinquished the port their forces, many of whom were of direct management of all diplomatic mata mercenary character, regarding little ters to Lethington, expressing great satison which side they fought, provided they faction at being relieved from duties so obtained pay, and were occasionally gra- uncongenial to his mind. Lethington was tified with pillage. Upon the retreat of sent to England to endeavour to procure the Lords of the Congregation, the French assistance; and it was finally resolved issued from Leith, took possession of that an English force should be sent to Edinburgh, with the exception of the Scotland to co-operate with the Protestcastle, which Lord Erskine continued to ant lords in expelling the French troops hold in a kind of armed neutrality, ad- out of the kingdom. A contract to that vanced to Stirling, pillaging the country effect was concluded at Berwick, between as they went, and crossed into Fifeshire, the Duke of Norfolk and the Scottish skirting the coast, and continuing their commissioners, on the 27th of February ravages as they proceeded towards St. 1560.* Andrews.*

[1560.] The war now assumed a more In this extremity the Protestants found determined aspect. The French troops, it necessary to apply more pressingly to being aware of the approach of the EngQueen Elizabeth for aid from England. lish, returned to Leith, and prepared to This had indeed been done some months defend it to the last extremities. Before before, when they became convinced that the arrival of the English forces, the hostilities must ensue; and the inter-queen-regent was allowed by Lord Ercourse with England had been conducted skine to enter into Edinburgh castle; chiefly by Knox and Henry Balnaves of thus withdrawing herself from being perHallhill, on the Scottish side, and Cecil sonally exposed to the dangers and horon the English. Knox apprized Cecil rors of a war which she herself had of the great popish league, devised by caused. Several sharp encounters took the princes of Lorraine, for the suppres- place between the besiegers and the besion of the Reformation throughout Eu-sieged; but as the English fleet had the rope, to which the dethronement of Eliz- command of the sea, no supplies could abeth was essential; and suggested a be transmitted from France to the garrigreat counter-league of Protestant pow- son of Leith, which was daily becoming ers, of which Elizabeth should be the weaker. The French court employed head. Cecil could appreciate the scheme; every art of policy to induce Elizabeth to but it was not so easy to induce Eliza-abandon the support of the Protestant beth to engage in it, requiring, as it ne- lords, and almost succeeded. But being cessarily did, great and immediate sacri- at length convinced that England's own fices and exertions for a remote, and what might appear a contingent, good. Assistance in money was sent, but with a sparing hand; and part of it was intercepted, and fell into the possession of the queen-regent. But now, when the Protestant cause appeared to be sinking in Scotland, in consequence of the direct aid received by the queen-regent from France, the English court perceived the necessity of sending an army to the as

* Knox, Spotswood, Buchanan.

security and best interests were involved in the support of Scotland, she gave orders to prosecute the siege with the utmost vigour. The resolution of Elizabeth convinced the Court of France that it was in vain to prolong the contest. A treaty was therefore proposed between France and England, the basis of which was, that the troops of both countries should be withdrawn from Scotland, and ambassadors were appointed to meet

* Knox, Spotswood.

in Edinburgh, to complete its arrangement and ratification.

the records of its acts. When the circumstances in which they were assemWhile the ambassadors were on their bled, and the affairs on which they were way to Scotland, the queen-regent, who called to deliberate, are taken into conhad been for some time declining in sideration, this must be regarded as the health, became seriously ill; and, send-most important meeting of the estates of ing for some of the chief Lords of the the kingdom that had ever been held in Congregation, expressed her regret at the Scotland. It engrossed the attention of sufferings which the kingdom had en- the nation, and the eyes of Europe were dured. She also sent for John Willock, fixed on its proceedings. Although a and conferred with him for some time on great concourse of people resorted to Edreligious matters; but, after his depar-inburgh on that occasion, yet no tumult ture, received extreme unction, according to the rites of the Romish Church, and expired, on the 9th Knox says, Spotswood says the 10th, of June 1560.*

or disturbance of the public peace occurred. Many of the lords spiritual and temporal who were attached to Popery absented themselves; but the chief patrons of the old religion, as the archbishop of St. Andrews, and the bishops of Dumblane and Dunkeld, countenanced the Assembly by their presence, and were allowed to act with freedom as lords of parliament.

"The all-important business of reli gion was introduced by a petition presented by a number of Protestants of different ranks; in which, after rehearsing their former endeavours to procure the re

On the 16th of June the ambassadors arrived in Edinburgh, and began their negotiations. The death of the late queendowager had removed one of the main obstacles to peace; and the troubled state of political matters in France tended to make the ambassadors of that country more disposed to pacification than they might otherwise have been. It proceeded, however, with the usual tardiness of state diplomacy, and was signed on the 7th of July 1560. By this treaty it was pro-moval of the corruptions which had invided, that the French troops should be immediately removed from Scotland; that an amnesty should be granted to all who had been engaged in the late resistance to the queen-regent; that the principal grievances of which they complained in the civil administration should be redressed; that a free parliament should be held in the month of August next, to settle the other affairs of the kingdom; and that, during the absence of their sovereigns, the government should be administered by a council of twelve, all natives of the kingdom, to be partly chosen by Francis and Mary, and partly by the estates of the nation. On the 16th July the French army embarked at Leith, and the English troops began their march to their own country; and on the 19th the Congregation assembled in St. Giles's Church, to return public thanks to God for the restoration of peace, and for the success which had crowned their exertions.

fected the Church, they requested parliament to use the power which Providence had now put into their hands for effecting this great and urgent work. They craved three things in general; that the antichristian doctrine maintained in the Popish Church should be discarded; that means should be used to restore purity of worship and primitive discipline; and that the ecclesiastical revenues, which had been engrossed by a corrupt and indolent hierarchy, should be applied to the support of a pious and active ministry, to the promotion of learning, and to the relief of the poor. They declared, that they were ready to substantiate the justice of all their demands, and, in particular, to prove that those who arrogated to themselves the name of clergy were destitute of all right to be accounted ministers of religion; and that, from the tyranny which they had exercised, and their vassalage to the court of Roine, they could The parliament, which had met for- not be safely tolerated, and far less inmally during the presence of the ambas-trusted with power, in a reformed comsadors on the 10th of July, adjourned monwealth."* until the 1st day of August, according to the treaty, both dates being specified in

[blocks in formation]

The attentive reader will mark, in the

M'Crie's Life of Knox, pp. 200, 201; Knox, pp. 237,

preceding outline of this petition, the | liament required the reformed ministers statement of certain great principles to lay before them a summary of doctrine which he will have occasion subsequently which they could prove to be consonant to trace in active operation. He will with the Scriptures, and which they demark the request, not only for purity of sired to have established. The following worship, but also for primitive discipline, ministers were appointed to perform the -a point of vital importance in any task:-John Winram, John Spotswood, Church, but one which worldly-minded John Willock, John Douglas, John Row, men will always hate and oppose. He and John Knox; and in the course of will mark, also, that while our Scottish four days, they presented a Confession of reformers still wished ecclesiastical reve- Faith as the product of their joint labours, nues to be devoted to ecclesiastical, and and an expression of their unanimous not civil purposes, they did so, not for the judgment. It agreed with the Confessake of their own aggrandizement, but sions which had been published by other purely for the public good, purposing a reformed Churches. In the statement of threefold division and application of them, doctrinal tenets it is very clear and dis-one-third for the support of colleges tinct, and eminently evangelical; but and schools, one-third for the support of though a very valuable and excellent the poor, and the remaining third for the summary of Christian faith, it is perhaps support of the ministers of religion. No more coloured with the circumstances of other national Church ever exhibited a the times than is necessary, and in some spirit at once so generous and self-deny-respects less specific and decided than is ing, and so wisely and nobly zealous in desirable. For an admirable outline of devising large and liberal schemes for it the reader may consult M'Crie's Life promoting the welfare of the kingdom. of Knox; from which work we extract But such schemes were far too generous the following condensed account of its to find favour in the sight of the avari- ratification. cious nobility and gentry, and far too enlightened to be adequately understood, either by the men of that age, or even yet, of our own. Unfortunately for the public welfare, in all ages and countries, men of the world, judging others by themselves, cannot understand, and will not believe, the self-denying and generous spirit of true religion, and therefore always regard with jealousy every proposal made by the servants of Christ; and even the more manifestly self-denying and generous it is, the more suspicious are they that it must contain some peculiarly deep design. The applicability of these remarks will soon be made evident.

When this petition was laid before parliament, it soon became apparent that it went much farther than many of the politicians were disposed to permit. Maitland of Lethington had previously said, in reference to the discourses which Knox had preached from the book of Haggai, “We may now forget ourselves, and bear the barrow to build the house of God." This scoffing comment showed plainly enough what were his sentiments; and there were but too many ready to concur with and support him. In answer to the first topics of the petition, the par

"The Confession was first read before the Lords of Articles, and afterwards before the whole parliament. The Protestant ministers attended in the house to defend it, if attacked, and to give satisfaction to the members respecting any point which might appear dubious. Those who had objections to it were formally required to state them. And the farther consideration of it was adjourned to a subsequent day, that none might pretend that an undue advantage had been taken of him, or that a matter of such importance had been concluded precipitately. On the 17th of August the parliament resumed the subject, and previous to the vote, the Confession was again read, article by article. The Earl of Athole, and Lords Somerville and Borthwick, were the only persons of the temporal estate who voted in the negative, assigning this as their reason, 'We will believe as our forefathers believed.' The bishops spake nothing. After the vote establishing the Confession of Faith, the Earl Marischal rose, and declared, that the silence of the clergy had confirmed him in his belief of the protestant doctrine; and he protested that if any of the ecclesiastical estate should afterwards op

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