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parties. But the one which held the Christianity, in its practical embodi original principles of the Evangelical ment as a system, has always suffered Presbyterian Church in truth and sin- more or less corruption by the intermincerity, was alone truly the Church of gling of things civil with things spiritual. Scotland; the other was its worldly In Popery, the distinctions between them counterfeit, and for that very reason it are lost by the spiritual or ecclesiastical obtained most of the world's favour. authority engrossing all power, civil and Fearful have been the consequences to sacred; in an Erastian Church, by the Scotland of the long domination of the civil power assuming a right to dictate in worldly system; but a demonstration of spiritual matters; and in churches which inestimable value has been made, which hold what is termed the voluntary princiwill yet be understood and applied. It ple, an evil at least equal arises by the has been clearly proved, that a Church civil power being compelled to become really Erastian, but nominally and in virtually atheistic. The ruling princi form Presbyterian, is of all Protestant ple of the Church of Scotland is differChurches the worst, having neither ritual ent from all these; she has been conto attract, nor faith and warmth to inspire strained to encounter each of them in and animate the people, whom at the succession; and she has recently been same time it deprives of every vestige of exposed to the combined hostility of spiritual liberty. It seems expressly cal- them all. She disclaims all power in culated to produce national infidelity, by matters civil; she will not surrender the driving vital religion out of its pale, and power which Christ has given her in deadening all that remain within it. If matters spiritual; and she fearlessly tells Popery has been termed the religion of both governments and communities, that fallen man, Moderatism may, with equal it is their duty to be Christians, to act propriety, be termed the religion of fallen as Christians, and to make it their chief Presbyterians; or, as the same secular object to promote Christ's kingdom and spirit may prevail in any church, it may glory. For this has she been, and still be termed the religion of fallen Protest- is, exposed to threefold peril,-for this ants. And yet, notwithstanding the pre- has she been compelled to abandon the sent apparent triumph of that system, it temple where her children worshipped may be safely predicted that the reign of God, and to erect a tabernacle in the Moderatism has passed away, and can- wilderness; and for this is she still purnot again be permanently re-established. sued by the fierce wrath of her relentIts doom is written in the word of truth, less enemies. But through the triple which condemns the "earthly" and the darkness of the lowering tempest which "lukewarm," manifested in the signs of surrounds her, there may be seen the the times; urged on by the advancing dawning brightness of a thrice glorious spirit of the age; and will soon be pro- and peaceful day. Her conflict has nounced alike by politicians, who will now been freed from every admixture of find that it can no longer subserve their a worldly nature on her side; all politipurposes; and by the indignant voice of cal parties have alike deserted her cause, an outraged and insulted nation. The or are banded together against her, so Evangelical and Presbyterian Church that she is not even tempted to put her of Scotland has been cast out, and may trust in princes or the sons of men; be for a time trodden under foot; all ec- while the masses of an irreligious and clesiastical establishments may be over- immoral population, left in that state by thrown; and they that dwell on the earth | Moderatism, seem ready to add the fierce may rejoice because Christ's witnesses and irresponsible element of physical have been slain. But that Church which force. But for these very reasons little is willing to perish rather than surrender of worldly contamination can now cleave the Crown Rights of the Redeemer, may be persecuted, but shall not be forsaken, may be cast down, but cannot be destroyed; for the Lord Jesus, for whom it suffers will be with it always, even to the end of the world.

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to her, and intermingle in her procedure; she is followed by the sympathy and the prayers of all truly evangelical Churches; she is in the condition to be most thoroughly purified by the fiery trial through which she is passing; and bereft as she

is of all human help, the more manifestly | The full realization of this attempt seems will the final victory be the Lord's.

to be yet premature, as it has proved to be in bygone times; but something has been gained in each successive conflict; and more will yet be gained in this, both because to human view the difficulties to be surmounted are greater than ever, and because the object of the contest stands more clearly defined.

It has already been shown how remarkably the progress of events has been so guided by the hand of Providence, as to bring to the light the very central element of the last grand controversy between the Church and this world. During the earlier stages of the controversy, its true nature was apparent to Even the fact that the antagonist powcomparatively few, and not at all to the er appears in the impassive form of abgreater part of the nation. As it advanced, stract human law, though an element of one cause of obscurity was removed after peculiar danger, is equally an element of another, and its real character became purity and hope. It is not now with riore and more manifest to all who could persons that the Church has to contend discern spiritual things. And at last the so much as with principles; and who very essence of the mighty subject ap- may doubt the issue when a human prinpeared distinct and alone, in the form of ciple presumes to encounter one that is this direct and intelligible question, undeniably divine? Men have yet to be Shall the will of Christ, or the will of taught, that law itself can have no sure inan, be the supreme law and rule of the basis but the Word of God; and that Church in spiritual matters? To this equally those who make, and those who question the Church can have but one interpret and administer a nation's laws, answer, and the world has but one. Of are bound to regard it as their first duty ten have these conflicting answers come both to legislate and to administer not into partial collision; but never, at any otherwise than according to the will of period in the history of the Christian Christ. And formidable as is the might Church, has this question been raised of human law, it has already so far been, with such unavoidable precision, and the and will yet more be compelled to feel, antagonist deliverances given with such that its utmost energy sinks into absolute appalling emphasis. The two contend- powerlessness, when directed against ing principles which these answers em-conscience enlightened and upheld by body, are now brought front to front, in the attitude of determined hostility, and till the one or other perish there can be no peace and rest for Christendom.

Him who alone is Lord of the conscience. Then will men learn the full meaning of those simple yet sublime words. "Whether it be right in the sight of God to hearken unto you more than unto God, judge ye."

The same idea might be stated and illustrated in a somewhat different manner,-Is it the duty of the State to give en- Repeatedly has the thought been sugcouragement and support to the Church gested, during the course of this history, of Christ, without attempting to deprive that civil and religious liberty exist and it of that spiritual independence which is fall together. Nowhere has this been necessary for the right discharge of all more signally proved than in Scotland, its spiritual duties? From the very be- and never more manifestly than at preginning of her existence the Church of sent. Before the Church of Scotland Scotland has maintained the affirmative could be assailed, it was necessary to vioof this great question, and it has been late the British constitution, as in the her constant endeavour to demonstrate case of the Patronage Act of Queen to the world, that a Christian Church Anne. Before she could be overthrown, may be in connection with the State, it was necessary to subvert it, as has been thus giving to rulers the opportunity too manifestly done by the recent proof obeying the King Eternal, and reali-ceedings of the civil courts and the Lezing the predictions of His Word; and gislature. And in the endeavour to may, nevertheless, maintain its alle- crush the Free Church, even the theory giance inviolate to its own Divine King, of toleration is set aside, and liberty of and enjoy that spiritual freedom where- conscience is denied. And it were well with Christ has made his people free. | for the nation, if all who value the rights

and privileges of freemen were aware, that whether such be her desire or not, the Free Church of Scotland is at this moment the chief safeguard of all liberty, civil and religious. She cannot be overborne without a fatal shock being given to the very freedom of the soul, from which all other freedom springs. And those who support her antagonists may yet mourn to know, that they have been busily engaged in forging fetters for themselves.

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has been engaged in bu sting asunder the fetters, and casting off the yoke of that cold, worldly, unspiritual, unchristian system, so well designated Moderatism.

In each of these Reformations the Church has experienced the most desperate opposition, has been for a time overborne, and in the First and Second she ultimately obtained the victory. By the Black Acts of 1584, she was overpowered and enslaved, but regained her liberty in 1592. By the Glasgow Act of 1662, With strangely unobservant eye and she was disestablished, silenced, driven mind must that reader have perused these to the mountain solitudes, and the best pages, who has not clearly perceived that blood of her sons and daughters shed the contest in which the Church of Scot- like water; but the revolution of 1688 land has been engaged, is precisely the terminated for a time her sufferings, same in which for centuries she has sanctioned her principles, and ratified her fought, and bled, and conquered. "Take liberties. By the recent decisions of the from us the liberty of Assemblies, and Civil Courts, the rejection of her Claim take from us the Gospel," said John of Rights by the Legislature, and the Knox. "What is Cæsar's, or what is Bill of Lord Aberdeen, her constitution ours, let it be given to Cæsar, but that has been again subverted, and those who may not derogate from Christ's right; let continue to hold and defend it have been the God by whom kings reign have His once more, like their forefathers, comown place and prerogative," said Alex-pelled to forsake their homes and places ander Henderson. "We can die, but we of worship, and to bear a full and public cannot forswear ourselves, and be false testimony against an Erastianized Estraitors to Christ," said the Covenanters. tablishment, and Erastian principles in "The spiritual independence of the Re- the State. eemer's kingdom, in all matters touch- But the end is not yet. If her prining the doctrine, government, and disci- ciples be, as we believe, sacred and divine, pline of the Church, and the sole Head- they must and will finally conquer. ship of the Lord Jesus Christ, on which And though the warfare of argument is it depends, as also the rights and privi- ended, the sterner warfare of principle is leges of the Christian people, we will yet only beginning. Other Churches assert, and at all hazards defend, by the are now learning the meaning of her testihelp and with the blessing of Almighty mony, and are employing its high and holy God," was the solemn declaration of terms. The very sympathy which her those true-hearted Presbyterians, and wrongs, her sufferings, and her undauntfaithful servants of the Lord, who have ed bearing have called fo..h, have tended been, and still are so strenuously endea- unspeakably more to diffuse her prinvouring to effect the Church of Scotland's ciples than could have done her early Third Great Reformation. The First and complete triumph in their defence, Reformation, like a whirlwind, dashed Evangelical Christianity can now lift a to the earth, and swept away the apostate more erect and ennobled head in the and idolatrous Church of Rome, though world, since God has enabled the Free deeply rooted in the deceived and blind- Church of Scotland to give an undenied nation. The Second Reformation, af- able proof that religion is something more ter a long and painful struggle, overthrew than a system of dead forms and vague and banished from Scotland that perjured professions, that there are still Chrisand blood-thirsty prelatic usurpation, tians on earth, even in this secular and which the craft of one sovereign, and the selfish age, to whom grace has been given fierce despotism of his three successors, to suffer the loss of all things in their had in vain attempted to erect upon the Divine Redeemer's cause. Humbly and ruins of the persecuted Presbyterian gratefully let the Free Church adore her Church. And the Third Reformation sole Head and King, that He has not


withdrawn from her that hidden spiritual | Judge of all the earth will do right. life which has enabled her to dare the Earnestly is it to be wished and hoped furnace, and will bring her unscathed that the warfare may continue to be through all its purifying fires. And let spiritual, not carnal,-not waged against other Churches seek to realize a similar kings, and governments, and armed union with Him, both as the first and troops, as in former days; but not the most certain step towards union with each less arduous may be the contest, and not other, and as a preparation for their own the less protracted may be the struggle, approaching hour of trial. She has al- against an antagonist power entrenched ready drunk deeply of the cup out of within legal forms, and aided by the ag which all other Churches will have ere gressive might of that modern despotism long, perhaps, to drink; and unspeakably abstract human law, forgetful, in its the most fearful will it be for that Church pride, of those high spiritual laws which which shall have to drain the dregs. mould time, which frame and govern For it seems evident to almost every re- life, which made and guide the universe, flecting mind, that the last great conflict which were promulgated from heaven to between the Church and the world, fore- lead immortal souls to its abodes of evertold in sacred prophecy, has already be- lasting peace, and which have their sum The various events which may and centre in Him who is the King Etertake place during its progress cannot be nal. Whether the early triumph of these fully foreseen; but the issue is certain, high spiritual laws shall glad the hearts and it is awful,-the destruction of all of those who are now, exposed to every that take counsel together against Jeho- peril, their dauntless defenders,-or vah, and against his Anointed. "Be whether it be reserved for that day, near wise now, therefore, O ye kings; be in- or remote, when angels shall proclaim, structed, ye judges of the earth. Serve "The kingdoms of this earth are become the Lord with fear, and rejoice with the kingdoms of our Lord and of his trembling. Kiss the Son, lest he be Christ, and He shall reign for ever and angry, and ye perish from the way, when ever,"-it becomes not short-sighted man his wrath is kindled but a little.' to conjecture; but the Free Church of Scotland may, and, as we pray and trust, she will, go forward in her holy course of reformation, completing her great testimony, bearing the cross and defending the crown of her only and Divine Head and King, strong in the Lord and in the power of his might, in the spirit of faith and prayer, and hope,-encouraging her heart with these sacred words, "THE LORD IS OUR JUDGE, THE LORD IS OUR LAWGIVER, THE LORD IS OUR KING; HE WILL SAVE US."

It would be equally presumptuous and unwise to hazard any definite opinion respecting the exact nature and probable extent and duration of the fearful conflict of irreconcilable principles which has rent asunder the Church of Scotland, expelled her genuine children from the temples where their fathers worshipped God, is rapidly spreading into other lands and rousing other Churches, and may soon convulse Christendom and the world. Enough to know that the Lord God Almighty reigneth, and that the


No. I.

Note on the Death of Rizzio, p. 68.

In the seventh volume of his History of Scotland, Mr. Tytler has directly, and even ostentatiously, charged John Knox with being "precognizant of, and implicated in," the murder, of David Rizzio. This charge has been met, and, as most people think, completely refuted, by the Rev. Thomas M'Crie, son of the distinguished biographer of Knox. It is not my intention, cer

ably occupied by Mr. M'Crie, thinking it enough to refer the reader to his answer to Mr. Tytler, as it appeared in the appendix to his "Sketches of Scottish Church History." Still, as there may be different methods of demonstrating the same truth, I think it expedient to offer, very briefly, my reasons for regarding Mr. Tytler's accusation as utterly untenable; and this, I trust, I may do without being suspected of intending any disre

Note on the Death of Cardinal Beaton, p. 33. THE attempt which has been made by Patrick Fraser Tytler, Esq., in his History of Scotland, to prove that the great and pious Scottish Reformers were implicated in some of the most criminal transactions of that dark and stormy period in which they lived, having been briefly alluded to in the body of this work, it may seem neces-tainly, to retrace the ground which has been so sary to take more specific notice of his opinions than. could there appropriately be done. With regard to the charge insinuated against Wishart, however, that he was concerned in a conspiracy against the life of Cardinal Beaton, little need be said, till Mr. Tytler give a satisfactory answer to the complete "Vindication of George Wishart,' which appeared in the Edinburgh Christian Monitor, vol. iii. p. 475, in the year 1823. The grounds of this accusation are, the prophetic lan-spect to that gentleman. guage of Wishart at the stake, which some men think more likely to have proceeded from actual knowledge of an intended assassination, than from any preternatural enlightenment granted to the dying martyr; and the casual mention in some manuscript correspondence of the period, that " a Scottishman called Wysshert," was said to have been employed by Henry VIII. in some alleged conspiracy against the life of the cardinal. The first of these conjectural suppositions we leave to those who can entertain it; because neither reasoning, nor reference to many similar well-authenticated cases, would be likely to produce conviction in their minds. Another answer might be given, which would be more satisfactory to some; neither Fox, in his account of Wishart's martyrdom, nor Knox, make any mention of his prophetic language; those, therefore, who wish to fasten this charge upon him must first prove that he spoke such words. With regard to the other, it is enough to state, that in the "Vindication" referred to above, it is proved, by direct historical testimony, that if any such person existed as is mentioned in the manuscript, he could neither have been the martyr, nor his brother the laird of Pittarow. This of itself is enough to vindicate the memory of Wishart from any such mere conjectural aspersion; for no conjecture, founded on the mere similarity of a name, loosely mentioned in the gossiping language of epistolary correspondence, may ever be allowed to set aside direct historical testimony. It would, besides, require the most incontrovertible evidence to substantiate such a charge against all the moral improbabilities, or rather impossibilities, which it has to encounter, when brought against the mild, patient, gracious, and heavenly-minded martyr, George Wishart.

Every historian finds himself often compelled to balance conflicting evidence, in order to arrive at the truth of any subject respecting which contradictory statements have been made. The evidence thus to be estimated is to be of two kinds, the evidence of facts, and the evidence of moral probability. These kinds of evidence sometimes seem opposed to each other, and sometimes they coincide. When they coincide, a conclusion amounting to absolute certainty is obtained; but when they are opposed to each other, the task becomes considerably difficult to determine to which of them the greatest credit is due, and very opposite conclusions will be drawn from the same data by minds differently constituted. It requires a higher cast of mind to appreciate duly the evidence of moral probability, than it does that of facts; although, no doubt, when the facts can be, or have been, fully ascertained and substantiated, nothing more is required, and the controversy is at an end. Yet such is the power of moral probability, that every man must have felt himself constrained in peculiar instances to reject instinctively the argument of facts, and to say, “I cannot believe that a man of a character so high and noble could have done a deed so base." It will not be a small amount of the evidence of facts that will suffice to set aside such an instinctive moral conviction; and when facts are brought forward with that view, they will be met by a sifting investigation whether they really occurred, and on what authority we are asked to believe that they actually took place as they are said to have done. Nothing short of the direct testimony of a sufficient number of witnesses of undoubted veracity, and adequately acquainted with the facts which they relate, will ever substantiate a charge which is instinctively felt to be morally

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