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to the civil power, but in other respects would discharge their duty. Soon after, a messenger-at-arms entered the house, and charged the moderator and members of Assembly, on the pain of rebellion, to desist entirely from the prosecution. After serious deliberation, they agreed to address a respectful letter to his Majesty; resolved that it was their duty to proceed with the trial; ratified the sentence of the presbytery of Stirling, suspending him from the exercise of the ministry; and having found eight articles of the charge against him proved, declared that he had incurred the censures of deposition and

revenues could not be drawn in his own
it was necessary to revive the tul-
chan system, and procure some hireling
to hold the title, and hand over to Lennox
the greater portion of the revenues. The
transaction was so base, and so directly
opposed to the whole acts of the Assem-
bly, especially the more recent ones con-
demning and wholly abolishing the epis-
copal name and office, that Lennox had
some difficulty in finding a person at
once sufficiently knavish and reckless to
enter into what even Spotswood terms
this "vile bargain." At length, Robert
Montgomery, minister of Stirling, "a
man," says Robertson," vain, feeble, pre-excommunication.
sumptuous, and more apt, by the blem-
ishes of his character, to have alienated
the people from an order already beloved,
than to reconcile them to one which was
the object of their hatred,"-this worth-
less man consented to make himself the
base instrument of a licentious courtier's
sacrilegious avarice.

Overawed by this

duct, and in case he violated his engagement, to inform the presbytery of Edinburgh, who were authorized to appoint one of their number to pronounce the sentence of excommunication against him.

calm and resolute conduct, Montgomery hastened to the house, and like a self-con victed culprit, humbly crouching before them, acknowledged that he had heavily offended God and His Church, craved that the sentence might not be pronounced, and solemnly promised to interfere no farther with the bishopric. The AssemThe Assembly which met in October bly accepted his submission, and delayed entered promptly into the consideration pronouncing the sentence; but, aware of this simoniacal transaction, and called of his character, gave instructions to the Montgomery to the bar. After proceed-presbytery of Glasgow to watch his coning a certain length, the matter was remitted to the presbytery of Stirling, to deal farther in it as necessity might require; and Montgomery was prohibited from accepting the condemned prelatic office, and from leaving his charge at Stirling. The members of the synod of Lothian were summoned to appear before the privy council, on account of having interfered with Montgomery in obedience to the orders of the Assembly. They appeared; and Robert Pont, who was at that time one of the Lords of Justiciary, in their name, after protesting their readiness to yield all lawful obedience, declined the judgment of the council, as incompetent, according to the laws of the land, to take cognizance of a cause which was purely ecclesiastical.

[1582.] The Assembly met in April 1582 at St. Andrews, and immediately proceeded to take up the case of Montgomery, which had been referred to them by the presbytery of Stirling. The king sent a letter to the Assembly, requesting them not to proceed against Montgomery for any thing connected with the archbishopric. The answer was, that they would touch nothing so far as belonged

The event showed the wisdom of these precautions. Instigated by Lennox, who longed to realize the fruits of his "vile. bargain," Montgomery revived his claim to the prelacy; and when the presbytery of Glasgow met to do as they had been directed by the Assembly, he procured an order from the king to stay their procedure, and, at the head of an armed force, entered the house where they were sitting, and presented the order. They refused compliance; and the moderator was dragged from the chair, insulted, beaten, and cast into prison. The presbytery, nevertheless, discharged their duty, found him guilty, and transmitted the result to the presbytery of Edinburgh, who appointed one of their own number to pronounce the sentence. In spite of the rage and the threatenings of the court, the sentence was pronounced, and intimated publicly in all the surrounding churches. A proclamation was immedi

ately issued by the privy council, declaring the excommunication of Montgomery null and void. The ministers of Edinburgh were repeatedly called before the council and insulted; and John Dury was banished from the capital, and prohibited from preaching.

access to the king in council, he presented the remonstrance. When it had been read, Arran, looking around the assembly with a threatening countenance, exclaimed, "Who dares subscribe these treasonable articles ?" "WE DARE," replied Melville; and advancing to the But if the king and the courtiers were table, he took the pen from the clerk, and furious, the Church was roused and reso- subscribed. The other commissioners lute, and its councils were guided by men immediately followed his example. Even equal to the emergency. An extraordi- the unprincipled and daring Arran was nary meeting of Assembly was convened, overawed by the native supremacy of and a spirited remonstrance was drawn religious principle and true moral courup, to be presented to the king and coun- age, and sunk from his look of domineercil, complaining of the late proceedings, ing sternness into the sullen scowl of imand craving a redress of grievances. In potent and baffled malice. Lennox adthis very remarkable document they com-dressed the commissioners in a conciliamence the statement of grievances by tory tone; and they were peaceably thus addressing the king:"That your dismissed. Certain Englishmen who majesty, by device of some councillors, is caused to take upon you a spiritual power and authority, which properly belongeth unto Christ, as only King and Head of the Church, the ministry and execution whereof is only given unto such as bear office in the ecclesiastical government in the same. So that in your highness's person some men press to erect a new popedom, as though your majesty could not be full king and head of this commonwealth, unless as well the spiritual as temporal sword be put into your highness's hands,-unless Christ be bereft of his authority, and the two jurisdictions confounded which God hath divided, which directly tendeth to the wreck of all true religion.

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A deputation, at the head of which was Andrew Melville, was appointed to go to Perth, where the king was then residing, and to present this remonstrance. When information of these proceedings reached the court, the favourites expressed the highest indignation; and an apprehension generally prevailed, that if the ministers ventured to approach the court, their lives would be sacrificed on the spot. Their more timid and wary friends entreated them not to appear; but Melville answered, "I am not afraid, thank God, nor feeble-spirited in the cause and message of Christ; come what God pleases to send, our commission shall be executed." Having next day obtained

* Booke of the Universall Kirk, p. 256; Calderwood,

p. 127.

happened to be present expressed their astonishment at the bold carriage of the ministers, and could scarcely be persuaded that they had not an armed force. at hand to support them.*

But though the deputation escaped personal violence, the king and his favourites were not disposed thus to relinquish the contest. A warrant was given to the Duke of Lennox to hold what was called a chamberlain's court, to inquire into the late sedition, and have its authors and abetters duly punished. This court was to be held in Edinburgh on the 27th of August; but before the arrival of that day, an event took place which completely changed the aspect of public affairs. The haughty and tyrannical conduct of Lennox and Arran had excited the hostility of the greater part of the nobility; and, roused from their lethargy by witnessing the free and ener getic behaviour of the Church, they resolved to rescue the country from the disgraceful servitude under which it groaned. A combination for effecting this purpose was formed; the person of the king was seized, and restrained for a time to Ruthven castle, whence this enterprise obtained the name of the Raid of Ruthven. The Duke of Lennox was compelled to retire to France, where he soon after died; Arran was removed from all intercourse with the king; and a proclamation was issued, recalling all the

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late despotic measures, and putting an | certain articles were proposed for their end to all hostile procedure against the consideration by the king and council, Church. with a request that a commission might be appointed with powers to deliberate and conclude, the Assembly, remembering well the convention of Leith, answered significantly, "that they had found by experience, commission given to brethren with power to conclude, to have done great hurt to the Church."

When the Assembly met in the month of October, the lords connected with the Raid of Ruthven sent a deputation to explain the grounds of the late proceedings. They declared, that the causes which moved them were, the dangers to which they perceived the Church and religion, the king and his estate, were exposed, and the confusion and disorder of the commonwealth; requesting the Assembly to give the sanction of their public approval to the enterprise. The Assembly acted with becoming caution in the matter. Ministers were required to state whether it was consistent with their own knowledge that such grievances were prevalent in the kingdom; and a deputation was sent to the king, to receive his own account of the transaction, and his own feelings regarding it. The king's answer agreeing with the declaration of the lords, and the statements of the ministers from all parts of the country, the Assembly then expressed their approbation of the reformation of the commonwealth intended and begun.

But the period of peace and prosperity was near its close, and a storm was ready to burst forth with increased violence. The king, whose mind and morals had been deeply corrupted by his former licentious favourites, became utterly impatient of the restraint in which he was kept by the new administration. Contriving to elude the vigilance of the lords, he hastened to St. Andrews, summoned his former courtly flatterers, and cast himself once more into the arms of the unprincipled Earl of Arran. Immediately the hostile proceedings against the Church were resumed, although for a time the royal and courtly displeasure was directed chiefly against individuals. John Dury was banished from Edin. burgh, and restricted to the neighbour The same Assembly proceeded to the hood of Montrose; and severe threatentrial and deposition of the corrupt pre-ings were uttered against all who had lates; and commission was given to frame expressed approbation of the Raid of articles to be presented to the king, coun- | Kuthven. cil, and estates, for the farther removal of abuses, and maintenance of the liberty and purity of the Church. The notorious Montgomery, seeing little prospect of accomplishing his base designs, offered to submit to the discipline of the Church, and begged to be again received into her


[1583.] While the king remained under the care of the new administration, peace and contentment prevailed throughout the kingdom. He publicly declared his satisfaction with what had taken place; and, lest any suspicion might remain, emitted an act of indemnity to all in any way connected with the Raid of Ruthven. The Church was not only permitted, but even encouraged, to advance in her course of reformation: and a confidential intercourse was commenced between the court and the Assembly, which seemed to indicate the opening of a more propitious era. Yet the Assembly was not lulled into security; for when

[1584.] The year 1584, black in the annals of the Church of Scotland, was ushered in by the commencement of that storm which was soon to shake and devastate the kingdom. On the 15th of February, Andrew Melville was summoned to appear before the privy council, to answer for seditious and treasonable speeches, alleged to have been uttered by him in his sermon and prayers on a fast which had been kept during the preceding month. He appeared, gave an account of what he had really said, and proved his innocence; but the council resolved to proceed with his trial. He then stated objections, which he subsequently put into the form of a protest, the chief point of which was, that his trial should be remitted, in the first instance, to the ecclesiastical courts, as the ordinary and proper judges of his ministerial conduct, according to Scripture, the law of the kingdom, and an agreement lately made between certain commissioners of

the privy council and of the Church. | apprehended without the formality of a This modified declinature of the direct legal charge. This contradictory proand primary jurisdiction of the privy cedure tended still more to increase the council over the conduct of ministers in public dissatisfaction, and to deepen the the discharge of the pastoral functions, general alarm. gave dire offence to the king, who was This contest between the court and jealous to excess of every limitation of Andrew Melville it has been thought nehis absolute prerogative; and roused the cessary to state with some minuteness, despotic heart of Arran to a degree of because it brings before the reader plainungovernable fury. Nothing could appally one of the chief subjects on account the dauntless spirit of Melville. Un-of which the Church of Scotland has clasping his Hebrew Bible from his gir- been often exposed to peril, and almost dle, and throwing it on the table, he said, always to misrepresentation and calumny. "These are my instructions: see if any of The claim that a minister should be tried, you can judge of them, or show that I in the first instance, by an ecclesiastical have passed my injunctions." Entrea- court, for every accusation brought ties and menaces were in vain employed against him in regard to doctrine and the to induce him to withdraw his protest; discharge of his pastoral functions, has he steadily refused, unless his cause were been attempted to be identified with the remitted to the proper judges. He was claim maintained by the popish clergy, then formally accused, and the deposition of entire immunity from the civil jurisof a number of witnesses taken. But al-diction, even in matters civil, and in though most of them were his enemies, crimes of every kind. That the two nothing could be extracted from their evidence that tended in the slightest degree to criminate him. Notwithstanding this, he was found guilty of declining the judgment of the council, and behaving, as they said, irreverently before them; and was condemned to be imprisoned in the castle of Edinburgh, and to be farther punished in his person and goods at his majesty's pleasure. Having learned that his place of confinement was changed to Blackness Castle, kept by a creature of Arran's, and that if once there, he would either never leave his dungeon alive, or only to ascend the scaffold, he fled to Berwick, which he reached in safety, while Arran was preparing a troop of cavalry to convey him to Blackness. *

This harsh and unjustifiable conduct at once roused and alarmed the kingdom. The ministers of Edinburgh prayed publicly for Melville; and the universal lament was, that the king, under the influence of evil council, had driven into exile the most learned man in the kingdom, and the ablest defender of religion and the liberties of the Church. The privy council issued a proclamation, declaring that his exile was voluntary; but at the same time an act of council was passed, ordaining that such preachers as were accused should henceforth be

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claims are essentially different, must be obvious to every clear and unprejudiced mind. Even the bare statement of them as above, makes it evident that they are totally dissimilar. But it has ever been the policy of the enemies of the Church of Scotland, first to misrepresent her principles, and then to condemn their own misrepresentation and to punish their slandered victims, as if they were indeed convicted criminals. It is easy to brand a good cause with a bad name, and then to assume the plausible aspect of preventers of evil, or avengers of wrong, when, in reality, those who so act, are themselves the calumniators of good and the assailants of right. The Church of Scotland has never denied the right of the civil magistrate to take cognizance of every crime by which the public morality and peace were or might be injured; but as the liberty of the pulpit is essential to the free and fearless delivery of the gospel message, and as that liberty would be but a name, were the minister to be dragged before a civil tribunal upon the accusation of every ignorant, spiteful, or malicious informer, she has always asserted the right of the minister to be tried, in the first instance, by an ecclesiastical court Should the partiality of such a court shelter a delinquent from condign punishment, it is still competent for the civil magistrate to pro

ceed against him in the exercise of that | quence of the conduct of the court, they authority which the antecedent judgment were peremptorily commanded by the of the Church could neither supersede king's commissioner to rescind the former nor invalidate. And, if accurately ex- act expressing approval of the Raid of amined, this liberty will be found to be Ruthven, and to pass another condemnthe very palladium of civil liberty itself. ing that transaction. as treasonable. The freedom of opinion has never exist- This the Assembly declined to do; but ed in any country where religious free- instead of taking a determined stand dom was unknown; indeed, free public against such an encroachment on their opinion had no existence till the Refor- liberties, they broke up their meeting, and mation broke the fetters of religious des- withdrew from the scene of immediate potism and made men free indeed. And danger. in the time of the Scottish Reformation, the press, with its mighty influences, had not sprung into being,-parliamentary proceedings were the records of tyranny or faction,the courts of justice obeyed too generally the arbitrary will of the sovereign, or exhibited the one-sided results of partizanship,-and it was from the teachers of religion that the people first learned to know that they were something more than the slaves of their feudal lords or regal despots,-that being rational, responsible, and immortal creatures, they were entitled to think, and reason, and act, as conscious of their mysterious nature, and worthy of their high destinies. "Despotism," says M'Crie, "has rarely been established in any nation without the subserviency of the ministers of religion. And it nearly concerns the cause of public liberty, that those who ought to be the common instructors and the faithful monitors of all classes, should not be converted into the trained sycophants of a corrupt, or the trembling slave of a tyrannical, administration."

A parliament was held in May, in which the proceedings were of a most extraordinary character. The Lords of the Articles were sworn to secrecy. .while they were preparing the business of the parliament; and the meetings of the parliament were held with closed doors. In spite of these precautions, it became known that measures subversive of the Presbyterian form of church government were intended. One minister was seized, when entering the palace-gate to supplicate the king in behalf of the Church, and sent to Blackness. And when, on the 25th of May, the acts of parliament were proclaimed, Pont and Balcanquhall protested formally at the market-cross of Edinburgh, and immediately fled to Berwick. Adamson and Montgomery sat in this infamous parliament as bishops, directing the despotic measures against the church and the kingdom.

The acts passed by this parliament, known as "the Black Acts of 1584," were to the following effect:-That to decline the judgment of his majesty or Soon after the flight of Melville, a of the privy council in any matter was proclamation was issued against all who treason: That those were guilty of the had been concerned in the Raid of Ruth- same crime who should impugn or seek ven, who were commanded to leave the the diminution of the power and authority kingdom within a given time. An abor- of the three estates of parliament: [By tive attempt was made by the threatened this, all that the Church had done in the party to defend themselves; but the Earl abolition of Prelacy was declared treaof Gowrie having been seized, the sonable]. That all subjects were prohiothers fled to England, and Arran ob-bited from convening any assembly, extained the uncontrolled management of cept the ordinary courts, to consult or dethe king and the government. Gowrie termine on any matter of state, civil or was executed notwithstanding the act of ecclesiastical, without the special comindemnity, and the express forgiveness of mandment and license of his majesty: the king to him personally. Arran [This was intended for the suppression urged impetuously forward his schemes of Presbyteries, Synods, and General at once of tyranny and revenge. When Assemblies.] That commissions should the Assembly met at St. Andrews in April, be given to the bishops, along with such few in number, and dispirited in conse-others as the king might appoint to pu

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