In all his course; nor yet in the cold ground Where thy pale form was laid with many tears, Nor in the embrace of ocean, shall exist
Thy image. Earth, that nourished thee, shall claim Thy growth, to be resolved to earth again : And lost each human trace, surrendering up Thine individual being, shalt thou go
To mix for ever with the elements;
To be a brother to the insensible rock, And to the sluggish clod which the rude swain Turns with his share and treads upon. The oak Shall send his roots abroad, and pierce thy mold. Yet not to thine eternal resting-place
Shalt thou retire alone; nor couldst thou wish Couch more magnificent. Thou shalt lie down With patriarchs of the infant world, with kings, The powerful of the earth, the wise, the good, Fair forms, and hoary seers of ages past, All in one mighty sepulcher. The hills, Rock-ribbed and ancient as the sun; the vales Stretching in pensive quietness between ; The venerable woods; rivers that move In majesty, and the complaining brooks
That make the meadows green; and, poured round all, Old Ocean's gray and melancholy waste, Are but the solemn decorations, all,
Of the great tomb of man. The golden sun, The planets, all the infinite host of heaven, Are shining on the sad abodes of death Through the still lapse of ages. All that tread The globe are but a handful to the tribes That slumber in its bosom. Take the wings Of morning; traverse Barca's desert sands; Or lose thyself in the continuous woods Where rolls the Oregon, and hears no sound Save its own dashings: yet the dead are there; And millions in those solitudes, since first The flight of years began, have laid them down In their last sleep: the dead reign there alone. So shalt thou rest. And what if thou withdraw In silence from the living, and no friend Take note of thy departure? All that breathe Will share thy destiny. The gay will laugh When thou art gone; the solemn brood of care Plod on; and each one, as before, will chase His favorite phantom: yet all these shall leave Their mirth and their employments, and shall come And make their bed with thee. As the long train Of ages glides away, the sons of men,
The youth in life's green spring, and he who goes In the full strength of years, matron and maid, And the sweet babe, and the gray-headed man,
Shall, one by one, be gathered to thy side By those who in their turn shall follow them. So live, that, when thy summons comes to join The innumerable caravan which moves
To that mysterious realm where each shall take His chamber in the silent halls of death, Thou go not like the quarry-slave at night Scourged to his dungeon; but, sustained and soothed By an unfaltering trust, approach thy grave Like one who wraps the drapery of his couch About him, and lies down to pleasant dreams."
WITHIN this lowly grave a conqueror lies; And yet the monument proclaims it not, Nor round the sleeper's name hath chisel wrought The emblems of a fame that never dies, - Ivy and amaranth in a graceful sheaf, Twined with the laurel's fair, imperial leaf. A simple name alone,
To the great world unknown,
Is graven here; and wild-flowers rising round- Meek meadow-sweet and violets of the ground Lean lovingly against the humble stone.
Here, in the quiet earth, they laid apart No man of iron mold and bloody hands, Who sought to wreak upon the cowering lands The passions that consumed his restless heart; But one of tender spirit and delicate frame, Gentlest in mien and mind
Timidly shrinking from the breath of blame; One in whose eyes the smile of kindness made Its haunt, like flowers by sunny brooks in May; Yet, at the thought of others' pain, a shade
Of sweeter sadness chased the smile away.
Nor deem, that, when the hand that molders here Was raised in menace, realms were chilled with fear, And armies mustered at the sign, as when Clouds rise on clouds before the rainy east, Gray captains leading bands of veteran men And fiery youths to be the vultures' feast. Not thus were waged the mighty wars that gave The victory to her who fills this grave. Alone her task was wrought;
Through that long strife her constant hope was stayed On God alone, nor looked for other aid.
She met the hosts of sorrow with a look
That altered not beneath the frown they wore; And soon the lowering brood were tamed, and took Meekly her gentle rule, and frowned no more. Her soft hand put aside the assaults of wrath, And calmly broke in twain The fiery shafts of pain,
And rent the nets of passion from her path; By that victorious hand despair was slain. With love she vanquished hate, and overcame Evil with good in her Great Master's name.
Her glory is not of this shadowy state,
Glory that with the fleeting season dies; But, when she entered at the sapphire gate, What joy was radiant in celestial eyes!
How heaven's bright depths with sounding welcomes rung, And flowers of heaven by shining hands were flung ! And He who, long before,
Pain, scorn, and sorrow bore,
The mighty Sufferer, with aspect sweet, Smiled on the timid stranger from his seat;
He who, returning glorious from the grave,
Dragged Death, disarmed, in chains, a crouching slave.
See! as I linger here, the sun grows low;
Cool airs are murmuring that the night is near. O gentle sleeper! from thy grave I go
Consoled, though sad, in hope, and yet in fear. Brief is the time, I know,
The warfare scarce begun;
Yet all may win the triumphs thou hast won: Still flows the fount whose waters strengthened thee. The victors' naines are yet too few to fill Heaven's mighty roll; the glorious armory That ministered to thee is opened still.
THOU unrelenting Past!
Strong are the barriers round thy dark domain, And fetters sure and fast
Hold all that enter thy unbreathing reign.
Far in thy realm withdrawn,
Old empires sit in sullenness and gloom; And glorious ages gone
Lie deep within the shadow of thy womb.
Childhood with all its mirth,
Youth, manhood, age that draws us to the ground, And, last, man's life on earth,
Glide to thy dim dominions, and are bound.
Thou hast my better years;
Thou hast my earlier friends,
Yielded to thee with tears;
The venerable form, the exalted mind.
My spirit yearns to bring
The lost ones back, yearns with desire intense, And struggles hard to wring
Thy bolts apart, and pluck thy captives thence.
In vain thy gates deny
All passage save to those who hence depart; Nor to the streaming eye
Thou giv'st them back, nor to the broken heart.
Beauty and excellence unknown: to thee Earth's wonder and her pride
Are gathered as the waters to the sea,
Labors of good to man;
Unpublished charity; unbroken faith; Love that 'midst grief began,
grew with years, and faltered not in death.
Full many a mighty name
Lurks in thy depths, unuttered, unrevered: With thee are silent fame,
Forgotten arts, and wisdom disappeared.
Thine for a space are they: Yet shalt thou yield thy treasures up at last; Thy gates shall yet give way,
Thy bolts shall fall, inexorable Past!
All that of good and fair
Has gone into thy womb from earliest time Shall then come forth to wear
The glory and the beauty of its prime.
They have not perished: no!
Kind words, remembered voices once so sweet, Smiles radiant long ago,
And features the great soul's apparent seat,
SPIRIT that breathest through my lattice, thou That cool'st the twilight of the sultry day! Gratefully flows thy freshness round my brow: Thou hast been out upon the deep at play, Riding all day the wild blue waves till now,
Roughening their crests, and scattering high their spray, And swelling the white sail. I welcome thee To the scorched land, thou wanderer of the sea!
Nor I alone: a thousand bosoms round Inhale thee in the fullness of delight; And languid forms rise up, and pulses bound Livelier, at coming of the wind of night; And, languishing to hear thy grateful sound, Lies the vast inland, stretched beyond the sight. Go forth into the gathering shade; go forth, God's blessing breathed upon the fainting earth!
Go rock the little wood-bird in his nest;
Curl the still waters bright with stars; and rouse The wide old wood from his majestic rest,
Summoning from the innumerable boughs The strange, deep harmonies that haunt his breast: Pleasant shall be thy way where meekly bows The shutting flower, and darkling waters pass, And where the o'ershadowing branches sweep the
The faint old man shall lean his silver head
To feel thee; thou shalt kiss the child asleep, And dry the moistened curls that overspread His temples, while his breathing grows more deep; And they who stand about the sick man's bed
Shall joy to listen to thy distant sweep,
And softly part his curtains to allow Thy visit, grateful to his burning brow.
Go but the circle of eternal change,
Which is the life of Nature, shall restore, With sounds and scents from all thy mighty range, Thee to thy birthplace of the deep once more;
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