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that from their friends so lately parted, no sooner several ways are gone, but by themselves are set upon, surpris'd like brother against brother, and put to th' sword by one another; so much more fierce are civil wars, than those between mere foreigners; and man himself, with wine possest, more savage than the wildest beast. For serpents, when they meet to water, lay by their poison and their nature; and fiercest creatures, that repair, in thirsty deserts, to their rare and distant rivers' banks, to drink, in love and close alliance link,

and, from their mixture of strange seeds, produce new, never-heard-of breeds, to whom the fiercer unicorn

begins a large health with his horn; as cuckolds put their antidotes when they drink coffee, into th' pots; while man, with raging drink inflam'd, is far more savage and untam'd; supplies his loss of wit and sense with barb'rousness and insolence; believes himself, the less he 's able, the more heroic and formidable; lays by his reason in his bowls, as Turks are said to do their souls, until it has so often been shut out of it's lodging, and let in, at length it never can attain to find the right way back again ; drinks all his time away, and prunes No. 77. 7

the end of's life as vignerons
cut short the branches of a vine,
to make it bear more plenty o' wine;
and that which Nature did intend
t' enlarge his life perverts t' it's end.
So Noah, when he anchor'd safe on
the mountain's top, his lofty haven,
and all the passengers he bore
were on the new world set ashore,
he made it next his chief design
to plant and propagate a vine,

which since has overwhelm'd and drown'd
far greater numbers, on dry ground,
of wretched mankind, one by one,
than all the flood before had done.


Sure marriages were never so well fitted, as when to matrimony' men were committed, like thieves by justices, and to a wife bound, like to good behaviour, during life: for then 't was but a civil contract made between two partners that set up a trade; and if both fail'd there was no conscience nor faith invaded in the strictest sense; no canon of the church, nor vow, was broke when men did free their gall'd necks from the but when theytir'd, like other horned beasts, [yoke might have it taken off, and take their rests, without b'ing bound in duty to shew cause, or reckon with divine or human laws.

For since, what use of matrimony' has been but to make gallantry a greater sin?

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As if there were no appetite nor gust,
below adultery, in modish lust;
or no debauchery were exquisite,
until it has attain'd its perfect height.

For men do now take wives to nobler ends,
not to bear children, but to bear 'em friends,
whom nothing can oblige at such a rate
as these endearing offices of late.

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For men are now grown wise, and understand how to improve their crimes, as well as land; and if they've issue, make the infants pay down for their own begetting on the day, the charges of the gossiping disburse, and pay beforehand (e'er they are born) the nurse; as he that got a monster on a cow,

out of design of setting up a show.

For why should not the brats for all account, as well as for the christ'ning at the fount,

when those that stand for them lay down the rate o'th' banquit and the priest in spoons and plate? The ancient Romans made the state allow for getting all men's children above two : then marry'd men, to propagate the breed, had great rewards for what they never did, were privileg'd, and highly honour'd too, for owning what their friends were fain to do; for so they 'ad children, they regarded not by whom (good men) or how they were begot. To borrow wives (like money) or to lend, was then the civil office of a friend, and he that made a scruple in the case was held a miserable wretch and base;

for when they 'ad children by 'em, th' honest men return'd 'em to their husbands back. agen..

Then for th' encouragement and propagation of such a great concernment to the nation, all people were so full of complacence, and civil duty to the public sense,

they had no name t' express a cuckold then, but that which signify'd all marry'd men; nor was the thing accounted a disgrace, unless among the dirty populace,

and no man understands on what account less civil nations after hit upon 't;

for to be kwown a cuckold can be no dishonour but to him that thinks it so; for if he feel no chagrin or remorse,

his forehead's shot free, and he's ne'er the worse: for horns (like horny callouses) are found to grow on sculls that have receiv'd a wound, are crackt, and broken; not at all on those that are invulnerate and free from blows. What a brave time had cuckold-makers then, when they were held the worthiest of men, the real fathers of the commonwealth that planted colonies in Rome itself? When he that help'd his neighbours, and begot most Romans, was the noblest patriot? for if a brave man, that preserv'd from death one citizen, was honour'd with a wreath, he that more gallantly got three or four, in reason must deserve a great deal more. Then if those glorious worthies of old Rome, that civiliz'd the world they 'd overcome, and taught it laws and learning, found this way the best to save their empire from decay, why should not these that borrow all the worth they have from them not take this lesson forth,

'Get children, friends, and honour too, and money, by prudent managing of matrimony;

for if 'tis honourable by all confest, adult'ry must be worshipful at least,

and these times great, when private men are come up to the height and politic of Rome. All by-blows were not only freeborn then, but, like John Lilburn, free-begotten men; had equal right and privilege with these that claim by title right of the four seas: for being in marriage born, it matters not after what liturgy they were begot; and if there be a difference, they have

th' advantage of the chance in proving brave, by b'ing engender'd with more life and force than those begotten the dull way of course. The Chinese place all piety and zeal

in serving with their wives the commonweal; fix all their hopes of merit and salvation upon their women's supererogation;

with solemn vows their wives and daughters bind

like Eve in Paradise, to all mankind;

and those that can produce the most gallants,
are held the preciousest of all the saints:
wear rosaries about their necks, to con

their exercise of devotion on;

that serve them for certificates, to shew
with what vast numbers they have had to do;
before they're marry'd, make a conscience
t' omit no duty of incontinence;

and she that has been oft'nest prostituted,
is worthy of the greatest match reputed.
But when the conq'ring Tartar went about
to root this orthodox religion out,

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