320 The Law Magazine. efforts now are, and will unquestionably still be "the substance" of a paper read before the be required; but, from the contents of the Juridical Society on December last. Any noFebruary Number, just published, it may be tice of this distinguished lawyer is of course reasonably doubted if they can or will be interesting; but as the "paper" of which it made, or, if made, be successful. That the is "the substance" will in due time appear Law Magazine has vastly fallen away from its among the publications of the society, which former high position is matter of notoriety in has already printed several valuable contributhe Profession. Whether anything has been tions from its members, it is difficult to see done or attempted, which is likely to arrest the why twenty-seven pages of "strenuous efforts” progress of its decay, the Profession will de- should be directed to giving the readers of the cide. Much, on the contrary, is to be found Magazine the "substance." in its last Number, calculated to facilitate the final dissolution of this Quarterly Review of Jurisprudence. 66 It has often been said, and the assertion seems not unreasonable, that the Legal Profession neither require on the one hand, nor have any right on the other, to be represented by a Quarterly." The admitted decadence of the two legal periodicals, which still linger on from quarter to quarter, is a proof that this opinion is gaining ground. The Law Review has appeared, it is said, for the last time, and a perusal of the last Number of the Law Magazine, which has produced this communication, may serve to strengthen conviction on this subject. The "strenuous efforts" of the Editor are not confined, seemingly, to a wholesale appropriation from the records of the Juridical Society,-those of another learned body are laid Twenty-two pages are under contribution. Report by the devoted to a reprint of the " Statute Law Committee of the Law Amendment Society as to the best means of Consolidating the Statutes." This paper is no doubt of great value as a contribution to the pending discussions on this most important subject; but is that sufficient reason for its reproduction in the pages of a Quarterly Review? Such a republication can only be justified, where the paper is not only of value and importance in itself, but cannot be readily obtained by the Can any reader fail to be painfully struck Profession or the Public. It is notorious; howwith the begging petition addressed to pub- ever, that all the Reports of the Law Amendlishers, which is prefixed to the "Short Notes ment Society may be procured at its rooms for of New Books?" Can any other periodical a few pence, such being one of the means be mentioned which has condescended to make which the society adopts, for furthering its such an intimation? When a book is forward- views, and inviting discussion on its proceeded by a publisher to an editor, it is supposed ings. The purchasers of the last Number of to be a graceful acknowledgment of the dignity, the Law Magazine may possibly object to pay, and a respectful homage to the hitherto much at a high rate, for what may be obtained for a prized and firmly asserted independence of the literary critic; for no publisher has ever entirely escaped, and many have severely felt the censure of the reviewer. If a notice be held out as an inducement to forward books, which is what is done by the Law Magazine, it seems to convert the promised review into a purchased advertisement, and what is much worse, the previous promise cannot but involve, on the part of the reviewer, a sacrifice of all independence, and an entire abnegation of the critic's right to speak the truth even when it is But it is not all reprint. Ten pages of likely to be disagreeable. What value can be placed on the opinion of an editor, expressed original writing are devoted to a review of on works sent to him on this eleemosynary Stephen's Lush's Practice, a work published, it may be observed, by the publishers of principle, the reader can judge for himself. Turning to the pages of the Magazine, the the Law Magazine. Dr. Johnson was oblig First Article-" Sir Samuel Romilly as an Ad-ed to eat broken victuals behind a screen vocate, a Jurist, and a Legislator”-purports to in the shop of his employer, but times are few pence, and without strenuous efforts of any kind, editorial or otherwise. What, again, have the Professional or other readers of the Magazine to do with a reprint of the subjects of the Lectures, delivered at the Inns of Court, or the Questions propounded to the Students for the Bar? Every one sees the former screened in all the libraries and in the halls,-the latter may have puzzled a few dullards, and they have served their purpose; yet other twelve pages of the Quarterly Review of Jurisprudence are thus occupied. The Law Magazine.-On the Choice of Counsel by Attorneys. ATTORNEYS. "ERRAS SI ID CREDIS."-Terence. 321 changed, it is to be hoped, since the Great ON THE CHOICE OF COUNSEL BY Essayist and the immortal Goldsmith were compelled by stern necessity to obey the orders of the bookseller. Their sense of the degrada tion was blunted, if not destroyed, not only by THE remedy I saw alluded to in your their own anxieties, but by the "practice of Journal of Jan. 26, for the slow advancement of the day. To what is to be attributed, however, young Barristers,-namely, that it should no so long a review of our New Common Law longer be necessary for them to receive briefs Procedure, apropos solely of Lush's Practice. and cases through the medium of Solicitors, The new edition of Chitty's Archbold's Practice, and that the bar being removed they should the ninth edition of which has just appeared, be allowed to run over the whole province of ably, carefully, admirably edited by Mr. Prentice Barrister and Attorney,—is a virtual amalga-seems to be unknown to, if it is not inten- mation of the two Professions; and is but the tionally ignored by, the reviewer. The latter proposal of those who have not sufficiently course, indeed, would seem to have been considered the subject or the results to the adopted, for while in a list furnished of the noble community of the Bar. Were the bar different editions of the two Procedure Acts, removed, thus stands the case :-Mr. Vainthe editors of works, which have fallen still-labour, now in briefless destitution, is deborn from the press, are enumerated, the name lighted that A., B., and likewise C., should be of one author, and of the only one whose clients, who "ostia pulsant." This is perhaps works have reached a second edition and are well for the present; but does Mr. V. renow out of print, is entirely omitted. If this nounce all the ideas of future eminence? and, be the result of ignorance, the reviewer is evi- looking along the vista of his hopes, does no dently not qualified for the duty he presumes silk gown in alluring sleekness shine? Doth to undertake; if it be intentional, the critic is no Judge appear? is it not bounded by utterly unfitted for the office he thus dese- the Woolsack, and embellished with a world crates. The first qualification of a reviewer is of wigs? Has he never followed Eldon on the the same as that of a Judge,-perfect impar- upward course, or pondered over Brougham ? tiality. It is not intended to charge the Law If he voluntarily extinguishes these brilliant Magazine, with wilfully ignoring the merits of prospects which glow in such vivid colours any author, whose labours have received the before him,-a rainbow, the promise that inapproval of the Profession; and it is not im-dustry and talent shall not go unrewarded, possible, that an explanation of the omission nor be overflooded by interest. If he prefers alluded to may be offered in a future Number. mediocrity in probability to eminence and disTill the appearance of its next Number (if any next Number ever appears), the reader may fairly suspend his judgment, on the animus of the reviewer. At all events, if the editorial labour of correcting the proofs of reprints be a specimen of "the practised revision and superintendence" of the new Editor, who (as announced by the publishers) has been "long recognised as a leading writer on the science and practice of the law," what will be the results of the "strenuous efforts," when they come to be made, that are to "render the periodical more worthy than heretofore of confidence and support"? We may await them without fear. Meantime let us hope, that another opportunity, will present itself for discussing the claims to confidence and support so confidently put forth by the Law Magazine. tinction in possibility, let him still continue to Solicitorize and Barristerize-he can do a small portion of both-but thus competition is lessened, and he lowers the dignity of his own Profession. But it is not with these views that the prime of our youth enter at the Bar. If he does not, he will not be able, in full practice, to superadd the labours of a Solicitor to those of the Bar, already acknowledged sufficient for any mortal brain. How then: will he now repulse those who helped him to the pedestal he now stands on, and when his chamber door " mane salutantûm totis vomet aditus undam," shall he not still act as their Solicitor,-"Should auld acquaintance be forgot." This system would also abolish of necessity that most salutary rule of the Bar that Counsel receive only honorary fees. Of course, as the Daily News says, "a man must have a start;" but how? Silverspoon was 322 On the Choice of Counsel by Attorneys.-Law of Attorneys and Solicitors. born Silverspoon;-his father or uncle toiled | strides will be less numerous, and why does and acquired the practice that feeds him;-he he not consult some Attorney on whom he can was born with an interest in their patronage. depend,-and to deny that there are many This is his birthright, nor can you begrudge such, on the soundness of whose judgment, it him more than any one else,-Lord H. or and on whose ability and integrity the greatest Sir Henry B.,-the gallant deeds, exalted reliance can be placed, shows only the bitterAgain,― talents, or industrious disposition of whose ness of envy or wilful malignity. fathers and forefathers won them their present "The layman being now at his Solicitor's position. How then is the start to be had. mercy," it is thenceforth by the Daily News For those who imagine others always on the proposed to put him at his Barrister's ditto. look out to give them a start without any Has it been proved that the bowels of the reason, or who picture to themselves ideal latter are more enlarged than that of the "A client becomes a prey to an Solicitors wandering through Lincoln's Inn former? mitted Attorneys, but in that case they shall not continue to act as Counsellors. You might also just as well plead the custom of electing Judges, which prevails in some parts there, and put the Judgeship of the Oxford Circuit up to vote. in eccentric search after possible Broughams ignorant man ;"-his own fault-let him find American customs cannot be and not unlikely Erskines, are "listening with a clever one. credulity to the whispers of fancy, and pursu- pleaded; and, moreover, in the Supreme Court ing with eagerness the phantoms of hope." of Washington "ils ont changé tout cela,” at We are humbly of opinion that Solicitors are the commencement of the present century; better engaged. How then for the start. "In-for it is decreed that Counsellors may be advenienda via est qua me quoque possim tollere humo." They must make a pedestal to stand on. Solicitors will not give briefs to the "great unknown" ones. They must, ere they enter at the Bar, take a good class at Oxford. Nor can they expect, after idling away a couple of years in a Barrister's chambers, without any great perseverance or study, to emerge by a legal-electro-platism covered with fees and honours. Let them work then, first having considered whether they are fit for it;-for be it known there are some on whom did it rain legal honours as thick as hail, none would become them,-their talent is of a different nature. The cause of the extreme difficulty in rising to eminence at the Bar is this:-the TAXATION, WHERE RETAINER DISPUTED higher the talents of the order in which you wish to excel, the more ability and perseverance is required to do so. Nor can you expect in a moment to rise to distinction in a profession which is with us as Meyer said of To sum up-there are the two Professions, and, as we used to learn in the Latin 'grammar in the third form,-"Utrum horum mavis accipe,”—but don't, oh! don't hanker after both. S. D. LAW OF ATTORNEYS AND SO- AND ACTION AT LAW. Ir appeared that the Mayor of Saffron Walden convened a meeting of the inhabitants to take into consideration the propriety of applying to Parliament for an Act to rate the owners of small tenements in lieu of the it in France, that "it is as difficult as honouroccupiers. A resolution was passed in able." And though a patient attendance in favour of the proposition, and a committee "a building just up by the sky" will not was appointed to carry it into effect, conbring either a shower of briefs in at the win-sisting of the members of the town council, dow, nor the eager tap of the anxious Solicitor the two churchwardens, the two overseers, at the door of his elevated tenement, yet let the board of surveyors, the guardians of young Barristers know that in their profession the parish (of whom the petitioner, John talent, perseverance, and health rarely or never fail in the end, and that the tide wave will certainly reach them, though it reach other shores first. Clarke, was one), and eight other persons. Soon after, and before applying to Parliament, it was suggested that a guarantee fund should be raised to meet the expenses, in case of failure in obtaining the Act, and To conclude.-The Daily News says,the following form of guarantee was accord"Who shall fathom the mysteries of a law-ingly drawn up :- "We, whose names are yer's bill, or know if he take ten steps instead hereunto subscribed, undertake to pay such of one." We ask, who shall say his Barrister's sum, not exceeding the amount set against Law of Attorneys and Solicitors. our names, as may be required towards de- mayor, 323 dale, it stood over, and a compromise was entered into. Since then orders have been granted as of course in this form, and have not been disputed. "With respect to the jurisdiction and power of the Court to make such an order, I think it unnecessary to say much. I entertain no doubt of the power, notwithstanding there may have been some questions and some words in the Act which are ambiguous, for the cases at Common Law have, I think, settled the point that the Court has jurisdiction. It cannot, however, be denied, that this form of order is open to great objection and inconvenience. The order compels immediate taxation, and directs that if one-sixth be taken off, the expenses of taxation are to be borne by the solicitor; but after this, it may appear on the trial of the action, that there was no retainer, and no porUpon the Bill being rejected by the tion of the bill may be due, and all this expense House of Lords, Messrs. Thurgood de- will have been unnceessarily incurred. It is said that this is a matter which the solicitor livered their bill of costs, and subsequently commenced actions against Clarke and Thomas Smith, both of whom had signed the guarantee. Mr. Clarke defended the action and afterwards obtained an order of course to tax the bill, which had been delivered as a bill against him jointly with other parties. The petition stated that Messrs. Thurgood had brought an action against the petitioner, that he disputed his liability, and had a valid defence to the action, except as to 57. paid into Court, that he intended to defend the action, and was not desirous of restraining it, but neither the petition nor the order contained any submission to pay what should be found due on taxation. On the motion of Messrs. Thurgood to discharge or vary the order, The Master of the Rolls said, "This was an application to discharge an order to tax, obtained in a form which is unusual, although not without precedent, under these circumstances: ought to have attended to himself, but there are many cases, in which a solicitor acting for body of persons has no doubt he is acting for all of them, and his only remedy is by action at law. a "Another inconvenience may arise from the Taxing Master having to determine the validity of retainer, in cases where no directions have been given by the client to do a particular thing, without which the charges for certain items cannot be allowed; this may involve the same question as that determined at law, and the Taxing Master may come to one conclusion and the jury may arrive at a different result, and yet the costs of taxation depend on this question. All this shows that to remedy the matter ought to be brought specially to the attention of the Judge, so that he may make an order suited to the circumstances of the case, by which means, either the taxation here may be postponed until the question at law is determined, or the whole question of retainer may be referred to the Taxing Master. evils and inconvenience on both sides the In this case, I think that I ought to make the same order as that In re Pyne, 5 Com. B. 407. The order should be amended, by inserting therein, that the client shall be at liberty to question the retainer of Mr. Thurgood, and that Mr. Thurgood be restrained from commencing or prosecuting any action or suit touching his demand pending the reference, and an undertaking by the client to pay what, if anything, shall be found to be due on such taxation. The result will be, that I shall send the whole matter to the Taxing Master. "The solicitor brought an action against Mr. Clarke for his bill of costs. The client contests both his liability to pay anything, on the ground that he did not employ him as his solicitor, and he also disputes the amount of the bill. If the matter proceeds solely at law, although the question of retainer may be decided, yet the question of amount can only be decided in the most unsatisfactory manner, i. e., not by taxation before the proper officer, but either in "I cannot compel the client to take this Court or by a reference to take the account. Mr. Clarke has obtained this order to enable order, but if he refuses and prefers to try the him, in case he shall fail in the defence to the action, I shall then discharge the order of action, to have the amount of the bill properly course, without costs, as I think that he was ascertained here by the justified in the state of the practice in applying officer. It was to remedy this inconvenience that Lord Lang- for it. If he takes this order, I shall make the dale settled and approved of an order in this costs of the order abide the result of the taxaform, but he never decided that this was right; tion." In re Thurgood, 19 Beav. 541. an application to discharge the first order was proper made, but, on the suggestion of Lord Lang 324 ON SPECIAL Law of Costs.-Notes on Recent Statutes. LAW OF COSTS. JUDGMENT BELOW REVERSED. enacts that 'error may be brought upon a judgment upon a special case in the same manner CASE, WHERE ERROR AND as upon a judgment upon a special verdict, unless the parties agree to the contrary' (and they have not done so in this case); and the proceedings for bringing a special case before the Court of Error shall, as nearly as may be, be the same as in the case of a special verdict; and the Court of Error shall either affirm the judgment,'-and there is not, or shall reverse the judgment,'-but it is, or give the same judgment as ought to have been given in the Court in which it was originally decided." In this case, unless there is some record to the contrary, it must be presumed that the Court of Error has given the same judgment as ought to have been given by this Court, and the rule may, therefore, be absolute; but, of course, the Master will tax the costs according to the judgment of the Court of Error, for we have no power over them." Elliott v. Bishop, 11 Exch. 321. A SPECIAL case was stated for the opinion of the Court, under the 15 & 16 Vict. c. 76, s. 46, in which the question was, whether the plaintiff had any right or title to sell to the defendant certain tenant's and trade fixtures. On the hearing in Michaelmas Term, 1854, the Court differed in opinion, but the majority was of opinion that the plaintiff was entitled to sell the trade but not the tenant's fixtures, and judgment was given for the plaintiff for the value of the former, and for the defendant as to the latter (reported 10 Exch. 496). No agreement having been entered into as to the costs, the Court on a subsequent application held, that the plaintiff was entitled to the general costs of the cause, subject to the deduction of any costs incurred by the defendant in respect of the part of the case on which he succeeded (reported 10 Exch. 522). The Master taxed the defendant's costs at 117. odd, which he deducted from the plaintiff's costs, amounting to 451., and gave an allocatur for the difference, which was indorsed on the judg- AFFIDAVIT OF MERITS FOR INTERROGAment roll as the plaintiff's costs in the cause. The defendant afterwards brought error, when the Exchequer Chamber not only affirmed the judgment for the plaintiff as to the trade fixtures, but also adjudged him entitled to the tenant's fixtures (reported 11 Exch. 113), but made no mention of costs. Upon a rule nisi obtained on a reference of the parties to the Court by Platt, B., at Chambers, for the allowance of the plaintiff's, and disallowance of the defendant's costs, Parke, B., said : NOTES ON RECENT STATUTES. TORIES IN EJECTMENT. Held, that the affidavit in support of an application by a plaintiff for leave to deliver interrogatories to the defendant under the 17 & 18 Vict. c. 125, s. 52, must show that he has a good cause of action upon the merits. Therefore, in an action of ejectment, by reason of the forfeiture of a lease by the breach of the covenant to insure, an affidavit which merely stated that the plaintiff believed there was a good cause of action for the breach of covenant above mentioned, was held insufficient, inasmuch as by a waiver of the forfeiture the plaintiff's right to maintain the action would be gone. May v. Hawkins, 11 Exch. 210. "The question now is, whether the costs ought to be taxed, by the Master of this Court, for the plaintiff on that part of the claim on which he failed in the Court below. We are of opinion that this Court has no power over the subject-matter, and that it ought to be de- RIGHT OF COUNSEL TO SUM UP EVIDENCE. termined by the Court of Error. By the rule of the Common Law, when error was brought tin, BB., dissentiente Platt, B.), that the right Held (per Pollock, L.C.B., Parke and Marby the defendant below, the Court of Error, in ordinary cases, could only reverse the judg-dence at the trial, under the 17 & 18 Vict. c. of the party who begins, to sum up the eviment simpliciter; but on a special verdict, they might give such judgment as the Court below ought to have given. The 32nd section of the Common Law Procedure Act, 1854, which for the first time makes a special case the subject of appeal to a Court of Error, 125, s. 18, is confined to the case where the Judge holds that there is evidence to go to the jury. Hodges v. Ancrum and another, 11 Exch. 214. |