Th' Almighty Voice bid ancient Night Her endless Realms resign, And lo, ten thousand Globes of Light Now Wisdom with superior Sway He spake; The Sun obedient stood, Lord of the Armies of the Sky, Chain'd to his Throne a Volume lies His Providence unfolds the Book, Here he exalts neglected Worms And treads the Monarchs down. Not Gabriel asks the Reason why, My God, I never long'd to see In thy fair Book of Life and Grace Beneath my Lord the Lamb. "Tis enough that I can say I've possest my self to day: Seize my Flesh and stop my Breath, Heir to the best Part of Me. Glittering Stones and Golden things, I could never call my own: But the Treasures that are mine I've a mighty Part within Here are Thoughts of larger Growth, Rip'ning into solid Truth; Fruits refin'd, of noble Taste; Seraphs feed on such Repast. Here in a green and shady Grove 'Tis a Region half unknown, Harts or Horses, strong and fleet, Yet the silly wandring Mind If her inward Worth were known Hora Lyrica, 1709 WH On which the Prince of Glory dy'd, Forbid it, Lord, that I should boast See from his Head, his Hands, his Feet, Were the whole Realm of Nature mine, Love so amazing, so divine Demands my Soul, my Life, my All. Hymns and Spiritual Songs, 1707 35 A Prospect of Heaven makes Death easy HERE is a Land of pure Delight Infinite Day excludes the Night, |