This faded form! this pallid hue! —NIVERSITY of Gottingen- There first for thee my passion grew, NIVERSITY of Gottingen!— -NIVERSITY of Gottingen!— Sun, moon, and thou vain world, adieu, -NIVERSITY of Gottingen- The Anti-Jacobin, No. 30, June 4, 1798 The references are to the numbers of the poems. Addison, Joseph, 21-26. Akenside, Mark, 225-233. 205, 341. Anstey, Christopher, 304. Barnard, Lady Anne: see Lind- Beattie, James, 315-317. Berkeley, George, Bishop of Cloyne, 142. Bickerstaffe, Isaac, 271, 272. Blake, William, 381-399. Booth, Barton, 152. Bowles, William Lisle, 377-379. Bramston, James, 131. Browne, Isaac Hawkins, 201-203. Bruce, Michael, 320. Burns, Robert, 400-425. Byrom, John, 143–150. Canning, George, 448-450. Chapone, Mrs. (Hester Mulso), 261. Chatterton, Thomas, 324–326. hope, Earl of, 196, 197. Coleridge, Samuel Taylor, 441- Collins, William, 234–240. Cowper, William, 345-363. Darwin, Erasmus, 428-430. Edwards, Thomas, 258. Falconer, William, 277. Garrick, David, 264, 265. Gay, John, 99-109. Gifford, William, 439. see Graham, Robert,of Gartmore, 427. Hamilton, William, of Bangour, 122. Hayley, William, 369. Johnson, Samuel, 216–224. Langhorne, John, 321, 322. Lewis, David, 125. Lyttelton, George, Lord, 210, 211. Macartney, Frances: see Gre- Mallet, David, 178, 179. Mickle, William Julius, 327-330. Moore, Sir John Henry, 339, 340. Mulso, Hester: see Chapone, Mrs. Savage, Richard, 134, 135. Skinner, John, 332. Smart, Christopher, 282-284. Smollett, Tobias George, 278- Somervile, William, 187–189. Thomson, James, 154-177. Walpole, Horace, Earl of Orford, Walsh, William, 4, 5. Wesley, Charles, 255-257. Whitehead, William, 273-275. Williams, Sir Charles Hanbury, Williams, Helen Maria, 380. NO. INDEX OF FIRST LINES 104 A fox, in life's extream decay 50 A little Learning is a dang'rous thing 309 A plaintive Sonnet flow'd from MILTON's pen 307 Ah! cease this kind persuasive strain 7 214 Ah me, my friend! it will not, will not last! 313 Ah! what a weary race my feet have run ΙΟΙ All in the Downs the fleet was moor'd 157 Along the blushing Borders, bright with Dew 54 And now, unveil'd, the Toilet stands display'd 166 And what, my thoughtless Sons, should fire you more As DOCTORS give physic by way of prevention 56 As some fond virgin, whom her mother's care 63 As when a Wretch, (who conscious of his Crime 197 Asses milk, half a pint, take at seven, or before 249 Awake, Æolian lyre, awake 123 Away; let nought to Love displeasing 140 Be wise to day, 'tis madness to defer 310 Beneath yon' ruin'd Abbey's moss-grown piles 202 Blest Leaf! whose aromatic Gales dispense 185 But chief by numbers of industrious hands 78 But grant, in Public, Men sometimes are shown 221 51 But grant, the Virtues of a temp'rate Prime 217 488 471 144 299 196 236 278 131 326 90 |