One grateful woman to thy fame supplies II. ON ROWE. He altered it much for the better as it now stands in the abbey on the monument erected to Rowe and his daughter. THY reliques, Rowe, to this sad shrine we trust To these so mourned in death, so loved in life 1 The tomb of Mr. Dryden was erected upon this hint by the Duke of Buckingham; to which was originally intended this epitaph, This Sheffield raised. The sacred dust below Was Dryden once. The rest who does not know? which the author since changed into the plain inscription row upon it, being only the name of the great poet. J. DRYDEN. Natus Aug. 9, 1631. Mortuus Maij 1, 1700. JOANNES SHEFFIELD DUX BUCKINGHAMIENSIS POSUIT.-Pope, VI.-ON MRS. CORBET, WHO DIED OF A CANCER IN HER BREAST. HERE rests a woman, good without pretence, So firm, yet soft; so strong, yet so refined; VIL-ON THE MONUMENT OF THE HON. ROBERT DIGBY, AND OF HIS SISTER MARY. ERECTED BY THEIR FATHER, THE LORD DIGBY, In the Church of Sherborne in Dorsetshire, 1727. Go! fair example of untainted youth, Who knew no wish but what the world might hear: Lover of peace, and friend of human kind: And thou, blest Maid! attendant on his doom,' Pensive hast followed to the silent tomb, Steered the same course to the same quiet shore, 1 Mr. Digby died of consumption, and was followed by the affectionate sister who had hung over his sick bed,—Bowles, Yet take these tears, morality's relief, VIII-ON SIR GODFREY KNELLER, IN WESTMINSTER ABBEY, 1723.1 KNELLER, by heaven, and not a master, taught, Living, great Nature feared he might outvie IX.-ON GENERAL HENRY WITHERS. IN WESTMINSTER ABBEY, 1729. HERE, Withers, rest! thou bravest, gentlest mind, For thee the hardy vet'ran drops a tear, 1 Pope had made Sir Godfrey Kneller, on his death-bed, a promise to write his epitaph, which he seems to have performed with reluctance. He thought it "the worst thing he ever wrote in his life, (Spence.)-Roscoe, X-ON MR. ELIJAH FENTON,' AT EASTHAMSTEAD IN BERKS, 1730. THIS modest stone, what few vain marbles can, A poet, blessed beyond the poet's fate, Saw nothing to regret, or there to fear; From nature's temp'rate feast rose satisfied, Thanked heaven that he had lived, and that he died. XI-ON MR. GAY, IN WESTMINSTER ABBEY, 1732. Or manners gentle, of affection mild; With native humour temp'ring virtuous rage, And uncorrupted, even among the great: ANOTHER. WELL then poor Gay lies under ground, So little justice here he found "Tis ten to one he'll ne'er come back. 1 A poet of no mean acquirements; he translated part of the Odys sey for Pope, who only did the first twelve books himself. od said, "Let Newton be!" and all was light. XIII.-ON DR. FRANCIS ATTERBURY, BISHOP OF ROCHESTER, ho died in exile at Paris, 1732, (his only daughter having expired n his arms, immediately after she arrived in France to see him.) DIALOGUE. SHE Es, we have lived-one pang, and then we part! [ay Heav'n, dear father! now have all thy heart. et ah! how once we loved, remember still, ill you are dust like me. HE. Dear shade! I will: hen mix this dust with thine-O spotless ghost! more than fortune, friends, or country lost! s there on earth one care, one wish beside? es- Save my country, Heaven! He said, and died. IV.-ON EDMUND DUKE OF BUCKINGHAM, Who died in the nineteenth year of his age, 1735. IF modest youth, with cool reflection crowned, And every op'ning virtue blooming round, Could save a parent's justest pride from fate, He was born on the very day that Galileo died, |