| 1849 - 272 lehte
...or valuation of any estates or effects, real or personal, heritable or moveable; or of any interest therein; or of the annual value thereof; or of any...any repairs wanted ; or of the materials and labour used or to be used in any buildings; or of any artificer's work whatsoever. Where the amount of such... | |
 | Great Britain - 1808 - 736 lehte
...APPOINTMENT to Offices.— See ADMISSION, GRANT. APPRAISEMENT or Valuation of any Eftate or Effecb, real or perfonal, heritable or moveable ; or of any...ufed in any Buildings } or of any Artificers' Work whatfoever ; Where the Amount of fuch Appraifement or Valuation (hall not exceed col. And where it... | |
 | Samuel Francis Thomas Wilde - 1826 - 968 lehte
...or valuation of any estate or effects, real or personal, heritable or moveable; or of any interest therein; or of the annual value thereof; or of any...any repairs wanted ; or of the materials and labour used or to be used in any buildings ; or of any artificers' work whatsoever; Where the amount of such... | |
 | Andrew Amos, Joseph Ferard - 1827 - 374 lehte
...are imposed upon every valuation or appraisement of any estate or effects, real or personal, &c. ; or of the annual value thereof; or of any dilapidations...; or of any repairs wanted ; or of the materials, &c. except, &c. ; viz. where the amount of such appraisement or valuation does not exceed 501. a duty... | |
 | Andrew Amos, Joseph Ferard - 1830 - 360 lehte
...are imposed upon every valuation or appraisement of any estate or effects, real or personal, &c. ; or of the annual value thereof; or of any dilapidations...; or of any repairs wanted ; or of the materials, &c. except, &c. ; viz. where the amount of such an appraisement or valuation does not exceed 50/. a... | |
 | Richard Burn - 1831 - 1094 lehte
...or valuation of any estate or effects, real or personal, heritable or moveable ; or of any interest therein ; or of the annual value thereof; or of any...any repairs wanted ; or of the materials and labour used, or to be used, in any buildings ; or of any artificers' work whatsoever, (c) (a) See apprentices,... | |
 | Henry Roscoe - 1831 - 788 lehte
...or valuation of any estate or effects, real or personal, heritable or moveable, or of any interest therein, or of the annual value thereof, or of any...dilapidations, or of any repairs wanted, or of the materials or labour used or to be used in any buildings, or of any artificer's work whatsoever, must be stamped,... | |
 | John Bennett (Engineer) - 1833 - 488 lehte
...III. It is enacted, That the valuation of any estate or effects, real or personal, or of any interest therein, or of the annual value thereof, or of any dilapidations or repairs wanted, or of the materials and labour used or to be used in any building, or of any artificer's... | |
 | J. S. Bayldon - 1840 - 366 lehte
...Stamps. Appraisements, or valuation of any estates or effects, real or personal, or of an interest therein ; or of the annual value thereof; or of any...any repairs wanted ; or of the materials and labour used and to be used in any buildings ; or of any artificer's work whatever. Any valuation or appraisement... | |
 | J S. Bayldon - 1840 - 350 lehte
...Stamps. Appraisements, or valuation of any estates or effects, real or personal, or of an interest therein ; or of the annual value thereof; or of any...any repairs wanted ; or of the materials and labour used and to be used in any buildings ; or of any artificer's work whatever. Any valuation or appraisement... | |
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