Oth. With mine officer! Iago. That's fouler. Oth. Get me some poison, Iago; this night. I'll not expostulate with her, lest her body and beauty 210 unprovide my mind again: this night, Iago. lago. Do it not with poison, strangle her in her bed, even the bed she hath contaminated. Oth. Good, good: the justice of it pleases: very good. Iago. And for Cassio, let me be his undertaker: you shall hear more by midnight. Oth. Excellent good. [A trumpet within.] What trumpet is that same ? Iago. Something from Venice, sure. 'Tis Lodovico Come from the duke: and, see, your wife is with him. Enter Lodovico, Desdemona, and Attendants. Lod. God save the worthy general! Oth. With all my heart, sir. Lod. The duke and senators of Venice greet you. 221 [Gives him a letter. Oth. I kiss the instrument of their pleasures. [Opens the letter, and reads. Des. And what's the news, good cousin Lodovico? Iago. I am very glad to see you, signior; Welcome to Cyprus. Lod. I thank you. How does Lieutenant Cassio ? Des. Cousin, there's fall'n between him and my lord Oth. Are you sure of that? 230 Des. My lord? Oth. [Reads] This fail you not to do as you will-' Lod. He did not call; he's busy in the paper. Oth. Fire and brimstone! Des. Oth. Des. What, is he angry? My lord? Are you wise? May be the letter moved him ; For, as I think, they do command him home, Des. By my troth, I am glad on't. Lod. My lord, this would not be believed in Venice, Oth. Though I should swear I saw't: 'tis very much: O devil, devil! If that the earth could teem with woman's tears, Out of my sight! Des. I will not stay to offend you. Lod. Truly, an obedient lady: I do beseech your lordship, call her back. Oth. Mistress! Des. My lord? Oth. What would you with her, sir? [Going. 250 Who, I, my lord? Oth. Ay; you did wish that I would make her turn : Sir, she can turn and turn, and yet go on, 260 [Exit Desdemona. Cassio shall have my place. And, sir, to-night, monkeys! Lod. Is this the noble Moor whom our full senate Iago. [Exit. Call all in all sufficient? This the nature Could neither graze nor pierce ? 270 He is much changed. Lod. Are his wits safe? is he not light of brain? Lod. Lod. Iago. Is it his use? Or did the letters work upon his blood, Alas, alas! 280 What I have seen and known. You shall observe him, That I may save my speech: do but go after, Lod. I am sorry that I am deceived in him. Scene II. A room in the castle. Enter Othello and Emilia. Oth. You have seen nothing, then? Emil. Nor ever heard, nor ever did suspect. [Exeunt. Each syllable that breath made up between them. Oth. What, did they never whisper ? Emil. Never, my lord. Oth. Nor send you out o' the way? Emil. Never. Oth. To fetch her fan, her gloves, her mask, nor nothing ? Emil. Never, my lord. Oth. That's strange. Emil. I durst, my lord, to wager she is honest, Oth. Lay down my soul at stake: if you think other, Bid her come hither: go. [Exit Emilia. She says enough: yet she's a simple bawd 20 That cannot say as much. This is a subtle whore, And yet she'll kneel and pray; I have seen her do't. Enter Desdemona with Emilia. Des. My lord, what is your will? Des. What is your pleasure? Look in my face. Des. Pray, chuck, come hither. Let me see your eyes; What horrible fancy's this? Oth. [To Emilia] Some of your function, mistress, Leave procreants alone and shut the door; Cough, or cry hem, if any body come : Your mystery, your mystery: nay, dispatch. 30 [Exit Emilia. Des. Upon my knees, what doth your speech import? But not the words. Oth. Why, what art thou ? Des. Your wife, my lord; your true and loyal wife. Des. Lest, being like one of heaven, the devils themselves damn'd; Swear thou art honest. Heaven doth truly know it. Oth. Heaven truly knows that thou art false as hell. Oth. O Desdemona! Away! away! away! Des. Alas the heavy day! Why do you weep? Am I the motive of these tears, my lord? 41 |