Ant. Speak this no more Make space enough between you. Sooth. To none but thee; no more but when to thee. If thou dost play with him at any game, Thou art sure to lose ; and, of that natural luck, He beats thee 'gainst the odds: thy lustre thickens, When he shines by: I say again, thy spirit Is all afraid to govern thee near him, He shall to Parthia. Be it art or hap, Enter Ventidius. O, come, Ventidius, You must to Parthia: your commission's ready; Follow me, and receive 't. 40 [Exeunt. Scene IV. The same. A street. Enter Lepidus, Macenas, and Agrippa. Lep. Trouble yourselves no further: pray you, hasten Your generals after. Agr. We shall, Mac. Lep. Your way is shorter; Mac. Lep. Farewell. Scene V. Sir, good success! [Exeunt. Io Alexandria. Cleopatra's palace. Enter Cleopatra, Charmian, Iras, and Alexas. Cleo. Give me some music; music, moody food All. The music, ho! Enter Mardian the Eunuch. Cleo. Let it alone; let's to billiards: come, Charmian. As with a woman. Come, you 'll play with me, sir? Mar. As well as I can, madam. Cleo. And when good will is show'd, though't come too short, The actor may plead pardon. I'll none now: Char. My music playing far off, I will betray And say 'Ah, ha! you're caught.' 'Twas merry when You wager'd on your angling; when your diver Cleo. That time-O times! I laugh'd him out of patience, and that night 20 Mess. Enter a Messenger. O, from Italy! Ram thou thy fruitful tidings in mine ears, Madam, madam, Cleo. Antonius dead! If thou say so, villain, Thou kill'st thy mistress: but well and free, Mess. First, madam, he is well. 30 Why, there's more gold. But, sirrah, mark, we use Mess. Good madam, hear me. Mess. Well, go to, I will; But there's no goodness in thy face: if Antony Not like a formal man. Will 't please you hear me? 41 Cleo. I have a mind to strike thee ere thou speak'st: Mess. Cleo. Or friends with Cæsar, or not captive to him, I'll set thee in a shower of gold, and hail Rich pearls upon thee. Madam, he's well. Well said. Mess. And friends with Cæsar. Cleo. Thou 'rt an honest man. Mess. Cæsar and he are greater friends than ever. Mess. But yet, madam, Cleo. I do not like 'But yet,' it does allay 50 The good precedence; fie upon 'But yet'! Mess. Free, madam! no; I made no such report : Cleo. He's bound unto Octavia. For what good turn? Mess. For the best turn i' the bed. I am pale, Charmian. Horrible villain! or I'll spurn thine eyes [She hales him up and down. Thou shalt be whipp'd with wire, and stew'd in brine, Mess. 70 And make thy fortunes proud: the blow thou hadst Mess. [Draws a knife. Nay, then I'll run. What mean you, madam? I have made no fault. Char. Good madam, keep yourself within yourself: Cleo. Some innocents 'scape not the thunderbolt. Char. He is afeard to come. I will not hurt him. [Exit. 80 [Exit Charmian. |