Pom. All there is thine. Ah, this thou shouldst have done, And not have spoke on 't! In me 'tis villany; But must condemn it now. Men. [Aside] For this Pom. Desist, and drink. 80 I'll never follow thy pall'd fortunes more. Shall never find it more. This health to Lepidus! Ant. Bear him ashore. I'll pledge it for him, Pompey. Eno. Here's to thee, Menas! Men. Pom. Fill till the cup be hid. Enobarbus, welcome! Eno. There's a strong fellow, Menas. Men. Why? 90 [Pointing to the Attendant who carries off Lepidus. Eno. A' bears the third part of the world, man; see'st not? Men. The third part then is drunk: would it were all, That it might go on wheels! Eno. Drink thou; increase the reels. Men. Come. Pom. This is not yet an Alexandrian feast. Ant. It ripens towards it. Strike the vessels, ho! Cas. Here's to Cæsar! I could well forbear't. It's monstrous labour, when I wash my brain 100 And it grows fouler. Ant. Be a child o' the time. Cas. Possess it, I'll make answer: Eno. But I had rather fast from all four days Than drink so much in one. [To Antony] Ha, my brave emperor! Shall we dance now the Egyptian Bacchanals, And celebrate our drink? Pom. Let's ha't, good soldier. Ant. Come, let's all take hands, Eno. Till that the conquering wine hath steep'd our sense In soft and delicate Lethe. All take hands. Make battery to our ears with the loud music: The while I'll place you: then the boy shall sing; The holding every man shall bear as loud As his strong sides can volley. [Music plays. Enobarbus places them hand in hand. THE SONG. Come, thou monarch of the vine, Plumpy Bacchus with pink eyne! With thy grapes our hairs be crown'd : 120 Cup us, till the world go round, Cup us, till the world go round! Cas. What would you more? Pompey, good night. Good brother, Let me request you off: our graver business Good Antony, your hand. Pom. Ο Antony, These drums! these trumpets, flutes! what! Let Neptune hear we bid a loud farewell To these great fellows: sound and be hang'd, sound Enter Ventidius, as it were in triumph, with Silius, and other Romans, Officers, and soldiers; the dead body of Pacorus borne before him. Ven. Now, darting Parthia, art thou struck; and now Before our army. Thy Pacorus, Orodes, Pays this for Marcus Crassus. Sil. Noble Ventidius. Whilst yet with Parthian blood thy sword is warm, Put garlands on thy head. 10 Ven. O Silius, Silius, I have done enough: a lower place, note well, Acquire too high a fame when him we serve's away. More in their officer than person: Sossius, One of my place in Syria, his lieutenant, For quick accumulation of renown, Sil. Which he achieved by the minute, lost his favour. 20 Becomes his captain's captain: and ambition, I could do more to do Antonius good, But 'twould offend him, and in his offence Should my performance perish. Thou hast, Ventidius, that Without the which a soldier and his sword Ven. I'll humbly signify what in his name, That magical word of war, we have effected; 30 Sil. The ne'er-yet-beaten horse of Parthia Where is he now? Ven. He purposeth to Athens: whither, with what haste The weight we must convey with's will permit, We shall appear before him. On, there; pass along ! [Exeunt. Scene II. Rome. An ante-chamber in Casar's house. Enter Agrippa at one door, and Enobarbus at another. Eno. They have dispatch'd with Pompey; he is gone; Agr. 'Tis a noble Lepidus. Eno. A very fine one: O, how he loves Cæsar! Eno. Cæsar? Why, he's the Jupiter of men. Agr. What's Antony? The god of Jupiter. Agr. O Antony! O thou Arabian bird! Eno. Would you praise Cæsar, say 'Cæsar': go no further. Agr. Indeed, he plied them both with excellent praises. Eno. But he loves Cæsar best; yet he loves Antony: Ho! hearts, tongues, figures, scribes, bards, poets, cannot Think, speak, cast, write, sing, number-ho!- |