First Guard. Enter Dercetas and Guard. What's the noise? Ant. I have done my work ill, friends: O, make an end Of what I have begun. Sec. Guard. First Guard. And time is at his period. Ail. Ant. Let him that loves me strike me dead. First Guard. Sec. Guard. Nor I. The star is fall'n. Alas, and woe! Not I. [Exeunt Guard. IIO Third Guard. Nor any one. Der. Thy death and fortunes bid thy followers fly. This sword but shown to Cæsar, with this tidings, Ant. Art thou there, Diomed? Draw thy sword, and [Exit Dercetas. give me Sufficing strokes for death. Dio. Most absolute lord, My mistress Cleopatra sent me to thee. Ant. When did she send thee? Of what hath come to pass: for when she saw Which never shall be found you did suspect Ant. Too late, good Diomed: call my guard, I prithee. ho! Come, your lord calls. Enter four or five of the Guard of Antony. 130 Ant. Bear me, good friends, where Cleopatra bides; 'Tis the last service that I shall command you. First Guard. Woe, woe are we, sir, you may not live to wear All. All your true followers out. Most heavy day! Ant. Nay, good my fellows, do not please sharp fate To grace it with your sorrows: bid that welcome And have my thanks for all. Scene XV. The same. A monument. Enter Cleopatra, and her maids aloft, with Charmian, Cleo. O Charmian, I will never go from hence. Char. Be comforted, dear madam. Cleo. No, I will not: All strange and terrible events are welcome, As that which makes it. Enter, below, Diomedes. How now! is he dead? Dio. His death's upon him, but not dead. Cleo. Ant. Look out o' the other side your monument; Enter, below, Antony, borne by the Guard. O sun, II Burn the great sphere thou movest in! darkling stand Not Cæsar's valour hath o'erthrown Antony, Cleo. I dare not, dear, Dear my lord, pardon, I dare not, Of the full-fortuned Cæsar ever shall Peace! 20 Be brooch'd with me; if knife, drugs, serpents, have Ant. Your wife Octavia, with her modest eyes And still conclusion, shall acquire no honour Assist, good friends. O, quick, or I am gone. 30 Cleo. Here's sport indeed! How heavy weighs my lord! Our strength is all gone into heaviness; All. That makes the weight. Had I great Juno's power, [They heave Antony aloft to Cleopatra. Ant. I am dying, Egypt, dying : A heavy sight! Give me some wine, and let me speak a little. Cleo. No, let me speak, and let me rail so high, Ant. That the false housewife Fortune break her wheel, One word, sweet queen: Of Cæsar seek your honour, with your safety. O! Cleo. They do not go together. Ant. Gentle, hear me: None about Cæsar trust but Proculeius. Cleo. My resolution and my hands I'll trust; None about Cæsar. Ant. The miserable change now at my end Lament nor sorrow at, but please your thoughts 4° 50 Cleo. Wherein I lived, the greatest prince o' the world, Not cowardly put off my helmet to My countryman, a Roman by a Roman Noblest of men, woo't die? Hast thou no care of me? shall I abide 60 [Antony dies. The crown o' the earth doth melt. My lord! O, wither'd is the garland of the war, The soldier's pole is fall'n: young boys and girls And there is nothing left remarkable Cleo. No more, but e'en a woman, and commanded |