The Works of Shakespeare: The tragedy of Othello ; The tragedy of Antony and Cleopatra ; The tragedy of PericlesJ. M. Dent & Company, 1904 |
From inside the book
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... play as printed in the Folio contained over one hundred and fifty verses omitted in the earlier edition , while , on the other hand , ten or fifteen lines in the Quarto were not represented in the Folio version . Thomas Walkley had not ...
... play as printed in the Folio contained over one hundred and fifty verses omitted in the earlier edition , while , on the other hand , ten or fifteen lines in the Quarto were not represented in the Folio version . Thomas Walkley had not ...
... play , for it proves that Othello was written Act of Parliament was issued in 1606 against the abuse of th God in plays . External and internal evidence seem in favour the birth - year of the tragedy , and this date has been generall ...
... play , for it proves that Othello was written Act of Parliament was issued in 1606 against the abuse of th God in plays . External and internal evidence seem in favour the birth - year of the tragedy , and this date has been generall ...
... play by such as desire to stud whereby a not altogether artless tale of horror * has become of tragedies " perhaps the greatest work in the world . " † pathetic of human compositions . " ‡ " Dreams , Books , are each a world : and books ...
... play by such as desire to stud whereby a not altogether artless tale of horror * has become of tragedies " perhaps the greatest work in the world . " † pathetic of human compositions . " ‡ " Dreams , Books , are each a world : and books ...
... civility , I thus would play and trifle with your reverence : Your daughter , if you have not given her leave , I say again , hath made a gross revolt , 119 130 1 Act I. Sc . i . TRAGEDY OF OTH ELLO , Act I. Sc . i . THE MOOR OF VENICE.
... civility , I thus would play and trifle with your reverence : Your daughter , if you have not given her leave , I say again , hath made a gross revolt , 119 130 1 Act I. Sc . i . TRAGEDY OF OTH ELLO , Act I. Sc . i . THE MOOR OF VENICE.
... , it is true , or else I am a Turk : You rise to play , and go to bed to work . Emil . You shall not write my praise . Iago . No , let me not . Des . What wouldst thou write of me , if Act II . Sc . i . TRAGEDY OF OTHELLO ,
... , it is true , or else I am a Turk : You rise to play , and go to bed to work . Emil . You shall not write my praise . Iago . No , let me not . Des . What wouldst thou write of me , if Act II . Sc . i . TRAGEDY OF OTHELLO ,
Common terms and phrases
Alexas Antony and Cleopatra Bawd beseech Boult Brabantio Cæsar Cassio Char Charmian Cleo Cleon Cleopatra Collier Cyprus daughter dead death Desdemona Dionyza dost doth Egypt emendation Emil Emilia Enobarbus Enter Antony Eros Exeunt Exit eyes farewell fear Folios fortune friends Gent give gods Guard handkerchief hath hear heart heaven Helicanus hither honest honour Iago Iras king lady lago Lepidus look lord Lysimachus madam Malone Marina Mark Antony married Mess Messenger Michael Cassio mistress Moor Mytilene ne'er never night noble Octavia Othello Parthia Pericles play Pompey pray prince Prince of Tyre prithee Prol Quartos queen Re-enter Roderigo Scene Shakespeare Sold soldier soul speak Steevens conj sword tell Thaisa thee there's thine thou art thou hast thought to-night Tyre Venice villain What's wife ΙΟ