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Raamatud Books
" ... wherein the cause of complaint shall have arisen ; provided, that such person shall give to the complainant a notice in writing of such appeal, and of the cause and matter thereof, within three days after... "
Statutes at Large ...: (37 v.) A collection of the public general statutes ... - Page 619
by Great Britain - 1839
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The Statutes of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland, Passed in ...

Great Britain - 1826 - 662 lehte
...Justice only, any Person who shall think himself or herself aggrieved by any such Conviction may appeal to the next Court of General or Quarter Sessions which shall be holden for the County or Place wherein the Cause of Complaint shall have arisen, not less than Twelve Days after the Day...
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A Treatise on Crimes and Indictable Misdemeanors, 1. köide

William Oldnall Russell - 1826 - 788 lehte
...one justice only, any person, who shall Ihink himself aggrieved by any such conviction, may appeal to the next court of general or quarter sessions which shall be holden not less than twelve days after the day of such conviction, for the county, riding, or division wherein...
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A Practical Treatise on the Criminal Law: Comprising the Practice ..., 2. köide

Joseph Chitty - 1826 - 132 lehte
...One Justice only, any Person, who shall think himself aggrieved by any such Conviction, may appeal to the next Court of General or Quarter Sessions, which shall be holden not less than Twelve Days after the Day of such Conviction, for the County, Riding, or Division wherein...
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A Collection of the Law Statutes, Passed for the Administration of Criminal ...

John Tidd Pratt - 1827 - 210 lehte
...one justice only, any person, who shall think himself aggrieved by any such conviction, may appeal to the next court of general or quarter sessions, which shall be holden not less than twelve days after the day of such conviction, for the county, riding, or division wherein...
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The Statutes of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland, Passed in ...

Great Britain - 1827 - 638 lehte
...One Justice only, any Person, who shall think himself aggrieved by any such Conviction, may appeal to the next Court of General or Quarter Sessions, which shall be holden not less than Twelve Days after the Day of such Conviction, for the County, Riding, or Division wherein...
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The Law Relative to Commitments & Convictions by Justices of the Peace: With ...

John Frederick Archbold - 1828 - 468 lehte
...whom any person shall be convicted of any offence against these acts, shall transmit the convictions to the next court of general or quarter sessions, which shall be holden for the county or place wherein the offence shall have been committed, there to be kept by the proper officer among...
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Supplement to An Analysis of the Constitution of the East-India Company: And ...

Peter Auber - 1828 - 228 lehte
...before one justice only, any person who shall think himself aggrieved by any such conviction may appeal to the next court of general or quarter sessions which shall be holden not less than twelve days after the day of such conviction, provided that such person shall give to...
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The Criminal Statutes of England: Analysed, and Arranged Alphabetically ...

John Collyer - 1828 - 700 lehte
...before one justice only, any person who shall think himself aggrieved by any such conviction, may appeal to the next court of general or quarter sessions, which shall be holden not less than twelve days after the day of such conviction, for the county, riding, or division wherein...
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Supplement to An Analysis of the Constitution of the East-India Company: And ...

Peter Auber - 1828 - 216 lehte
...before one justice only, any person who shall think himself aggrieved by any such conviction may appeal to the next court of general or quarter sessions which shall be holden not less than twelve days after the day of such conviction, provided that such person shall give to...
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An Alphabetical Arrangement of Mr. Peel's Acts, Lord Lansdowne's Act, Etc ...

John Frederick Archbold - 1830 - 328 lehte
...one justice only, any person, who shall think himself aggrieved by any such conviction, may appeal to the next court of general or quarter sessions, which shall be holden not less than twelve days after the day of such conviction, for the county, riding, or division wherein...
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