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Gifts extraordinary, and how they used them
in the church, 25.

Given up of God to hardness. See Hard-


Giver of knowledge, and all grace, is God,

Glory of God, one end of his afflicting his
children, 20.

Glory reserved for believers, 35.

Glory not in ourselves. See Humility.
Glory in God and Christ, 14.

God, his name and attributes, 2.

His greatness, majesty, perfection, and
absoluteness: his Providence, ib.
God's speaking of old by visions, dreams,
&c. 53.

God's governing all things in the general, 2.
In disposing of men's ways, 70.
God said to repent, how, 31.

God knoweth the devices of Satan, and
wicked men, and overrules them, 20.
God upholds his in, and delivers them from
trouble, ib.

Goodness of God. See Bounty.

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What the Holy Ghost testifies about
persecutions, 20.

See Spirit of God.

Honesty toward all men, 17.
Honour God, 14.

Honour saints, 15.
Honour magistrates, 22.

Honour parents. See Parents.
Honour all men, 17.
Honour of the saints, 12.
Honour each other, 15.

Honours amongst men. See World.
Honours or magistracy are of God, 22.
Hope in God, in general, 14.

In time of trouble, 20.

When our case seems desperate, 47.
Human nature of Christ, 6.

Humble behaviour toward all men, 17.

Good men, their character and behaviour, 10. Humbling of believers, God's end in af-
Good to all, 17.

Good in men, though little, commended and
rewarded, 48.

Gospel, its efficacy, 24.

Governors. See Magistrates in general.
Grace of God free in calling us, 7.

In pardon of sin, 8.

In justification, ib.

In reconciliation, ib.

In giving eternal life and salvation, ib.
Graces of the Spirit freely given of God, 18.
Grave. See Death.

Graven images, 38.

Greatness in the world. See World.
Greedy of gain. See Covetousness.
Grieve not the Holy Spirit, 19.

Grieve not the afflicted or persecuted, 20.
Grieve not the meek by offences, 15.

Grounds of comfort and support under per-
secutions, 20.

flicting, 20.

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IDLENESS. See Industry.

Forbid to the righteous, 17.

Idolatry, 38.

Jesus the Christ, 5.

Jews' murmurings, 51.

Ignorance of divine things in general, 36.
Ignorance of man by nature, 5.

Ignorance of the dead about things here, 68.
Illuminations. See Knowledge.

HAPPINESS of saints. See Glory reserved Images. See Idolatry.

for believers.

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Imaginations. See Thoughts.
Imperfection of God's children, 11.

Imposition of hands, 25.

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Invisible God, 2.

Invitations to come to Christ. See Incou-


Joining of members to churches, 25.
Israel's restoration, 55.

Judge not brethren rashly, 15.

Judge not others, no not enemies, 17.
Judgments denounced and executed, 14.
Judgment of the great day, 34.
Justice of God, 2.

Judgment righteous. See Magistrates.
Just to all men, Christians duty, 17.
Justification not by works, &c. or legal sa-
crifices, 4.

Justification free by the grace of God,
through faith in Christ, 8.

Justify God in affliction, 20.

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KEEP. God will keep his by grace, in Lying, 65.

faith and obedience to the end, 14.

Kindness of God, 2.

Kindness of Christians to one another, 15.

To their enemies, 20.

To all men, 17.

flesh, 79.

See Words.

See Sincerity and Zeal.

MAGISTRATES, magistracy, God's ordi-
nance, 22.

Magistrates, but men in God's sight, ib.

Kindred, our Lord's, according to the Magistrates duty: what they should be and

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Law's curse, 4.

Law's works or sacrifices justify not, 4.
No cause of boasting therein, 74.

Laying on of hands, 25.

Lean on God. See Trust.

Letters written to, and read in the churches,

Letters commendatory, ib.

Life eternal, 8. 35.

Lips to be taken heed to, 14.

Live to God, ib.

Living God, 2.

Long for God's presence, 14.
Long-suffering of God, 2.

Look to God always in hope, 14.

Look to God if there be but a peradven-
ture, 47.

Look to him in trouble, from whom it
comes, 20.

Look to him as the only helper, ib.

do, ib.

Majesty of God, 2.

Maintenance of the clergy, 25.

Maintenance of the poor. See Poor.

Malice. See Envy.

Man's first state, 4.

Man's fall, ib.

Man's state under the law, ib.

Under guilt, ib.

Under the curse, ib.

Man's wickedness since his fall, ib.
Man's ignorance in that state, ib.

Man's impotency in spirituals, 18.
Man's bondage to Satan, 4.
Man's sad state hence, ib.
Man's salvation, how, 5.
Marriages. See Husbands.

Martyrdom. See Suffering for Christ. See

Master's duty to servants, 16.
Mediator, Christ, 6.

Mediation. See Intercession.
Mediation, 29.

Meekness of Christ, 5.
Meekness of man, 14.

Meekness toward brethren, 15.

Meekness toward all; yea, enemies, 17.20.
Memory of God's goodness to be recorded,


Members of churches, their qualifications, 25.
Men, wise, who. See Wisdom.

Mercy of God, 2.

Men dead, ignorant of men living, 68.
Mercy toward all men, 17.

Mind of God made known in dreams, &c. 53.

Mind or thoughts of men in general, 30.

Mind; to be of one mind, the duty of bre-
thren, 15.

Ministers of Christ in general, 24.
Ministers or pastors of churches, and their
qualifications, 25.

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Moderation in all things, 14.

upon them, 20.

Oppose errors. See Seducers.

Order of the church in their assemblies and
meetings, 25.

Ordinances of God in public worship, ib.
Ordination of church officers, ib.

More than men can bear, God will not put Ordinance of magistracy. See Magistrates.

Mortality. See Death.

Mortifications. See Departing from sin.

Outward privileges no security against judg-
ments, 74.

Own God in all we do. See Providence.

PANT after God, 14.

Parables of Christ, 41.

Murmur not against God, but wait quietly Parents duty toward children, 16.

Mourn for sin, 14.

Mouth. See Words.

Murmuring of Israel, 51.

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Necromancy. See Witchcraft.

Pardon of sin, 8.

Patience of God, 2.

Patience of man in general, 14.

Patience of saints each to other, 15.
To all men, 17.

To enemies, persecutors, 20.
Patiently wait for God, 14.
Peace with God, 8.

Peace among brethren, 15.

With all men, 17.

Perfection of saints in Christ, 6.

Perjury. See Oaths.

Persecutions, 20.

Neglect not seasons for good things. See Persecuted, see it be for well doing, ib.

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Persecuting heathens, ib.

Persecuting Jews, ib.

Persecutions overruled by God, ib.
Persecuted, one's duty toward God, ib.
Toward persecutors, ib.

Their comforts therein, ib.

Persecutors designs are known to God, ib.
Persecutors reward, ib.

Perseverance, the believer's duty, 14.

Such shall have grace to persevere, ib.
Of the gift of God, 18.

Piety. See Duty toward God in general.
Pity in God, 2.

Pity saints in trouble, 20.

Pity all men, 17.


See World.

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Observe the acts of God's goodness, ib.

Obstinacy. See Hardness of Heart.

Obstinate sinners warned, threatened, and
punished, 14.

Occasion of evil, flee, ib.
Offences to be avoided, 15.

Offences of scandal to be removed, 25.
Officers of churches, ib.

How qualified, ib.

How ordained or appointed, ib.
Their maintenance, ib.

Their evils complained of, ib.

Omniscience of God, 2.

Omnipresence, ib.

Omnipotency, ib.

Only true God, ib.

Opportunity to be made use of, 45.

Oppose all high thoughts of yourselves.
See Humility,

Power of God, 2.

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To give faith, ib.

To make us fruitful, ib.

To enable us to persevere, ib.
Of life and strength, ib.

Promises of the Spirit, 19.
Promises to afflicted ones, 20.

Promises to Zion, the church of God, 25.
Promises of Israel's return, 55.

Promises of the things of this life. See
World and Contentment.

Promises of glory reserved for saints, 35.
Prophecies of Christ the Saviour. See Sal-
vation in general.

Prophecying in the church assemblies, 25.
Prosperity. See World.

Providence in general. See God's Sove-

Providence to be acknowledged in all man's
ways, 70.

Provoke not one another, 15.
Public judgments, 21.

Punishing of sin in the general, 4. 14.
Punishing of the righteous for sin, 11.
Purging of saints, God's end in their afflic-
tion, 20.

Purloining. See Theft.

QUALIFICATIONS of rulers, 22.

Qualifications of saints. See Characters of

Qualifications of gospel ministers, 24.
Qualifications of church members, 25.
Qualifications of pastors of churches, ib.
Quarrels amongst church members, ib.

Amongst Christians in general, 15.

Quench not the Spirit, 19.
Quickened by the Spirit, ib.
Quiet spirit in general, 14.

Quiet and submissive to God under afflic-

tions, 20.

Toward men, ib.

RAILINGS. See Words.

Rashness. See Moderation.

Reading scriptures, 1.

Reading them in the church assemblies, 25.
Reasonings of God with sinners, 14.
Rebellion against God. See Judgment for

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Respect for saints, 15.

Respect for all men, 17.

Resort not to such who use familiar spirits.
See Witchcraft.

Restore mutually such who sin or offend, 15.
Restoration of the Jews. See Return.
Resurrection of Christ, 6.

Resurrection of man's body, 33.

Return of the Jews to their country, 57.
Return good for evil, 17. 20.
Revile not enemies, 20.

Revelation. See Scriptures.

Revelations of old, by dreams, voices,
&c. 53.

Reverence. See Fear. See Worship of God.
Reward of holiness. See Saints privileges
and glory.

Reward of suffering for Christ, 20.
Reward of sin, 4. 14.
Reward of hypocrisy, 26.
Reward of persecutors, ib.
Riches. See World.
Righteous God, 2.

Righteous dear to Christ, 20.

Righteous in God's sight. See Justification.
Righteousness amongst men, 17.

Righteousness, mens' own, will not secure
their state, 74.

Righteousness of the law will not justify, 4.
Rock to the saints is God.

See Trust.

Rule and greatness of God, 2.
Rule and greatness of Christ, 5, 6.
Rulers of kingdoms, 22.

Rulers of faith and practice, 14.

SABBATH day, 56.

Sacrament. See Lord's Supper.
Sacrifices before the law, 43.

[blocks in formation]

Sacrifice of Christ, 6.
Sanctification by Christ, ib.
Scandals. See Discipline.

Shield God is to his. See Trust in God.
Saints interests in, and nearness to God. See
Privileges of the righteous.

Saints, or believers, their duty toward
God, 14.

Toward the Spirit, 19.

Toward Christian brethren, 15.
Toward relations in the flesh, 16.
Toward all men, 17.
Toward magistrates, 22.

Duties toward God in affliction, 20.
Toward persecutors, ib.

Toward the persecuted, ib.

Saints duty in common calamities, 21.
Saints duty in relation to worldly things.
See World.

Saints duty under temptations. See Satan,

Saints character, 10.

Saints failings, 11.

Saints corrected for it, ib.

Saints privileges, 12.

Saints known by their fruits, 10.
Salvation of sinners in general, 5.
Salvation in affliction sure to saints, 20.
When it is near; and then great and
wonderful, ib.

Sanctify God in worship, 14.
Sanctification by Christ's death, 8.

By his Spirit, 19.

Satan in general, 28.

His rule in sinners, 4.

He cannot hurt any further than God
permits, 20

Satisfaction for sin by Christ, 8.

Saviour Jesus, 5.

Savoury words. See Words.

Scandals to be removed, 25.

Scriptures of God, 1.

Scriptures the rule of faith and practice, 14.
Seventh day. See Sabbath.

Search the scriptures. See Scriptures.

Diligently about the safety of our state,
9, 10.

Seasonable speeches. See Words.
Seducers, 28.

Seek God. See Prayer at large.

Sensible, awakened sinners invited to
Christ, 77.

Servants' duty to masters, 16.
Serve God only, 14.

. Servitude to Satan, 4.

Shadow, man's life. See Death.
Shepherd, Christ, 6.
Sickness. See Trouble.
Signs of our sonship, 10.

Signs of the last times, 20. 46.
Silence. See Words.
Similitudes of Christ, 40.
Sincerity, 14.

Singing. See Prayers.

Sion's happiness, 25.

Sin, what, 14.

Sin's sad effects upon man, 4.

Sinners awakened, invited to Christ, 77.
Sins threatened and punished here, 14.
Sin not against the Holy Ghost, 19.
Sins of God's children, 11.

Sin, to be confessed and mourned for, 14.
To be forsaken, ib.

Sin's pardon, 8.

Sinfulness of man's nature, 4.

Snares and temptations from the world. See

Sobriety in mens' words. See Words.
Society with the wicked to be avoided, 17.
Sovereignty of God, 2.

Speak no evil of magistrates, 22.
Speak evil of no man, 17.
Speak truth. See Word.
Speaking. See Preaching.

Speaking blasphemy. See Blasphemy.
Speaking in general, or speeches. See

Spirit of God promised to, and working in
saints, 19.

Spirit given to, and being in the saints, ib.
Spirit's nature and operation, ib.

Spirit to be obeyed, not grieved, ib.
Stedfastly adhere to God, 14.
Strange gods. See Idolatry.
Strife. See Envy.

Stir up each other to praise God, 14.
Strive to enter in at the strait gate, 44.

Strong in faith, not to offend the weak, 15.
Subjects duties to rulers, 22.

Submission to God under trouble, 20.

Submission to God in all things. See Con-
tentment under his Providence, and con-

Sufferings of Christ, 6.

Sufferings of saints, 20.

Under God immediately, ib.
From heathen persecutors, ib.
From men professing God, ib.
Suffering. See It be for well doing, ib.
Sufferers are to be pitied, ib.
Sufferers comforts, ib.
Sufferers duties, ib.

Swearing in judgment, &c. See Oaths.
Sympathise with afflicted ones, ib.
Synagogues, priests, or authorised persons
spake in them, 25.

TAKE heed that we depart not from God,


Take rebukes kindly, 15.

Take heed of seducers. See Seducers.
Tale-bearing to be avoided, 15.

Talk. See Words.

Teachers in church assemblies, 25.

Teachers false, 28.

Temperate. See Moderation.

Temptations by Satan. See Satan, the Devil.
By deceivers. See Deceivers.
From worldly things. See World.
Tempt God, wherein men do it, 66.

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