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XLI. Contraria extrema



Tonus et color varii.

365. XLIII.

Luminis de


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Supremum in tabulis lumen captare diei.

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Let the bodies everywhere be of Diversity of different tints and colours; that those tints and colwhich are behind may be tied in friendship together; and that those which are foremost may be strong and lively.

365. XLIII.

*It is labour in vain to paint a high-noon, or mid-day light, in your The choice

Insanus labor artificum; cùm attin- picture; because we have no colours of light.

gere tantùm

Non pigmenta queant: auream

sed vespere luceml;

which can sufficiently express it: but it is better counsel to choose a weaker light; such as is that of the

Seu modicùm mane albentem; sive evening, with which the fields are

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gilded by the sun; or a morning light, whose whiteness is allayed; or that which appears after a shower of rain, which the sun gives us through the breaking of a cloud; or during thun- 370. der, when the clouds hide him from our view, and make the light of a fiery colour.


Smooth bodies, such as crystals, of certain polished metals, wood, bones, and things relating to the stones; those which are covered practical with hair, as skins, the beard, or the part. hair of the head; as also feathers, silks, and the eyes, which are of a watery nature; and those which are liquid, as waters, and those corpo- 375. real species, which we see reflected by them; and in fine, all that which touches them, or is near them, ought to be "carefully painted flat, in flowing colours; then touched up with sprightly lights, and the true lines of the drawing restored, which were lost, or confused, in working the colours together. *Let the field, or ground of the The field or picture, be pleasant, free, transient, ground of light, and well united with colours, which are of a friendly nature to each other and of such a mixture, 380. as there may be something in it of every colour that composes your work, as it were the contents of your palette. "And let those bodies that are back in the ground be painted with colours allied to those of the ground itself."


the picture.

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LI. Effigies.



Multa ex naturâ speculum præ

clara docebit ;

Quæque procul sero spatiis spectantur in amplis.

Dimidia effigies, quæ sola, vel integra plures

Ante alias posita ad lucem, stat proxima visu,

Et latis spectanda locis, oculisque remota, Luminis umbrarumque gradu sit picta supremo.

Partibus in minimis imitatio justa juvabit

Effigiem, alternas referendo tempore eodem

395. Consimiles partes; cum luminis atque coloris

Compositis, justisque tonis; tunc parta labore

Si facili et vegeto micat ardens, viva videtur.

Locus tab- Visa loco angusto tenere pingantur, amico


Juncta colore, graduque; procul quæ picta, feroci

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If there be a half figure, or a whole L. one, to be set before the other fig- ure, or a A half figures, and placed nearer to the view, and next the light; or if it is to be ers. painted in a great place, though at a 990. distance from the eye; be sure on these occasions not to be sparing of great lights, the most lively colours, nor the strongest shadows.



*As for a portrait, or pictures by A portrait. the life, you are to work precisely after nature, and to express what she shows you, working at the same time on those parts which are resembling to each other: as for example, the eyes, the cheeks, the nostrils, and the lips; so that you are to touch the one, as soon as you have given a stroke of the pencil to the other, lest the interruption of time cause you to lose the idea of one part, which nature has produced to resemble the other; and thus imitating feature for feature, with a just and harmonious composition of the lights and shadows, and of the colours; and giving to the picture that liveliness, which the freedom and force of the pencil make appear, it may seem, the living hand of nature.


The works which are painted to The place of

be seen near, in little or narrow the picture. places, must be very tender and well united with tints and colours; "let

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LV. Errores et vitia pictu


Quæ vacuis divisa cavis, vitare

Trita, minuta, simul quæ non sti-
pata dehiscunt;
Barbara, cruda oculis, rugis fucata

Luminis umbrarumque tonis æqua-
lia cuncta;

410. Foeda, cruenta, cruces, obscoena,
ingrata, chimeras,


Prudentia in pictore.

Sordidaque et misera, et vel acuta,
vel aspera tactu;

Quæque dabunt formæ, temerè con-
gesta, ruinam,


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If the picture be set in a place What lights which receives but little light, the are requicolours must be very clear; as, on the contrary, very brown, if the 405. place be strongly enlightened, or in the open air.


which are

Remember to avoid objects which Things
are full of hollows, broken in pieces, vicious in
little, and which are separated, or in painting to
be avoided.
parcels; shun also those things
which are barbarous, shocking to the
eye, and party-coloured, and which
are all of an equal force of light and
shadow; as also all things which are 410.
obscene, impudent, filthy, unseemly,
cruel, fantastical, poor, and wretched;
and those things which are sharp to
the feeling; in short, all things which
corrupt their natural forms, by a
confusion of their parts which are

Implicitas aliis confundent mixtaque entangled in each other: "For the
eyes have a horror for those things,
which the hands will not condescend
to touch."

Dumque fugis vitiosa, cave in
contraria labi

415. Damna mali; vitium extremis nam
semper inhæret.

LVII. Elegantium idea tabularum.

Pulchra gradu summo, graphidos

stabilita vetuste
Nobilibus signis, sunt grandia, dis-

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But while you endeavour to avoid The prudential part of a one vice, be cautious lest you fall painter. into another; for "extremes are al- 415. ways vicious."


Those things which are beautiful The idea of a beautiful in the utmost degree of perfection, piece. according to the axiom of ancient painters, ought to have somewhat of greatness in them, and their outlines to be noble; they must be disentangled, pure, and without alteration, clean, and knit together; composed of great parts, yet those but few in number. In fine, distinguished by bold colours; but of such as are related and friendly to each 420. other. And as it is a common say Advice to a ing, that "he who has begun well, young painthas already performed half his work;" er. * so there is nothing more pernicious to a youth who is yet in the elements of painting, than to engage himself under the discipline of an ignorant master; who depraves his taste, by


125. Ex pravis libare Typis, mentemque


Inficere in toto quod non abstergitur


Nec graphidos rudis artis adhuc

citò qualiacunque Corpora viva super, studium meditabitur, ante

Illorum quam symmetriam, internodia, formam 430.,Noverit, inspectis, docto evolvente magistro,

LIX. Ars debet servire pictori, non pictor arti.

LX. Oculos recreant diversitas et

Archetypis; dulcesque dolos præsen

serit artis.

Plusque manu ante oculos quam voce docebitur usus.

Quære artem quæcumque juvant; fuge quæque repugnant.

Corpora diversæ naturæ juncta placebunt ; operis facil- Sic ea quæ facili contempta labore

itas, qua speciatim

ars dicitur.


videntur; Ethereus quippe ignis inest et spiritus illis ;

Mente diu versata, manu celeranda repenti.

Arsque laborque operis grata sic fraude latebit: Maxima deinde erit ars, nihil artis inesse videri.

440. Nec prius inducas tabulæ pigmenta colorum, Expensi quàm signa typi stabilita nitescant,

Archetypus in mente, apographum in tela.

LXII. Circinus in oculis.

Et menti præsens operis sit pegma futuri.

Prævaleat sensus rationi, quæ officit arti Conspicua; inque oculis tantummodo circinus esto.

an infinite number of mistakes, of which his wretched works are full, 425. and thereby makes him drink the poison which infects him through all his future life.

Let him who is yet but a beginner, not make so much haste to study after nature every thing which he intends to imitate, as not in the mean time to learn proportions, the connexion of the joints, and their outlines: and let him first have well examined the 430. excellent originals, and have thoroughly studied all the pleasing deceptions of his art; which he must be rather taught by a knowing master, than by practice; and by seeing him perform, without being contented only to hear him speak.


*Search whatsoever is aiding to Art must be your art, and convenient; and avoid subservient those things which are repugnant er. to the paintto it.


* Bodies of divers natures, which Diversity are aggrouped (or combined) to- are pleasing. and facility gether, are agreeable and pleasant to the sight; as also those things which seem to be slightly touched, and performed with ease; because 435 they are ever full of spirit, and appear to be animated with a kind of celestial fire. But we are not able to compass these things with facility, till we have for a long time weighed them in our judgment, and thoroughly considered them: by this means the painter shall be enabled to conceal the pains and study which his art and work have cost him, under a pleasing sort of deceit; for the greatest secret which belongs to art, is to hide it from the discovery of specta

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445. Utere doctorum monitis, nec
sperne superbus


pictori nocet Discere, quæ de te fuerit sententia

Est cæcus nam quisque suis in re-
bus, et expers
Judicii, prolemque suam miratur

Ast ubi consilium deerit sapientis

450. Id tempus dabit, atque mora inter-
missa labori.




Non facilis tamen ad nutus, et ina-
nia vulgi

* Profit yourself by the counsels of 445. LXIII. the knowing; and do not arrogantly Pride an endisdain to learn the opinion of emy to good every painting. man concerning your work. All men are blind as to their own productions, and no man is capable of judging in his own cause. * But if you have no knowing friend to assist you with his advice, yet length of time will 450 never fail; it is but letting some weeks pass over your head, or at least some days, without looking on your work; and that intermission will faithfully discover to you the

Dicta, levis mutabis opus, genium- faults and beauties. Yet suffer not

que relinques :

Nam qui parte sua sperat bene posse

Multivaga de plebe, nocet sibi, nec
placet ulli.

Cumque opere in proprio soleat se
pingere pictor,
(Prolem adeo sibi ferre parem natu-
ra suevit,)
Proderit imprimis pictori γνῶθι σεαυ-


Ut data quæ genio colat, abstineat-
que negatis.

Fructibus utque suus nunquam est
sapor, atque venustas
460. Floribus, insueto in fundo, præcoce
sub anni
Tempore, quos cultus violentus et ig-
nis adegit:
Sic nunquam, nimio
Et picta invito genio, nunquam illa

LXV. Quod mente conceperis manu

quæ sunt extorta

Vera super meditando, manûs labor

yourself to be carried away by the
opinions of the vulgar, who often
speak without knowledge; neither
give up yourself altogether to them,
and abandon wholly your own ge-
nius, so as lightly to change that
which you have made; for he who
has a windy head, and flatters him-
self with the empty hope of deserv-
ing the praise of the common people,
(whose opinions are inconsiderate
and changeable,) does but injure him-
self, and pleases no man.


Since every painter paints himself 455. in his own works, (so much is na- Know ture accustomed to produce her own yourself. likeness,) it is advantageous to him to know himself, to the end that he may cultivate those talents which make his genius, and not unprofitably lose his time, in endeavouring to gain that which she has refused him. As neither fruits have the taste, nor 460. flowers the beauty which is natural to them, when they are transplanted into an unkindly or foreign soil, and are forced to bear before their season, by an artificial heat; so it is in vain for the painter to sweat over his works, in spite of nature and of genius; for without them it is impossible for him to succeed.

LXV. * While you meditate on these Perpetually practise, truths, and observe them diligently, and do easily 465. Nec tamen obtundat genium, men- by making necessary reflections on have con


LXVI. Matutinum


labori ap


improbus adsit.

tisque vigorem.

Optima nostrorum pars matutina

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