WISDOM is the principal thing: therepre get Wifdom:get Understanding.. forsake her not, and she shall preserve thee: love her and she shall keep thee, and bring thee to honour: Prov. IV. 5.6.7. WISDOM casting forth the Rays of Learning and Knowledge over the Island of Great Britain & Ireland and BRITANIA on her right hand with an Angeb descending to her with a Crow'n of Laurel OF An Impartial Account of Books in feveral Languages and of the State of Learning in Europe: Alfo Of the STAGE, New OPERAS, PLAYS, and ORATORIOS VOL.IV. Published Monthly according to Act of Parliament By John Hinton, at the Kings Arms in S. Pauls ChurchYard London [Price Six Pence.] ১ Published according to Act of Parliament, For JOHN HINTON, at the King's-Arms in St. Paul's Church-Yard, London. 1749. [Price Six-Pence.] To the Proprietors of the UNIVERSAL MAGAZINE. B 389495 |